
TALBOT SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY The Rev. & Mrs. David Doerksen Award in Missions - To the student in lhe semina ry who does the besl work far the year in the Deportment of Missions.

Talbot Graduate Student Awards

The Marge Niquette Award in Bible Exposition - An annual award to the student in the seminary who has done outstanding work in the Depor tment of Bible Exposition in the final year of trai ning. The Alumni Award - Given to a continuing student in the seminary by the Alumni Association. The Ministry Associates Award - To an outstanding graduate completing the Moster of Arts in Momoge and family Ministry program. The Charles Lee Feinberg Award - Given to the Senior who besl exemplifies lhe image of a student ot Talbot School of Theology. The William W. Bass Memorial Scholarship Award - Given toosecond or lhird year studenl who hos demonst rated a keen interest in Ph11osophy of Religion and/or Theology. The Inez Gooden Memorial Schola rs hip Award - Given to a seminary student with financial need. The Gordon Johnson Scholarship Award - Given to o seminary sludenl perlorming well academically in one of lhe Bible related fields. The Walker Scholarship Award - To a seminary student with special interest and ability in the ore □ of oulreoch, established by lhe lnternalional fisherman's Club. The Grateful Award - Granted ta on outslonding senior preacher having finonciol need, given by lhe Diamond Bar Evan­ gelical free Church. The Baker Book Award in Christion Education - Given to lhe graduate who has distinguished himself in the study of theology. The American Bible Society Award - Given lo lhe studenl who hos distinguished himself in meaningful and interpretive public reading of the Scriptures.

The awards that fallow ore presented annually lo qualified studenls on the baSIS of rnteria indicated. The Louis T. Talbot Award - To o student in the seminary whose concern and zeal, in lheory ond practice, ore outstanding in the area of lhe e\\lngelization of lhe Jews. The Audrey Talbot Award in Bible Exposition - To the student in lhe seminary who does the best work far the year in the Deporlment of Bible Exposition. The William W. Bass Award - To a sludent in the seminary whose concern and zeal, theoretically ond pracllcolly, ore exem­ pla ry in the in leresl of the evangelization of the Jews. The John and Jennie Solomon Award in Old Testament - To the studenl in lhe seminary who does the besl work for lhe year in the Departmenl of Semitics ond Old Testament. The Library Award - To lhe studenl completing o 1hes1s or thesis project who, in the opinion of the librarian, hos made the most intelligent and etteclive use of lhe li brary during the year of his or her gradualion. The Robert N. Oliver Award in Systematic neology - To the student withthe best work far lhe year in the Deportment of Syslematic Theology. The Award in Homiletics - An annual oword lo 3students in the seminary who distinguish lhemselves in preaching. The Kenneth D. Archinol Award in Christian Education - An annual oword to the outstanding second year student in the Deporlment of Christion Education. The Award in New Testament - To lhe student who has done outslanding work 1n New Testamenl studies throughoul the semi­ nary program.

The Louis T. Talbot Memorial Scholarship Award -

The Rotary Club Scholarship Award -

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