


Institute of Theological Studies This cooperative program of eight evan­ gelical seminaries, offering lectures on cas­ sette tapes by outstanding biblical scholars, is described on page G-3 of this catalog. The following ITS courses may be taken at Talbot for graduate level credit toward elective units only, according to degree program as follows: Master of Divinity - 6 units Master of Arts - 4 units M.A. reduced - 2 units Amaximum of 12 ITS units may be taken toward prerequisites. Credit for these courses will be given only to students who need prerequisites or who experience unresolvable scheduling problems. Students may pur­ chase the cassette albums through the Talbot Associate Dean 's office. Those desiring to enroll for credit need to contact the Office of Admissions and Records. ITS 501 THE PEN'D\TEUCH (2) Acritical introduction to the first five books of the Bible. Examination of such subjects as the problems of Genesis 1-11 , the Higher Criticism of the Pentateuch, the chronoiogical issues, and the archaeological and cultural background of the Pentateuch. ITS 502 CONQUEST AND SEffiEMENT (2) Astudyof the conquest and settlement period in Israel 's history from the perspectives of ar­ chaeology, theological truths and history Books include Joshua, Judges and Ruth. Special consid­ eration of Late Bronze Age materials from Pales­ tine which provide insight into the cultural back­ ground for this era. ITS 503 THE UNITED KINGDOM (2) An historical , archaeological and theological analysis of the period of the United Monarchy in Israel. Archaeological discoveries from the Iron Age I period cited to illustrate important cuitural trends of this era. Particular attention given to the books of Iand II Samuel , the first ten chapters of I Kings, and the parallel passages in Chronicles and Psalms. ITS 504 THE DIVIDED MONARCHY (2) The history of Israel from the beginning of Solomon 's apostasy (I Kings 11) about 950 B.C. to the Babylonian Captivity (II Kings 25) in 586 B.C. Special emphasis given to the miracle ministries of Elijah and Elishah. Parallel passages from Chronicles and the prophetic books scrutinized, as well as evidence from contemporary secular histo­ ry. ITS 505 THE BOOK OF PSALMS (2) An introduction to the book of Psalms with emphasis on the principles involved in the exegesis of hymnic literature as well as appiication of these principles to selected portions.

ITS 506 UNDERS'D\NDING THE OLD TES'D\MENT (3) Asurvey of the history of salvation in the Old Testament especially as it relates to the universal of Old Testament theology. i.e. the rule of God or the establishment of God's kingdom upon the earth. Aworking knowledge of Hebrew considered to be helpful but not required for this course. ITS 515 THE POST-EXILIC PROPHETS (3) Asurvey of the historical context and Biblical context of the prophets Haggai , Zechariah, and Malachi , with an exposition of each of these three books. ITS 527 THE PASTORAL EPISTLES (3) An exposition of I and II Timothyand Titus. Emphasis on the authority of Paul and his mes­ sage and the need to guard that message, as well as the responsibilities of the local church and its leaders. ITS 538 NEO-ORTHODOXY (2) Astudy of the historical development and the­ ological position of Karl Barth. An attempt to understand the critical attitude of Barth toward the modernism of his day and to trace the devel­ opment of his dialectical method. Presentation of Barth 's views concerning Scripture, revelation, election and salvation, with some basic criticisms of neo-orthodoxy. Afew evaluations of Barth by prominent scholars included in final lecture. Pro­ vides basically a critical understanding of Barthianism. ITS 550 CHURCH LEADERSHIP AND ADMINISTRATION (2) Acourse designed to develop leadership poten­ tial in students and to give them a familiarity with the various elements of the administrative process, including: goal setting and achieving, organiza­ tion, delegation, human relations, group dynamics, supervision and the training of other leaders. Though the principles are universal, in the focus of the course is the Christian organiza­ tion, particularly the local church.

TS 793 THESIS FIRST DRAIT/M.A. (0) Prescribed for M.A. (BE, NT, OT) and M.A (TS) students. TS 794 THESIS FINAL DRAIT/M.A. (0) Prescribed for M.A. (BE, NT, OT) and M.A. (TS) students. TS 795 THESIS FIRST DRAIT/M.A.C.E. (2) Prescribed for M.A. (CE) students. This course will be taken at the completion of 32 units . Nei­ ther this course or TS 796 is applicable toward graduation unless both have been completed. TS 796 THESIS FINAL DRAIT/M.A.C.E. (2) Prescribed for M.A. (CE) students. This course will be taken at the completion of 48 units. Nei­ ther this course or TS 795 is applicable toward graduation unless both have been completed. TS 797 THESIS FIRST DRAIT/M.DIV. (2) Prescribed for the M.Div. students. This course will be taken at the completion of 64 units. Nei­ ther this course or TS 798 is applicable toward graduation unless both have been completed. TS 798 THESIS FINAL DRAIT/M.DIV. (2) Prescribed for the M.Div. students. This course will be taken at the completion of 80 units. Nei­ ther this course or TS 797 is applicable toward graduation unless both have been completed. TS 891 THESIS FIRST DRAIT/TH.M. (0) Prescribed for all Th.M. students. TS 892 THESIS FINAL DRAIT/TH.M. (0) Prescribed for all Th.M. students. *See the Talbot student handbook and the library handbook for requirements.

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