

357 HISTORY OF CINEMA (3) Survey of the development of the motion pic­ ture (1890 to the present.) Films screened in the course will be analyzed from perspectives of art, genre theory, technology, and rhetorical intent. Lab fee: $20. 360 WORKSHOP IN ORA.MA (3) Specialized offerings in drama production in areas such as: scene study, theatre management, mime, stagecraft and makeup. May be repeated with different course content. 361 REHEARSAi/PERFORMANCE (1-3) Enrollment by audition only. Active participa­ tion in University sponsored dramatic produc­ tions. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units. 362 ADVANCED ACTING (3) Development of the actor's individual creativity and expression: applying techniques to various acting styles and characterizations; ensemble playing. Prerequisite: 261. 383 SURVEY OF RHETORICAL THEORIES (3) Major theories of rhetorical and public address from classical to contemporary periods. 384 PUBLIC RELATIONS (3) The nature, methods and responsibilities of public relations in contemporary society. 385 PERSUASIVE COMMUNICATION (3) Techniques of persuasive speaking and com­ munication persuasion theories. Experience in the preparation and delivery of speeches. Prereq­ uisite: 100. 386 FORMS OF PUBLIC COMMUNICATION (3) Application, practice and analysis of selected communication forms from a rhetorical perspec­ tive. Sections offered in religious, political and social-issues communication. May be repeated with different course content. 387 ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION (3) The dynamics of organizational communica­ tion centering in systems, structures and patterns; the role of communication in organizational de­ velopment. 388 PRINCIPLES OF INTERVIEWING (3) Dyadic communication as it occurs in the interview with special attention devoted to the student 's ability to engage in informational, per­ Communication disorders relative to cleft pal­ ate and other cranial-facial abnormalities, cere­ bral palsy, and mental retardation. Prerequisite: 321 , 324, or permission. 422 ADULT LANGUAGE DISORDERS (3) Study of communication disorders caused by stroke and other neurological problems and in­ juries. Classification, evaluation techniques and therapy principles included. Prerequisite: 321. suasive and employment interviews. 421 ORGANIC DISORDERS (3)

423 VOICE AND ARTICULATION PROBLEMS (3) Functional and organic problems of voice and articulation. Areas of etiology, diagnosis, and re­ mediation covered. Prerequisite: 321 , 324, or per­ mission. 424 DIAGNOSTIC METHOD (3) Methods of testing and evaluating, and assess­ ment of speech and language problems. Prerequi­ site: 321 , 324, or permission. Lab fee: $15. 425 AUDIOLOGY (3) Anatomy and physiology of the ear; hearing problems, testing and rehabilitation. Practical ex­ perience in pure tone threshold testing. Lab fee: $15. 427 THERAPEUTIC METHODS (3) Methods of changing behaviors utilizing direct and indirect approaches of therapy such as behav­ ior modification, child centered therapy and oth­ ers. Also , specific techniques relative to articula­ tions and language habilitation/rehabilitation. 428 AUDIOMETRY (3) Advanced study of procedures and problems in hearing measurement. Areas covered will include speech audiometry, asking, recruitment, diagnos­ tic testing and amplification. 429 CLINICAL PRACTICUM: Clinic (1-2) Supervised experience working with the speech handicapped population in the Biola Speech Clin­ ic or other agency. Permission of the department must be secured the semester prior to enrolling for this course. May be repeated for a total of four units. Prerequisite: 312, 321, 326, 424 , and de­ partmental consent. 430 ADVANCED STUDIES IN WRITING (3) In-depth study of various specialty writing forms including history, biography, and stage writing. May be repeated with different course content. Prerequisite: consent. 435 TECHNICAL WRITING (3) Covers writing of equipment operating man­ uals, scientific and instructional materials, busi­ ness letters and procedural manuals in a clear and easily understandable manner. Prerequisite: 230 and ENG 340 440 COMMUNICATION INTERNSHIP (1-3) Limited to qualified seniors who wish to gain practical experience usually off campus in a work situation. Department permission required. May be repeated for a maximum of six units. 450 COMMUNICATION PRACTICUM (1-3) Directed practical experience in the various fields of communication. Permission of the de­ partment must be secured the semester prior to enrolling for course. May be repeated for a maxi­ mum of six units. 451 ADVANCED AUDIO SEMINAR (3) Advanced techniques in miking, mixing, re­ cording, processing and reinforcement of sound. Both technical and artistic aspects are covered, with a strong laboratory emphasis. prerequisite: 251. Lab fee $50. 453 ADVANCED TELEVISION PRODUCTION (3) The course gives intensive experience in pro­ fessional level television production. Prerequisite: 353 Lab fee $50.


Advanced motion picture production tech­ niques with emphasis on production and post production phases. Prerequisite: 354. Lab fee: $50. 455 BROADCAST MANAGEMENT (3) Problems of operating a broadcast station from the perspective of management. Students com­ plete a project outlining market research, physical facilities , programming, personnel and budget for a proposed radio or television station. 456 BROADCAST SALES AND PROMOTION (3) Broadcast sales, developing presentation mate­ rials for various types of clients, organization of a successful sales staff, selling the advertising agen­ cy and the advertising staff of client companies; sales and listener promotion. 457 MASS COMMUNICATION THEORY (3) Current theories in mass communication, the usefulness of each and research support given to each. Theories unique to mass communication, as well as the application of more general com­ munication theories. 458 METHODS OF COMMUNIOO'ION RESEARCH (3) Research methodology for communication re­ search, including sampling, questionnaire de­ sign, introduction to statistics. Students conduct survey research project. Amajor goal is to become adept at reading and evaluating research reports. Lab fee $10. 459 PRACTICAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES IN BROADCASTING AND FILM (3) Covers ethical and moral problems related to employment, current issues in the industry, and career planning. 461 READERS THEATRE (3) Programming and presentation of prose, poet­ ry and drama by two or more actors using the skills of oral interpretation as well as those of the actor. Methods of preparation, performance and directing. 467 DIRECTING (3) Fundamentals of play directing and rehears­ ing. Includes basic concepts of script analysis, blocking, casting, rehearsal procedures, training · the actor and presentation of scenes. 468 ORA.MA IN CHRISTIAN MINISTRY (3) How to select appropriate material, stage and direct several types of dramatic presentations in a church or other Christian ministry setting. 470 COMMUNICATION SEMINAR (1-3) Various aspects and problems in the field of communication. 472 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNIATION (3) Relationship between communication and culture with emphasis on factors affecting the quality and processes of interpersonal communi­ cation between persons of different cultures or subcultures. (See also !CS 420.)

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