
uate students) and the vice president, university student affairs (gradu­ ate students). The grade point average of a student is obtained by dividing the total number of units attempted at Biola University into the total number of grade points obtained at Biola. (This calculation starts anew when a student receiving a baccalaureate degree at this institution subsequent­ ly enters a graduate program.) To graduate with a baccalaureate degree , a student must have at least twice as many grade points as units in total credit value of all courses undertaken at Biola (2 .00 grade point average) and a 2.00 grade point average in the major field. Higher standards are required for graduate degrees, as stated elsewhere in this catalog. Astudent will be permitted to repeat a course in which either a Dor an Fgrade was earned. Courses in which grades earned were either Cor B, may be repeated only with approval from the dean for university admissions and records. The grades processor in the admissions and records office must be notified when a course is repeated. When a course is repeated where a student has received a Dor F grade the first time, the better grade is the only one used in computing the cumulative grade point average, and the units are counted only once. When a course is repeated where a student has received a Cor Bgrade the first time, both the first and the second grades figure into the total cumulative grade point average computation. Grades reports will be issued to students from the office of admis­ sions and records. GRADE CHANGES It is the student's responsibility to bring any error in grades to the attention of the instructor within one semester following the issued grade. Grade changes are only allowable for computational or recording errors and must be corrected no later than the last day of classes of the next full term semester. AUDITORS Students wishing to audit courses must pursue normal application and registration procedures. Undergraduate students cannot register for a course until the second week of the semester. (See financial informa­ tion for fees.) Talbot students must be college graduates and must pay the same fees as those taking courses for credit. Auditors must receive permission from the instructors of the courses to be audited. Acourse taken for audit cannot be repeated for credit at a later date. PRE-REGISTRATION Pre-registration for the fall semester is held during the month of May, and for the spring semester in late November and early December. All students are required to pre-register if theyplan to return to school the next semester. Failure to pre-register will mean filing an application for re-admission ($25 fee) if the individual plans to enroll for the next semester. ACADEMIC LOAD The minimum full-time load is 12 units at the undergraduate level. Astudent who is on academic probation may be limited to 12 units or less depending upon his grade point average. Aminimum of ten units must be taken by those living on campus. The minimum full -time load is nine units for those in graduate degree programs. Those carrying less than the full-time load are considered part-time students. ATalbot student is normallypermitted to carry a maximum of 18 units each semester. The normal full-time load for a Rosemead student is 12 to 15 hours per semester, but not less than nine hours. Without the advisor's approval , a student may not carry over 16 units in any semester. Part­ time registration of less than nine units is permitted onlyafter a student has been admitted to candidacy Rosemead does not admit part-time students to its degree programs. Aunit of credit is generally considered to consist of one class hour (50 minutes) a week for a semester. In physical education activities, laboratory sessions and in a few other instances, a unit of credit may involve more than one class period a week. Generallyan undergraduate student is limited to seventeen units of classroom work a semester. After the first semester a student with a

CHANGE OF REGISTRATION Astudent who finds it necessary to drop or add a class must obtain from the office of admissions and records the proper form for such a procedure. Astudent who drops a course without fulfilling this require­ ment will receive a "UW" in the subject. Acharge of $3 is made for each class change transaction. Addition of classes may be made during the first two weeks of the semester. After that date courses cannot be added unless approved by the director of records. Courses may be dropped without penalty during the first 12 weeks of classes. If a course is dropped during the first eight weeks of classes, it will not be recorded on the student's permanent record. Courses dropped between the ninth and twelfth week of classes will have a grade of "W" recorded. WITHDRAWAL Astudent who officially withdraws from the university during a semester will receive a grade of "W" in all courses if withdrawal is no later than the end of the 12th week of class. Otherwise, a grade of "UW" or "F" will be given. Acourse which is dropped by a Talbot student doing passing work results in a grade of "W," but for a course dropped while one is not doing passing work a grade of "F" will be recorded. A student who withdraws may be granted honorable dismissal provided that he has met all his financial obligations to the university, has secured a withdrawal card from the office of admissions and records and completed all forms for withdrawal and is in good standing at the time. Astudent who withdraws unofficially, that is, he has not completed the proper forms supplied by the director of records , will not receive a refund of any portion of his tuition or fees and will receive a grade of "UW" in each course. If he has no financial obligations to the university, a transcript of his work will be sent to another school upon request. ATTENDANCE Regular class attendance is expected of all students. Classes are conducted in a manner that wi ll encourage academic excellence and the growth of Christian character. Because of the tremendous variety of class size and purpose, specific requirements in attendance, the final authority for attendance and any effect that it might have upon grades rests with the individual faculty member. GRADES (Graduate students should see the appropriate section of the catalog for further grade information.) Quality of course work is graded on the following scale, with a system of grade points used to determine a student's general grade­ point average or standing: Grade: Quality: Grade Points: A A- Highest Passing Grade B 3.00 B2.67 C+ 2.33 C C­ Satisfactory 2.00 1.67 D+ 1.33 D 1.00 0- Lowest Passing Grade 0.67 (for undergraduate courses) F Failure 0.00 Good Acredit "CR" indicates the completion of course work with academ­ ic performance equal to or higher than the "satisfactory" standard for the degree program (normally "C" 2. 00 for undergraduate programs and "B" 3.00 for graduate programs.) A"W" indicates an official withdrawal from a course and does not affect the student's grade point average. A"UW" indicates an unofficial withdrawal. Students who register for courses but do not attend classes are given the grade of "UW" which will influence the grade point average the same as an " F." Atemporary mark of "RD" (report delayed) will be issued in special cases when approved by the dean of student affairs office (undergrad- 4.00 3.67 3.33 B+

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