

two hours of leadership laboratory weekly (normally Thursday after­ noon or evening). Students enrolled in the final two years of the program receive $1000 annual stipend. Students may participate as a member of a local Reserve unit and ROTC under the Simultaneous Membership Program and increase stipends to $4000 annually, de­ pending on the frequency of Reserve unit meetings and activities. Courses include: Freshmen, U.S. Defense Establishment I & II , Princi­ ples of Navigation Applicable to Maneuver; Sophomores, U.S. Military History I & II , Modern Guerrilla Warfare; Juniors , Psychology of Leadership I & II , Theory of Learning Applied to Teaching; Seniors, Ethics and Professionalism, Decision Making and Military Legal Sys­ tems. ROTC is not a college major but can provide 25 units of elective credit during four years of participation. Regular classes include training exercises and trips to Camp Pendleton, Fort Ord (near Monte­ rey), and Edwards Air Force Base; one exercise per term. Rappelling, helicopter trips and familiarity with other Army equipment are a part of extracurricular activities and training exercises. Scholarships are available competitivelyon a national and depart­ mental basis. Four-, three- and two-year scholarships are available and range from $200 to $5 ,000 a year depending on type of award and tuition costs. High school seniors must complete applications for national competition early (usually before December 1st) prior to the year theyplan to attend. Four-year scholarship winners must attend an institution offering the four-year ROTC program. 1\vo-year competitive, national scholarships are available to sophomores and juniors who have at least two years of undergraduate ancVor graduate school remaining and who attend a six-weeksummer camp prior to attending regular ROTC university classes. Completion of the ROTC program and commissioning will lead to positions of considerable responsibility, diverse travel to exciting duty stations and opportunities for rapid advancement. For details or further information on ROTC, associated scholarships or enrollment proce­ dures, please contact the Department of Military Science, UCLA, Men 's Gym, Room 142 , Los Angeles, CA 90024, (213) 825-7381 or 825-7384. It is possible for interested students to enroll in the Army ROTC program at the University of California, Los Angeles. Four-, three- and two-year programs leading to a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army Reserve or Regular Army are offered. All students enrolled in the final two years of the program receive an allowance of $100 per month during the school year. Scholarships are avai lable competitively, in addition to the monthly allowance for all advanced course students. For further information contact the depart­ ment of military science at the University of California, Los Angeles, California 90024. AIR FORCE ROTC Through arrangements with the University of Southern California and California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) both the two- and four-yearAir Force Reserve Officers Training Corps (AFORTC) programs are available to all qualified, full -t ime students. Academic units earned in this program are counted as elective units toward fulfillment of graduation requirements. Successful completion of the AFROTC pro­ gram leads to a commission as an officer in the United States Air Force. Those students who qualify for and plan to enter Air Force pilot training wi ll be given flight instruction as a part of their last year in either the two- or four-year program. Scholarships are available to qualified students on a competitive basis. All scholarship recipients receive full tuition , required fees and books and $100 a month. Students on scholarship in the first two years of the program must successfully complete a course in English composition within two academic years from scholarship activation. Students in the last two years of the program must successfully complete a course in mathematical reason­ ing prior to commissioning. Students who accept a scholarship must agree to successfully complete at least one term of college instruction in a major Indo-European language prior to commissioning. For addi­ tional information contact the Department of Aerospace Studies (AFROTC) at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles , Cali­ fornia 90089, (213) 743-2670 or CSULB, Long Beach, California 90840, (2 13) 498-5743.

LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES PROGRAM The Latin American Studies Program is sponsored by the Christian College Coalition of which Biola University is a member. This program provides students the opportunity to live , study and work for four months in Central America, most of which is spent in Costa Rica. Students spend the initial six-weeks in saturated language study. This is followed with two three-week seminars on problems on Central America and social and economic development issues. The final month is spent in travel through Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, safety permitting. For additional information and application see Dr. Edward Norman, Dean, School of Arts and Sciences or make inquiry in the Department of History. SUMMER SESSION Agrowing and continuing summer session program provides stu­ dents with the opportunity for a greater degree of flexibility in planning their total program. Students may enrich their course of study and reduce the overall time spent in school or decrease their regular course load by careful selection of summer session courses. Visiting students find it refreshing to study in a different atmosphere and perhaps a different locale and entering students find it helpful in gaining ad­ vanced standing. Work taken maybe applied to both the degree and the teaching credential programs. Instruction is offered in standard courses by the Biola faculty and capable visiting professors. Courses offered cover the areas of art, Bible, theology, Greek, history, literature, mathematics, philosophy, psychology, biological science, sociology and other subjects, including education courses for teach ing credential candidates. Graduate courses in theology and psychology enable graduate students to continue their programs during summer sessions. Credit is also available in connection with excellent foreign tours conducted during the summer. Tuition, room and board are lower than regular charges at private colleges; total costs are competitive with state summer session charges. See section on financial information for summer session tuition. Certain courses or workshops may be offered in the summer that are not listed in this bulletin . Courses may be innovative or the content may be in response to specialized needs or current topics. Such courses wi ll be described in the separate summer session bulletin. Requests for the summer session bulletin, which is available about February 15, and app lication forms for admission should be addressed to the office of admissions and records. Admission to the summer program does not presuppose or grant acceptance to the university for the regular school year. INTERTERM To facilitate the completion of graduation and also to allow expo­ sure to creative learning and to enrich students ' academic programs, the university provides an interterm program in January. Resident hall rooms are provided at no extra charge only for on-campus fall students who occupy a room during the spring semester. All other students attending Interterm are charged a prorated weekly rate. Tuition charges are about one half of the regular school year charge. Separate prices will be available for meals during interterm. (Graduate psychology courses excepted.) Abalanced program of general education, Bible, elective and gradu­ ate courses is offered on campus. Opportunities also will be given to participate in travel and other non-traditional courses. Class schedules for interterm will be available May 1. For further information, please write to the director of Interterm. ARMY ROTC The Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) Program is available to qualified students through the UCLA Extension program. Successful completion of the four- or two-year program leads to a commission as a Second Lieutenant in one of the seventeen specialties in the Army Reserve, National Guard or Regular Army; student 's choice. Participants in ROTC must be phys ically qualified, full-time stu­ dents (I 2credit units, per term, includingROTC) at the undergraduate or graduate level. Courses consist of two academic classroom hours and

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