

Department ofEducation


Liberal Studies Major: The Liberal Studies major is designed to prepare elementary school teachers with a broad foundation in subject matter. It con­ sists of 21 units (with a 3 unit variation) in each of the following areas: I. English, including grammar, litera­ ture, composition , and speech. 2. Mathematics and the physical and life sciences. Math 111 , COS I00 , and one sci ­ ence lab are required. 3. Social sciences, other than education and education methodology Psychology 200 and !CS 331 are required. 4. Humanities and fine arts, including foreign language. At least 24 upper division units must be taken. All appropriate general education courses are included in the 84 unit total. Students planning to enter this major are required to work with an adviser in the Edu­ cation Department. Professional Education Courses Required: Students who wish to become candidates for a teaching credential must apply for ad­ mission to the Education Program in their sophomore year or immediately upon trans­ fer into the university if beyond that year. A minimum grade point average of 2.5 is re­ quired. Other requirements of the Education Department and competencies to be met are stated in the Guide for Students Entering the Teaching Profession, which maybe obtained from the Education Department office. All candidates for the Preliminary teach­ ing credential in Multiple Subject instruction must complete the following education courses: 300 , 330, 420, 430 , 440, 442. All candidates for the Preliminary teaching cre­ dential in Single Subject instruction must complete the following education courses: 300, 330, 425, 435, 450, 452. In both pro­ grams, all education courses must be com­ pleted with grades of "C" or better prior to student teaching. All candidates must pass the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) prior to student teaching. Clear Credential Program Requirements: In order to qualify for a Clear Teaching Credential, a student must complete 30 units of upper division or grad­ uate courses in a preapproved program. The work must be completed within five years of receipt of the Preliminary Credential. The Clear Credential can be earned in one year of fulltime coursework. Undergraduate students who wish to be­ come candidates for a Clear Teaching Cre­ dential must be enrolled in an approved waiver program, must be accepted into the Education program, and must outline a cre­ dential program with an education adviser.

Selected communication topics varied by se­ mester. Sections offered include: family commu­ nication, non-verbal communication, listening, communication, and decision-making. May be repeated with different course content. 475 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION THEORY (3) Survey of theories specifically related to inter­ personal communication including symbolic in­ teraction, transactional analysis, rhetorical sensi­ tivity, communication rules and relational theory. Prerequisite: 270. 476 COMMUNICATION EDUCATION SEMINAR (2) Teaching techniques for the secondary school speech course and forensics team. Required for English/Communication secondary education majors. Alternate years. 478 PRAGMATIC SOCIAL THEORJES OF COMMUNICATION (3) Survey and application of social theories of communication, including general semantics, confrontations, communication to the grieving, man as manipulator, and non-verbal forms of communication. 480 DIRECTED RESEARCH (I-3) Individual research in an area of communica­ tion determined in consultation with the instruc­ tor. May be repeated for a maximum of three units. Prerequisite: consent.

Deborah L. Bainer, Ph D, Chair Faculty Professor: Jones , Nelson Associate Professor: Bainer Assistant Professor: Sibold

Objectives: The major function of the Department of Education is to provide pro­ fessional preparation for teaching. Upon completion of the teaching credential pro­ gram, the student should have a satisfactory subject matter foundation, understand pupil behavior, be competent in the skills of teach­ ing, be able to develop and encourage criti­ cal judgment and creativity, and have devel­ oped strong social and personal traits, ethical standards, and a Christian philosophy of education. Credential Programs 1wo levels of California teaching creden­ tials and the Association of Christian Schools International credential are available. Preliminary Credential Programs Requirements: In order to qualify for a Preliminary teaching credential a student must complete (I) an approved waiver pro­ gram in a major leading to a baccalaureate degree or pass the National Teachers Exam (NTE) , and (2) Professional Education courses including student teaching. 1wo types of credentials are available: Single Subject and Multiple Subject. A3ingle Subject Credential certifies the student to teach a single subject from pre-school through I2th grade, but is especially appro­ priate for grades 7-12. The Multiple Subject Credential certifies the student to teach in a self-contained classroom from pre-school through 12th grade, but is especially appro­ priate for kindergarten through 6th grade. Approved majors for Single Subject credential: art, biological science (life sci­ ence waiver program) , English (English­ communication waiver program) , history, intercultural studies, mathematics, music, Physical education, Physical science, social science. Approved majors for Multiple Subject credential: liberal studies, diversified studies (intercultural studies waiver progam) . Those who choose any other major will be required to pass the National Teachers Examination (NTE) general knowledge section to qualify for a credential.

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