CE 513 WOMEN IN CHRISTIAN MINISTRY (2) An investigation of the role of women in min istry and leadership in the light of Scripture and current trends. Assessment of role expectancies and role relationships. Elective. CE 610 LEADERSHIP RELATIONSHIPS (2) Consideration of interpersonal relations be tween members of a multiple staff as well as management principles in church related groups. Elective. CE 611 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION IN EDUCATION (2) The management of program development, financial affairs, property, office work, personnel and public relations. Deals with the responsibil ities of pastor, director of Christian education and other personnel. Elective. CE 612 MISSIONARY EDUCATION (2) Objectives, programming, activities and ad ministrative methods of implementing a program of missionary education. Investigation into the auxiliary organization of the church's education al program through which missions are taught. Elective. CE 614 BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT (2) Study of design and building for the worship , education and fellowship functions of the church. Basic procedures in building and remodeling. Projections, evaluation and purchase of equip ment for these functions. Elective. CE 615 EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION (3) An analysis of administrative principles and processes as they apply to the church and parachurch agencies. Special attention to the re lation of administrative functions and ministry. Prescribed for M.Div. (C.E. majors) , M.A. (C.E.) students and M.A. (M.F.M.) students. CE 616 PRINCIPLES OF CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT (2) Consideration of essential elements in curricu lum formation. Intensive study of varied existing curricula. Analysis of contemporary trends in cur riculum production. Elective. CE 683 CAMP LEADERSHIP (2) The philosophy, objectives, administration, program and leadership of a church-related camp. The use of worship, study, crafts, recreation and counseling in church camping. Investigation into trends of camping, centralized and decentral ized camping. Techniques in planning and direct ing a camp program, including counselor train ing. Elective. CE 684 CAMP AND CONFERENCE (2) An advanced course in camping administra tion, programming and staff relationships. The student wiil be involved in a direct work project at a local Christian camp with faculty-staff supervi sion. Elective. CE 735 CHRISTIAN HIGHER EDUCATION (2) Research into the primary administrative pat terns of the Christian college and investigation into major practices in governance. History and trends of Bible institutes, Bible colleges, Christian liberal arts colleges and theological seminaries. Elective.
RESEARCH PT 611 PRACTICAL THEOLOGY SEMINAR (1-2) Discussion of one or more facets of the minis try with an emphasis on serving in the local church. Elective. PT 717-718 RESEARCH SEMINAR (1-2) In-depth invest igation of a topic under the guidance of the Practical Theology department using standard research procedures. Topic selec tion and course enrollment is by department ap proval. Elective. PT 817-818 RESEARCH SEMINAR (1-4, 1-4) Elective for Th.M. students; others by depart mental permission. Departmen_t ofChristian Education Robert Radcliffe, Ph.D. , Chair FACUL1Y Professor: Brooks Associate Professors: Anthony, Dirks, Radcliffe , Wilson Assistant Professor: Johnson The aim of the department of Christian education is that of developing Christian educators who understand the significance of an. educational ministry and who possess the skills necessary to function as Ch~istian edu cators. To this end, course offerings have been designed to blend theory and practice. Most elective courses are designed for track ing to accommodate the student's vocational specialization. ADMINISTRATION CE 500 INTRODUCTION TO MINISTRY (2) Investigation into biblical principles of minis try; development of a philosophy of ministry and its relation to a multi-staff context. Discussion of personal and professional growth, family life, re lationship with staff boards and total life manage ment. Development of creative problem solving, decision-making and time management skills. Elective. CE 511 FOUNDATIONS OF LEADERSHIP (2) Investigation into leadership theory and prac tice leading to the development of a bibliocentric philosophy of leadership; practice in basic leader ship skills; study of application of concepts in the church and parachurch agencies. Prescribed for M.A. (C.E.) students.
Weekly involvement in ministry with satisfac tory completion of student's self-evaluation form, supervisor's evaluation form and pastoral inter view form. Prescribed for M.Div. students. PT 691 FIELD EDUCATION (0) Weekly involvement in ministry with satisfac tory completion of student's self-evaluation form, supervisor's evaluation form and lay leader's in terview form. Prescribed for M.Div students. PT 692 FIELD EDUCATION (0) Weekly involvement in ministry with satisfac tory completion of student 's self-evaluation form , supervisor's evaluation form and sermon evalua tion form. Prescribed for M.Div. students. PT 791-792 FIELD EDUCATION (2, 2) Aprogram designed to give supervised experi ence in various phases of Christian ministry. One hundred hours of field experience each semester, including classroom interaction. Prerequisite: completion of first half of the M.Div. degree pro gram. Prescribed for M.Div. students. PASTORAL CARE AND COUNSELING PT 703 THE CHURCH AND SOCIETY (2) Astudy of current social , political and moral issues, with special attention to the responsibility of the church as a contributor to change. Pre scribed for M.Div. students. PT 705 PASTORAL COUNSELING (4) Introduction to the principles and techniques of counseling with an emphasis of the character istics of an effective counselor, the development of counseling skills, the making of referrals, the various theories of counseling and the place of counseling in the church. Prescribed for M.Div. students. PT 721 PASTORAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT (2) Combining of classroom experience with field trips to jails, prisons, hospitals, sanitariums and various self-help groups. Exposure to the prob lems of humanity and specialists who work with those problems. Prerequisities: PT 602. Elective. PT 740 MINISTERIAL ETHICS (2) Astudy of the ethical issues unique to the pastor, his family and the congregation. Astudyof the practice of church discipline as it relates to scripture and society Elective. PT 774 THE FAMILY OF THE CHRISTIAN LEADER (2) A consideration of the special and unique problems faced by vocational Christian workers and their families. Includes all phases of occupa tional Christian ministry. Elective. PT 802 SPIRITUAL CONFLICTS AND COUNSELING (2) Astudy of the conflict between the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light with an em phasis on the authority, power, protection as well as the vulnerability of the believer. The techniques of counseling the spiritually afflicted are also considered. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. PT 807 INTEGRATION OF PSYCHOLOGY AND THEOLOGY (3) Asurvey of the different approaches, models and attitudes for the integration of psychology and theology. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. (Cross listed with RPTI 722.)
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