

Spiritual Development Focus EDD 830 DEVELOPMEN'Ii\L RESEARCH AND SPIRITUALITY (2) Topics each semester will be selected from lifespan developmental areas and related to the development of spirituality. Specific course con­ tent will vary for each semester and may include: cognitive (thought process) , physical, psycho­ social (Ericksonian stages) and affective (emo­ tional maturation). Consideration will be given to siginificant influences and variations of develop­ Principles and sequence of moral development and the development of commitment to values; consideration of significant influences on devel­ opment by Christian educators and parents; ex­ amination of developmental variations with im­ plications for spiritual growth. (Prerequisite EDD 803) EDD 835 CHRISTIAN FAITH DEVELOPMENT (3) ment. (Prerequisite EDD 803) EDD 833 MORAL AND VALUE DEVELOPMENT (2) Definition of the development of Christian faith , its assessment, and comparison of research on faith development with the Biblical data and theological perspectives. (Prerequisite EDD 803) EDD 837 INTEGRATION OF THEOLOGICAL AND DEVELOPMEN'Ii\L RESEARCH (3) Examination of the relationships between de­ velopmental principles and Biblical doctrinal themes. The applications of integration explored in areas such as discipleship and socialization. Characteristics of optimal environmental factors influencing development will be considered. (Pre­ requisite EDD 803, 806) Course Descriptions Department of Bible Exposition A. Boyd Luter, Jr., Th.D., Act ing Chair FACUL1Y Professor: Hunter Associate Professor: Luter Since there is no substitute for an efficient ministry in the preacher's native tongue, special emphasis is devoted to the exposition of the Bible. The entire curriculum of the seminary - theology, original languages and other subjects - is designed to contrib­ ute in the effective exposition of Scripture. It is possible to study only certain pivotal books,

EDD 888 RESEARCH DESIGN (3) Plan and complete a modest research project and study research methods and techniques. These include: design, sampling, direct observa­ tion, data processing, interviews, and question­ naires. Competency demonstrative of a research technique for completion of seminar. (Prerequi­ site EDD 885) EDD 890 ADVANCED RESEARCH SEMINAR (2) Deals with research and writing for proposal and dissertation development, including applied research design , structure of research studies, sta­ tistical consideration, sampling, common errors in research and professional writing for journal publication and research. (Prerequisite EDD 888) EDD 891 CONTINUOUS REGISTRATION: DISSER'Ii\TION (3-6) Research and writing of an approved doctoral dissertation under the direction of major advisor and dissertation committee. (Prerequisite EDD 885, 888) Educational Processes Focus EDD 821 INTEGRATION OF THEOLOGY AND EDUCATIONAL PROCESS (3) Historical studies of both Old Testament and New Testament institutions for education from Biblical and other sources. Analysis of the teach­ ing ministry of Jesus for principles and process in individual instruction, group teaching and train­ ing. Special emphasis of study in the ministry of the Holy Spirit in relationship to learning theor­ ies, Biblical instruction, and teacher-learning process. A research seminar with emphasis on creative applications. (Prerequisite EDD 805, 806) EDD 822 PRINCIPLES OF TEACHING (2) Analysis and practice of principles of teaching. Emphasis on how to effectively lecture, motivate and teach for retention. Writing of objectives, lesson plans, high level thinking, use of questions also discussed. Field experience required. (Prereq­ uisite EDD 805) EDD 823 SEMINAR IN EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES (3) The educational process in relation to the pur­ pose of education, human growth , the nature of learning and the dynamics of groups in a variety of situations. Emphasis on the development of self-esteem, creativity, importance of affect in the classroom, and different forms of education (for­ mal, non-formal, and informal) . (Prerequisite EDD 805) EDD 824 CURRICULUM DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT (2) Curriculum issues and problems, their ratio­ nale, and implications for ministry Emphasis on the development of curriculum for the integration of faith, learning, and life. Different models for designing curriculum and instruction. Curricu­ lum designed for specific settings required. Pre­ vious course in curriculum design suggested. (Prerequisite EDD 805) EDD 826 CROSS-CULTURAL LEARNING (2) Education within the cross-cultural context, designed to develop concepts of educational phi­ losophy and practice, learning styles, teaching roles, and anticipated results. (Prerequisite EDD 805) EDD 828 INTERGENERATIONAL LEARNING (2) Analysis of literature, material, and practice concerning inter-generational learning. Specific field project developed. (Prerequisite EDD 805)

but the method employed is applicable to the entire Bible. Correlation with present-day life and world problems will be made. The more technical phases of Old and New Testament problems will be reserved to those depart­ ments. Matters of Hebrew and Greek are related where they influence an interpretation, but these are not an emphasis in the overall exposition. Special examination is given im­ portant passages and concepts in this branch of study BE 505 HERMENEUTICS AND GENESIS (4) Astudy of the fundamental principles for a sound interpretation of the Bible, including gen­ eral rules for all Scripture and special principles for poetic, parabolic, prophetic and typological portions. Also , an exposition of the book of Gen­ esis, with special effort in demonstrating the use of hermeneutical principles. Particular emphasis given to the developing themes in the flow of thought , as well as to problem areas. Themes studied in relationship to later Old Testament and New Testament revelation. Prescribed for M.Div. , M.A. (BS. , O.T), MA (Min) and MA (Mis.) students. BE 506 MATTHEWAND ROMANS (4) An exposition of these two books, their back­ grounds, themes, lines of thought through verses, chapters and sections, doctrinal significance, so­ lutions to areas of difficulty and relevant practical application. Prescribed for M.Div. , MA (Min.) and M.A. (Mis.) students. BE 515 HERMENEUTICS (2) Astudy of fundamental principles for sound interpretation of the Bible, including general rules and special principles for poetic, parabolic, prophetic and typological portions. Meet with Hermeneutics portions of anysection of BE 505 or 517. Prescribed for and limited to, M.A. (B.S. , N.T.) students. BE 517 HERMENEUTICS AND BIBLE STUDY METHODS (4) Astudy of hermeneutical principles for sound interpretation of the Bible, including general rules and specialized principles for parables, types, prophecies and poetry An application of Bible study methods, including the synthetic, analytic, doctrinal , biographical and others. Prescribed for MA (BS., BE.) and M.A. (C.E.) students. BE 518 OLD TES'Ii\MENT SURVEY (4) Abroad survey of Genesis through Song of Solomon; overall themes, divisions, main prob­ lems and spiritual lessons of these books in rela­ tion to their background and Christian ministry today. Prescribed for M.Div. students who are defi­ cient in undergraduate biblical studies, M.A. (Min) , MA (B.S , B.E.) and MA (C.E.) stu­ dents. BE 601 ISAIAH AND JEREMIAH (2) Astudy of the life and times of each prophet, his character, message and Messianic emphasis and the value of each book for the believer today Elective. BE 603 NEW TES'Ii\MENT SURVEY (4) Ageneral overview of the New Testament, in­ cluding the background, theme, major divisions, problems and lessons of each book. Prescribed for MA (B.S., B.E) , M.A, (Min) and M.A. (C.E.) students.

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