
COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Department ofHistory and Geography

100 WEST AND THE WORLD (4) Highlights in the development of Western civil­ ization from its foundations in the ancient Middle East to the present. Examination of the cultural contributions made in the arts, sciences, govern­ ment and religion and their influence on the history of the Western World. Three hours lecture , one hour discussion. Alternate route for meeting History l00 requirement is Humanities 230. Fee: $5. l00IP WEST AND THE WORLD (4) Content of History l00, but specifically de­ signed for the international or minority student with special emphasis on cross-cultural aspects of civilization frorri an international perspective. Fee: $5. 110 THEMES IN WESTERN CIVILIZATION (1-2) Special topics and themes in Western civiliza­ tion to include: History and the Biblical Record; Shapers of the Western Heritage; Turning Points in History 200 UNITED SWES HISTORY (4) Growth and development of United States from its colonial foundations to present. Assessment of influence of Puritans, colonial experience, the Constitution, national and sectional tensions. Civil War, immigration, industrialization, urban­ ization, twentieth century wars and an expansive economy in shaping the American mind and American international relations. Three hours lecture, one hour discussion. Meets the require­ ments for United States Constitution for California teacher certification. 210 THEMES IN AMERJCAN HISTORY (1-2) Sections offered each semester in such areas as : The American West , The Immigration Experi­ ence, Response to Industrialization, The City in Contemporary United States of America, Ethnic Minority Groups, Women in American History, Un ited States and Global Interdependence. May be repeated with different content. 300 THE BLACK AMERJCAN EXPERJENCE (3) An historical examination of the blacks' expe­ rience beginning with the African kingdoms , slave trade, slavery in the New World, emancipation during the Civil War, and the search and struggle for equality, to the present 304 ANCIENT NEAR EAST (3) Astudy of the culture of the Ancient Near East with emphasis on history, literature, religion and the modes of thought. Attention is given to cu ltur­ al preparation for the biblical faith. 305 ENGLISH HISTORY (3) Surveyof British history from the Anglo-Saxon period to contemporary times ; emphasis on so­ cial, intellectual, religious and polit ical develop­ ments. 306 STUDIES IN BRJTISH HISTORY (3) Period and thematic studies in British history to include: Tudor-Stuart England, Victorian Eng­ land, Empire and Commonwealth, Religious His­ tory of England, British Politics and the English Middle Class. 307 THE COLONIAL ERA AND AMERJCAN REVOLUTION, 1607-1800 (3) Settlement and growth of the Anglo-American civilization; the American Revolution; develop­ ment of the United States Constitution; growth of political , economic , social and rel igious institu­ tions to 1800.

308 AMERICAN DEMOCRACY, CIVIL WAR AND RECONSTRUCTION, 1800-1877 (3) Nationalism and the growth of sectionalism; reform movements; Manifest Destiny; disruption of American democracy, Civil War and political reconstruction to 1877. 310 SOCIAL AND INTELLECTUAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED SWES (3) Social impact of westward expansion, immi­ gration, industrialization, urbanization and cul­ tural pluralism combined with major intellectual ideas instrumental in the shaping of American society. Prerequisite: 200. Alternate years. 312 HISTORY OF LATIN AMERICA (3) Major indigenous civilizations; conquest by Spain and Portugal ; colonial institutions and cul­ ture; wars of independence , political , economic and social developments to the present, including the role of the United States in the region. 313 MEDIEVAL HISTORY (3) Medieval Europe from the fa ll of Rome through the fourteenth century; emphasis on the church, theological development, political insti­ tutions, society, literature and economics of the period. Offered alternate years. 318 STUDIES IN MODERN EUROPE (1-3) Thematic and period studies in sixteenth through twentieth century Europe including: Ex­ ploration and Colonization, Enlightenment, Age of Baroque, Industrialization, Napoleon to Bis­ marck, the Holocaust and the Cold War. May be repeated with different topics. 320 THE AMERJCAN PRESIDENCY (3) Historical development of the office of the presidency; formal and informal powers of the president in executive legislative, judicial, mili­ tary, diplomatic and political areas. 321 HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (3) Ahistorical survey of Church history from Pen­ tecost to the present. Emphasis given to leading . personalities and movements within the Church. Offered fall semester. 323 ANCIENT GREECE (3) History of Ancient Greece from the Minoan­ Mycenaean cultures to the Hellenistic period; em­ phasis on the literature, religion , art and modes of thought of the period. 324 ROMAN HISTORY (3) Roman history from its beginning to the fall of the Empire; Rome 's part in the preparation of the Mediterranean oorld for the spread of Christian­ ity; Rome 's contributions to Western civilization. Offered alternate years. 327 HISTORJOGRAPHY (3) Philosophies and problems of history; histori­ cal methodology. Development of the historical discipline and introduction to research and writ­ ing. 328 INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC HISTORY (3) Asurvey of the applications of historical con­ cepts and ski lls outside of academic settings, in­ cluding the areas of cultural resource manage­ ment, public policy, business, information man­ agement, museum studies, editing and community/family history. Prerequisites: history 100 and 200.

Dietrich Buss , Ph.D. , Chair Faculty Professor: D. Buss, Wilshire Associate Professor: Harrison

Objectives: Department objectives are to increase the general knowledge in and un­ derstanding of history, to encourage analyt­ ical thinking in dealing with historical prob­ lems , including the relationship of Chris­ tianity to culture, to enhance proficiency in research and writing, and to stimulate inter­ est in the reading of literature bearing on the discipline. Offerings in geography are de­ signed to develop understanding of and ap­ preciation for the physical and cultural landscapes. Emphasis is on regional studies. Those interested in acquiring a background in physical geography are urged to take physical science and geography survey 10 I. History Department Major: 30 units beyond the gen­ eral education requirement, of which 24 must be upper division including 327 , 480 or 490 and 491 Political science 200 is required as a supporting course. Concentration of 12 units of course work in one of the following areas: Asian Civilization, Civilization of the Americas or European Civiliza­ tion. History majors preparing for graduate school should include a foreign language in their pro­ gram with advice of the department. Department Minor: 18 units beyond the gen­ eral education requirements, of which 12 must be upper division. The student is advised to take at least 12 units in one area of concentration. History Honors Program: This program is designed for senior history majors who desire to undertake a year-long independent research project under an individual professor, culminat­ ing in an honors thesis. Students who are a few units short of senior standing may petition the chairman for admission into the Honors Pro­ gram. Students entering the program must have 15 units of upper division history. History majors with a departmental grade point average of 3.5 or better are eligible. Candidates for honors will be required to meet all history major requirements: the program will count as six units of work (see 490, 491) Ahistory department Honors Award (monetary prize) will be given annually for the outstanding thesis. California Teaching Credential: To qualify for a secondary teaching credential in history, social science, or government, the program must be tailored to meet guidelines for teacher education. See the history department for specifics.

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