WALTER A NELSON Professor of Education, 1987 BA , Columbia Bible College; B.A., Seattle Pacific University; D.Ed. , University of Oregon. GEORGE M. NISHIDA Professor of Sociology, 1964 B.A. , Pasadena College; M.A., California State University, Los Angeles ; MA , Ph.D. , University of California, Riverside. EDWARD H. NORMAN Dean, School of Arts and Sciences; Professor of Physical Education, 1962 B.S , Springfield College; MA , Ball State Univer sity; Ed.D. , Universi ty of Southern California. ELIZABETH G. NORMAN Associate Professor of Physical Education, 1962 B.S. , Taylor University; M.A. , Ball State Un iversity. MATTHEW C. ORR Assistant Professor of Physical Education, 1973 B.A. , Biola College; M.A. , California State Univer sity, Fullerton. MARLIN OWEN Associate Professor of Music, 1982 BS. , Mankato State Un iversity; M.A. , University of California, San Diego. RAPHAEL PAYNE Associate Professor of Biological Science, 1970 B.A. , Westmont College; M.S. , University of Ne braska; Ph.D. , studies in progress, University of Nebraska. CAROL M. PEIRCE Assistant Professor of Communication, 1985 B.A. , Barrington College; M.Ed., M.A. , PhD , Bowling Green State University. C. DAVID PETERS Professor of Political Science, 1966 B.A. , M.A. , Ph.D. , University of Oklahoma. RONALD PIERCE Associate Professor of Biblical Studies and Theol ogy, 1976 B.A. ,John Brown University; M.Div. , Th .M., Talbot Theological Seminary; Ph D, Fuller Theological Seminary. • PATRICIA L PIKE A.5sistant Professor of Psychology, I983 B.A. , M.A. , Ph.D. , University of Hawaii. PAUL L POELSTRA Professor of Psychology, Director of Summer Ses sion and Interterm, 1963 B.A. , Biola College; M.A. , Ph.D., Claremont Grad uate School. KEN POLITE Associate Professor of Psychology, Director of Clinical Training, 1982 B.A. , Evangel College; M.A. , Ph.D , Fuller The ological Seminary Graduate School of Psychology. ROBERT RADCLIFFE Associate Professor of Christian Education, 1976 B.A., M.A. , Wheaton College; Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School. D. LANCE REVENAUGH Instructor in Business Administration, 1985 B.B.A. , M.B.A. , Baylor University. RICHARD 0. RIGSBY A.5sociate Professor of Semitics and Old Testament, 1974 B.A., John B. Stetson University; M.Div. , Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D. , South ern Baptist Theological Seminary.
JUAN!Th RYAN Assistant Professor of Nursing, 1986 B.S., California State University, Sacramento; M.S. , University of Wisconsin. JAMES RYND Professor of Chemistry, 1970 Diploma, Moody Bible Institute; B.S., University of Illinois; Ph.D , University of California, Riverside. MARK SARGENT Associate Professor of English, 1981 B.A. , University of California, Santa Barbara; M.A. , Ph.D. , Claremont Graduate School. CHARLES J SARVER A.5sociate Professor of Physical Education, 1966 B.A. , University of California, Berkeley; M.A. , Cali fornia State University, Long Beach. CONNIE SARVER A.5sociate Professor of Physical Education, 1968 B.A. , Biola College; M.A. , California State Univer sity, Long Beach; Ph.D. , Texas Woman's University ROBERT L SAUCY Professor of Systematic Theology, 1961 B.A., Westmont College; Th.M. , Th.D. , Dallas BR.E. , Briercrest Bible College; M.A , Talbot The ological Seminary; Ed.D. , studies in progress, Tal bot School of Theology. JACK SCHWARZ Professor of Music, 1965 B.A. , Biola College; M.M., D.M.A. , University of Associate Professor of Communication, 1964 B.A. , Asbury College; M.A. , California State Uni versity, Long Beach. WILLIAM D. SHANEBECK A.5sociate Professor of English, 1962 B.A., Asbury College; M.A. , University of Michigan. JAY SHANOR Associate Professor of Foreign Languages, 1983 B.A. , M.A. , Ph.D., University of California, Irvine. CLAIRE SIBOLD A.5sistant Professor of Education, 1987 B.A. , Linfield College; M.A. , University of Wash ington ; Ph.D. , Arizona State University. DON SIMMONS Instructor of Business Administration, 1987 Theological Seminary. IRENE SCHROEDER Instructor of Christian Education, 1987 Southern California. C. DIANE SHANEBECK B.S. Baptist College of Charleston; M.A , South western Baptist Theo. Seminary; Ed.D. , (in pro cess) East Texas State University; M.P.A., (in pro cess) University of San Francisco. LYLE H. SMITH, JR. Associate Professor of English, 1978 B.A. , M.A., Ph.D. , University of Minnesota. ROGER G. SOULE Professor of Physical Education, 1979 B.S , State University of New York, Cortland; M.S., University of Illinois; Ph.D., Washington State University
A.5sociate Professor of Physical Education, 1971 B.A. , M.A. , California State University, Long Beach. LARRY MARSHBURN Director of the Library, A.5sociate Professor, 1982 BA. , Whittier College; M.S. , University of Wiscon sin. FRANK I. MARTINEZ Assistant Professor of Psychology, 1984 B.A. , University of California at Los Angeles; M.A. , Ph.D. , University of Nebraska. MARVIN K. MAYERS Dean, School of Intercultural Studies, Professor of Intercultural Studies, 1982 B.A. , Wheaton College; M.Div. , Fuller Theological Seminary; M.A. , Ph.D. , University of Chicago. GARY L. McINTOSH A.5sistant Professor of Practical Theology, Director D.Min. Program, 1986 B.A. , Rockmont College; M.Div., Western Conser vative Baptist Seminary; D.Min. , Fuller Theologi cal Seminary. OLIVE W McLAUGHLIN Assistant Professor of Nursing, 1975 B.S. , R.N , Un iversity of Oregon; M.S.N , Califor nia State University, Los Angeles. WILLIAM M. McQUEEN, JR. A.5sociate Professor of Psychology, 1978 B.A. , M.A. , PhD , University of South Carolina. CURTIS C. MITCHELL Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology, I966 B.A. , Biola College; BD, Talbot Theological Seminary; Th.M. , Western Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary; Th.D. , Grace Theological Seminary. RICHARD J MOHLINE Dean of Administration, Rosemead School of Psy chology, A.5sociate Professor of Practical Theology, 1970 Diploma, Moody Bible Institute; B.A. , Wheaton College; M.Div. , Gordon Conwell Seminary; M.Ed. , Loyola University, Chicago. GEORGE C. MOORE Director of Ethnic and International Student Re lations, Instructor of Biblical Studies and Theol ogy, 1975 Diploma, Bible Institute of Los Angeles; BA , Biola College; M.Div , Th.M. , Talbot Theological Seminary. J. VINCENT MORRIS A.5sociate Professor of Foreign Languages, 1971 B.A. , Westmont College; Th.M., Dallas Theologi cal Seminary; M.A. , Ed.D, Arizona State Universi ty NANCY MURPHY Instructor of Nursing, 1984
B.S. , Wheaton College. S. BRUCE NARRAMORE Dean, Rosemead School of Psychology Professor of Psychology, 1970
B.A. , Westmont College; M.A , Pepperdine College; M.A., Fuller Theological Seminary; Ph.D. , Un i
versity of Kentucky. THOMAS L NASH
A.5sociate Professor of Communication, 1977 B.S. , John Brown University; M.A. , Ph.D. , Michi gan State University.
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