Department ofPractical Theology FACULTY Associate Professor: Anderson Assistant Professor: Boersma, McIntosh The purpose of the Practicial Theology department is to prepare the student for three areas of service: to lead the body of Christ in worship; to equip Christians to build up one another; to train them to reach their com munity for Christ. HOMILETICS AND WORSHIP PT 609-610 SERMON PREPARATION (3, 3) Aconsideration of the fundamentals of speech as they relate to the pulpit ministry. Astudy of the techniques and fundamentals of sermon con struction and persuasive delivery of expository ser mons. PT 609 is prerequisite to PT 610. Prescribed for M.Div. students; PT 609 prescribed for M.A. (Min) students. PT 617 THE PASTOR AND MUSIC (2) Astudy in the theory and practice of church music , an analysis of contemporary music and the development of basic skills in leading congre gational singing and worship. Elective. PT 620 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF WORSHIP (2) Exploration of biblical psychological , practi cal , historical and contemporary dimensions of Christian worship. Elective. (Cross listed with BCMU501) PT 711 ADVANCED SERMON PREPARATION (2) Askill-refinement practicum in the essentials of expository preaching, including evaluation of off-campus pulpit ministry. Prerequisites: PT 609, 610. Elective. PT 715 PRINCIPLES AND ETHICS OF COMMUNICATION (2) An explanation of the principles of communi cation and how they effect learning and change. An examination of the ethical issues of persuasion such as emotional appeals, use of guilt, fear and personalities. Elective. PT 726 CREATIVE PREACHING (2) An exploration of several ways to proclaim God's Word such as topical, textual, inductive, dialogical , dramatic narrative, evangelistic and life situation preaching. Prerequisites: PT 609, 616. Elective.
STM 680 WORLD MISSIONS AND THE LOCAL CHURCH (2 or 3) Designed to integrate principles of cross-cul tural communication and theology and strategy of missions within a total conceptual framework to aid the local church in mission involvement. STM 775 ANTHROPOLOGY/LINGUISTICS FOR BIBLICAL INTERPREThTION (3) An integration course, exploring how methods and perspectives in anthropology and linguistics may illuminate linguistic and cultural features of scripture, building upon the foundation of the grammatical historical method of Biblical inter pretation. Prerequisite: TBE 505 Hermeneutics. STM 860 THE CHURCH IN THIRD WORLD SOCIETIES (3) The message, method and role of the evangeli cal church in societies undergoing socio-techno logical change. Elective for Th.M. students, others by departmental persmission. STM 871 THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION BY EXTENSION (3) The concept of theological education byexten sion, including its history, objectives, methodolo gy and the writing of programmed instruction with particular emphasis on missionary applica tion. Elective for Th.M. students, others by depart mental permission. STM 872 ADVANCED BIBLE TRANSLATION (3) Discourse considerations in translating from Greek into indigenous languages. Prerequisite: Greek. For additional courses see The School of Intercultural Studies, page G-29.
The practical examination of the theology of evangelism and discipleship with an emphasis on developing the skills of personal evangelism and equipping others to share their faith. Prescribed for M.Div. students. PT 612 ADVANCED EVANGELISM (2) Asurvey of the history of evangelism and reviv als. An examination of various strategies such as TV., mass , crusade, street and pulpit evangelism and the giving of invitations and altar calls. Pre requisites: PT 510. Elective. PT 622 CHURCH PLANTING IN THE USA (2) The study of the components, such as geogra phy, demography, strategy and implementation, that goes into church planting in the USA. Elec tive. PT 624 PRINCIPLES OF CHURCH GROWTH IN THE USA (2) Abiblical study of church growth principles. An analysis of contemporary practices. Prerequisites: PT 510. Elective. PT 630 DISCIPLESHIP (2) An examination of interpersonal relationships and character development as applied to the pro cess of discipleship. Prerequisite: PT 510. Elective. PT 724 SMALL GROUP MINISTRIES (2) Roles of small groups in the church in provid ing fellowship , mutual ministry and edification. Skills for organizing and leading groups. Intro duction to dynamics of small group interaction. Elective. (Same as CE 605) CHURCH MINISTRYAND MANAGEMENT PT 602 PASTORAL MINISTRY (4) Astudy of the pastor's call , philosophyof min istry, orientation, role, ethics, spiritual life and ministry, with attention to leadership in worship and special services. Consideration given to long range planning, administration and church and community relations. Prescribed for M.Div. stu dents. PT 730 LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT (2) The biblical principles and practices of devel oping leaders within the church including the ological truth , spiritual character and practical skill. Prerequisites: PT 602. Elective. PT 733 CHURCH MANAGEMENT (2) An examination of contemporary manage ment concepts, organization and interpersonal theories as applied to the local church. Prerequi site: PT 602. Elective. PT 734 CHURCH FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION (2) An examination of the biblical principles of financial stewardship, fund raising and budget ing. An introduction into financial bookkeeping and the use of the computer in the church. Pre requisites: PT 602. Elective. PT 591 INTRODUCTION TO FIELD EDUCATION (I) Introduction into the practical elements of ministry. Emphasis will be placed on career plan ning, field experience and preparation for Field Education Internship in the M.Div. programs. Lab fee : $40. Prescribed for M.Div. students.
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