Old Testament Studies Required Courses For All Students 101 EARLY HEBREW HISTORY (3)
410 SEMINAR IN ART (1-6) Independent study in areas of concentration under faculty direction with emphasis in history, studio and creative research. Prerequisite: Con sent. Seminars may be repeated. Fee: $15. 411 CERAMICS III (3) Advanced forming, including sculptural forms in clay, along with continued exploration with glaze formu lations. Fee: $25. 412 INTERNSHIP IN GRAPHIC ART TECHNOLOGY (3) Internship program with local art studios, graphic art firms and publishing companies. 413 PAINTING III (3) Extensive experimentation in studio problems with emphasis on individual direction and expres sion. Fee: $15. 414 PAINTING IV (3) Exploration of specific problems in each stu dent's area of concentration and interest. Fee: $15. 415 SCULPTURE III (3) Experimental sculpture. Advanced individual development of style and aesthetics. Prerequisite: 210. Fee: $25. 416 SCULPTURE IV (3) Concentration on independent creativity cover ing a wide range of media and methods with an emphasis on the formation of ideas and their interpretations. Prerequisite: 415 or consent. Fee: $25. 417 PRINTMAKING III (3) Exploration of personal imagery through the utilization of various technical approaches in the application of color to plates generated from inta glio , relief and collograph methods of print making. Single plate applications of color and multiple plate printing will be taught. Fee: $15. 418 CERAMICS IV (3) Experimental ceramics. Advanced individual development of style and aesthetics. Prerequisite: 4IL Majors only. Fee: $25. 419 GRAPHIC DESIGN II (3) Aconsideration of psychological, technical and aesthetic concerns relating to various types of advertising art including mailers, folders, brochures, and package design. Includes begin ning production processes covering I and 2 color preseparation art. Fee: $ I5. 420 GRAPHIC DESIGN III (3) Aconsideration of advanced design concepts and production skills on 4 color projects integrat ing design and typography; preparation for start ing a professional career in art including promo tional pieces, portfolio preparation and informa tion on employment opportunities. Fee: $15. 421 PRINTMAKING IV (3) Exploration of the translation of photographic images into the printmaking mediums. Avariety of methods available through printmaking, pho tography and drawing will be used separatelyor in combination, to realize the desired image. Fee: $15.
424 COMPUTER GRAPHICS (3) An introduction to the fundamentals of com puter graphics programming. Includes construct ing figures or objects, moving scaling rotating and transforming them into new shapes. Pro gramming, computer interaction concepts and their application in creating graphics programs. 426 INTRODUCTION TO ART THERAPY (3) An introduction to the principles, methods, and the application of art therapy techniques to the field of mental health. The client/therapist relationship, media and methods, case studies, mrking with groups and individuals, aesthetic considerations as related to therapy, art as an aid in diagnosis, and methods of defining therapeutic goals through art will be addressed. Fee: $25. 460 SENIOR ART EXHIBIT (0) Preparation for Senior art exhibition under direction of faculty member. Required of all ma jors with the exception of Pre-Art Therapy majors. Biblical Studies and Theology
Ahistory of Israel 's beginnings through the united kingdom, including matters of authorship, dating and the historical-theological setting of the
Pentateuch and early historical books. 102 LATER HEBREW HISTORY (3)
A continuation of Israel 's history from the divided kingdom through the post-exilic period, including matters of authorship , dating and his toric-theological setting of the later historical books, poetic and wisdom literature and the pro phetic books. Elective Courses 300 ADVANCED STUDIES IN OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY AND THEOLOGY (3) Religious, cultural , political and theological investigations of Israelite history in key portions of the Old Testament. 310 STUDIES IN BIBLICAL BACKGROUNDS (3) The contributions of archaeology, historical geography, manners and customs in light of spe cific Biblical texts. Various types of poetic and wisdom literatures emphasizing poetic devices and principles of in terpretation. 440 ADVANCED STUDIES IN OLD TESTAMENT PROPHECY (3) Selections from the major or minor prophets in light of literary, historical and theological con siderations. 450 OLD TESTAMENT THEOLOGY (3) Introduction to the history of the discipline; a consideration of the basic themes developed in the Old Testament from the standpoint of biblical theology. An in-depth study of a limited group of writers, themes, or a selection of literature from a particular period of Israel 's history may form a portion of the course. New Testament Studies Required Courses For All Students 201 NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE I (3) Literature of the four gospels ; use of narrative, historical method, sources; authorship and con tent of each gospel ; the synoptic problem and contribution of each gospel to the knowledge of Christ. 430 ADVANCED STUDIES IN OLD TESTAMENT POETIC AND WISDOM LITERATURE (3) 202 NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE II (3) Epistolary form, content, theological contribu tion, canonicity and interpretation; historical background in comparison with the book of Acts. 300 EARLY CHRISTIAN HISTORY - ACTS (3) The book of Acts with emphasis on the mis sionary philosophy and activity of the early church and its current application to missions. Elective Courses 310 ADVANCED STUDIES IN THE GOSPELS (3) In-depth study of one of the gospels or detailed consideration of problems related to several or all of the gospels.
A Division ofTalbot School ofTheology
Dean: W. Bingham Hunter, Ph.D. Associate Dean: Dennis H. Dirks, Ph.D. Wayne S. Flory, Th M., Undergraduate Director Faculty Professors: Kurtaneck, Mitchell Associate Professors: Curtis, Pierce, Flory Instructors: Chute, Moore Objectives: Coursemrk in biblical studies and theology is central to the Biola University curriculum. Upon completion of any degree program, it is intended the student will be acquainted with biblical content through the grammatico-historical method of interpreta tion; have a grasp of the major doctrines of the Word of God and have a greater spiritual matu rity, which wi!l enable the student to serve the Christian community effectively Department Major: Biblical studies and the ology majors must take all of the general Bible requirements, excluding the three-unit elective. In addition , each major is required to take the following courses: Romans (NT 320) , Old Testa ment or New Testament Theology (OT 450/NT 450) , six units upper division Old Testament electives, six units upper division New Testament electives, six units upper division Old Testament or New Testament or Theology electives, History 304 or 324 and 321 and twelve units of either Greek or Hebrew (select either Greek 101, 102, 201 202 or Hebrew IOI , 102, 210, 202). The flexibility of electives within this major will enable the student to design a program in line with his/ her professional and ministry objectives, and fu ture specialization.
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