3) Intercultural. Vocational opportunities with this option include service on a foreign mission field or service in one of the many subcultures in the pluralistic society of the United States. 4) Diversified. This option is for those who wish to design a specialization unique to their interests such as church-related camping, counseling, communication, business, music, computer sci ence, etc. 5) Elementary Teaching Credential Program. This option combines the C.E. major core with liberal studies courses. This specialization re quires more units than the others do but some units in the C.E. core are substituted for credential requirements. Students must pass the general knowledge section of the National Teachers Ex amination (NTE) prior to student teaching. 6) Pre-seminary in Christian Education. If a student plans to pursue graduate work in Chris tian education, there are specialization courses appropriate to a broader foundation in specified areas. 7) Pre-seminary in Family Ministries. This spe cialization is designed to prepare the student for the graduate work in marriage and family minis tries. 8) Pre-seminary in Pastoral Ministry. This spe cialization provides a strong foundation in Chris tian education upon which to build a well-round ed pastoral ministry. Students wishing to do graduate work in the field of Christian education may wish to take advantage of the Master of Arts program offered at Talbot School of Theology. The undergraduate and graduate programs have been designed to minimize overlap and to maximize continued development and growth of the student in the field. There are three specializations designed for students who wish to plan for graduate work at Talbot School of Theology. One specialization is designed for the M.A. in Christian education at Talbot School of Theology another for the Master of Arts in marriage and familyministries and the third is the Master of Divinity degree. Detailed information regarding these areas of specialization may be secured in the Christian education office or from any Christian education faculty member. Department Minor: To minor in Christian education, a student is required to take 18 units including the following courses: 150, 25 I, 26 I and one of the age level courses (372 , 373, 374). Five additional units are also required which may be selected by the student from any C. E. depart mental offerings. Bible 220 must be taken as the Bible elective. Christian Service Assignment: Chri stian edu cation majors should choose assignments for Christian service during the freshman and sopho more years that include experiences of Bible teaching. During the junior and senior years, the field experience requirements substitute for the Christian service assignment. General Education: The general education requirement for a foreign language for those majoring in Christian education depends upon the number of years that were completed in high school of the same foreign language. Specific requirements are listed under "general education requirements" for the Bachelor of Arts degree. Required Core Courses: 150 FOUNDATIONS OF MINISTRY (3) Fundamentals upon which a Christian educa tion ministry is built. Relationships between wor ship, edification and witness will be explored with special emphasis on the education process, staff roles and vocational opportunities in Christian education.
220 INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY (3) Essentials of inductive study applied to biblical narrative and epistolary literature. 251 FOUNDATIONS OF LEADERSHIP (3) Basics of leadership for a Christian education ministry. Emphasis upon development of personal leadership qualities including Bible study, wor ship, prayer and interpersonal development which relate to spiritual gifts and the church as an organism. 252 FOUNDAJIONS OF THE TEACHING MINISTRY (3) Major emphasis upon learning theories and their application to teaching the Bible within the context of the local church and parachurch agen cies. Also considered will be lesson planning. Pre requisites: none. 260 FOUNDAJIO 1 S OF INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS (3) Essentials of theory and experience necessary to initiate, deve lop and maintain effective inter personal communication skills, development and maintenance of trust , fellowship , cohesiveness, effective communication styles, constructive con frontation and conflict resolution skills are ap plied to ministry situations. 261 FOUNDATIONS OF DEVELOPMENT (3) Introduction to human developmental charac teristics. Aspects of development will include the physical , intellectual , social, personal, moral, faith and spiritual covering the whole lifespan as a base for a more holistic Christian education ministry. 350 FIELD EXPERIENCE I (2) Structured experiences in observation of three age levels, including adults. Also emphasized will be the evaluation of each student 's personal skills, gifts and abilities to aid in placement for subse quent field experiences and future employment in Christian education. For Christian education ma jors only. Prerequisites: C.E. 150, 251 , 252, 261. Lab Fee: $15. 360 FIELD EXPERIENCE II (2) Structured experiences in teaching the Bible in a field setting with a selected age group. Lesson preparation, execution and evaluation will be em phasized. Christian education majors only. Pre requisites: C.E. 350, 260. 372 CHILDHOOD CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (3) Discovery and evaluation of methods and ma terials appropriate for achieving learning objec tives which· meet the physical , mental , social, emotional and spiritual needs of children (birth through grade six.) Students maychoose C.E. 373 or 374. Prerequisites: C.E. 150, 261. 373 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF YOUTH (3) Examination of the adolescent in our culture with emphasis upon designing a ministry to this age level within the context of the local church and parachurch agencies. Each student will pre pare a model ministry to this age level (junior high through coll-age) for use in enlistment and training of workers and parents. Students may chooe C.E. 372 or 374. Prerequisites: C.E. 150, 261.
374 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF ADULTS (3) Examination of needs, curricula, programs, methods and audio-visuals used by church and other agencies with adults. Includes workship , counseling, recreation and stewardship. Students may choose C.E. 372 or 373. Prerequisites: C.E. 150, 261. 382 FOUNDATIONS OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION PHILOSOPHY (3) Introduction to philosophy that bears directly upon the Christian ministry with particular atten tion to the teaching and learning process. Each students will be expected to analyze his own view of the teaching and learning process to establish the framework for a personal and biblical philos ophy of Christian education. Prerequisites: C.E. 150, 251 , 252 450 FIELD EXPERIENCE III (2) Structured experiences in enlistment and training for Christian educat ion in a field setting with a selected age group. Assessment of leader ship training needs , preparation of training mate rials, implementation of training programs and evaluation of training effectiveness will be stressed. For Christian education majors only. Pre requisite: C.E. 360. 460 FIELD EXPERIENCE IV (2) Structured experiences in the supervision of a limited educational ministry program in a select ed field setting. The final semester of field experi ence will utilize all of the knowledge, attitudes and skills in the fulfillment of a viable ministry of Christian educat ion . For Christian education ma jors only. Prerequisite: C.E. 450. Lab Fee: $ l5. 490 SENIOR RESEARCH PROJECT (I) An introduction to research types and proce dures in Christian education that culminates in a research project of interest to the student. Prereq uisite: Senior level C.E. major; suggested for the final semester. Elective 192 BIBLE TEACHING RESOURCES (2) Geography of Bible lands as well as manners and customs of Bible times to enrich Bible teach ing. Offered spring semester. 319 MEDIA IN MINISTRY (2) Skill development in the design and use of audio-visual technology for use in ministry for all age levels and in a wide variety of teaching settings. Offered fall semester. 412 MISSIONS EDUCATION IN THE CHURCH (2) Basic administration of a program within the church 's educational program through which missions is taught to all age levels. Offered spring semester, alternate years. 416 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT (2) Essential elements in curriculum formation including intensive study of varied existing cur ricula, contemporary tends in curriculum pro duction and curriculum writing experience. Of fered spring semester. Prerequisite: one of the C.E. age level courses: 372, 373 or 374.
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