
ICS 705 SEMIOTICS (3) Study of systems of symbols 01 "signs," examination of st1uctu1es underlying cultu1ol activity from fundamental level of mdividuol sign ueotion to mo,e complex systems. P1e1equisite: ICS 610. ICS 706 IDEOLOGICAL CONFLICT (3) Astudy of Mmxism ond othe, such ideologies ond the conflict these genemte in the llllild meducotionol, 1eligious ond politico! aspects of culture. ICS 710 LINGUISTICS AND THE BIBLE II 3) Advanced lexical equivalence p1oblems involved mt1onsloling from G,eek mto indigenous longuoges. lntioductoiy considemtions o( d1scau1se involved in Bible Tmnslation Pre1equ1s1te ICS 610. ICS 721 TOPICS IN SOCIOLINGUISTICS (3) The methodologies of cognitive studies and cognitive styles me p1obed for volue mencaunte11ng members of o distinctive culture 01 subcultu,e ond 1mplicalion lo, Bible tmnslatron. P1e1eq­ uisite 520 m 621. ICS 879 RESEARCH DESIGN (3) Amento, di1ected cau1se mwhich doctoml candidates p1epme ocamp1ehens1ve bibliography of theoretical and applied literatu,e on thei, 1esemch inte1est, ond th,ough that 1eading, develop the theoiy ond strategy for the11 disse1tation resemch.

HTM 742 HISTORY OF MISSIONS (3) The bockg1ound, development and spie □ d of Christianity thmugh llllrld missions; geographical th,usts, g1owth dynamics ond chu1ch st1uctu1es. HTM 751 THEOLOGY OF MISSION ,3) An analysis of the tensions within the Chu,ch focusing mound the mission of the Chmch in the contempmoiy llll1ld with an attempt to fmmul □ te a b1blical-contempo1 □ iy exp,essi □ n □ f the theology of the Chu,ch's mission mlight of those tensions. SOCIETY, TECHNOLOGYAND MISSIONS STM 560 URBAN RESEARCH AND MINISTRIES (3) The use of soo□ I SC1ence techniques to learn about the people, needs ond oppmtumties Im evangelism in the city. STM 561 TOPICS IN APPLIED CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY (3; Application al anthropological insights to c1oss-cultu1 □ I p1ob­ lems. Emphasis on: m □ moge customs, le □ de,ship patterns, politi­ cal relotrons, indigenous movements, cultu,e change, llllildview, etc. P1e1equisite: ICS 300 or HTM 640. STM 562 CULTURE CHANGE ;3) The study of how cultu1es change, the dynamics ond processes of change, the place of change agents ond the speed and intensity of change. Implications of such p1ocesses me examined in soool, pol1tical, economic and 1eligious aspects of society. STM 563 SEX ROLES IN SOCIETY (3; The dynamics of mole and female ,oles in Western, non­ Western ond biblical cultu1es. Focus on 1esponsibilit1es, obligot1ons, expectations, leaderships ond 1nte11elot1onsh1ps as they relote to the society as o whole. STM 570 INTRODUCTION TO BIBLE TRANSLATION (2 01 3) An mtmductron to the p11nciples and pmblems of inte1cultu1 □ I cammumcatron with special emphasis on lianslating the Bible into indigenous languages.

STM 691-692 lUTORIAL (3, 3) Aself-study cou,se lo, expenenced field 1V01ke1s, unde1 di,ec­ tron of o faculty mentm, in the subject meo of the D.Miss. ca1e 1equ11ement. This cou,se is limited to D.Miss. students who can demonstmte p1101 knowledge and competence in the subject meo of the 1equi1ed caie. STM 760 URBAN PRACTICUM (3-6) A p1og1 □ m of c1oss-cultuml internships in the u1bon meliopoli­ t□ n me□ of L.A. By peimission of 1nst1uctor only. STM 762 ADVANCED CHURCH GROWTH ,3\ Atheological and missiological unde1stonding of chu1ch growth p11nciples and the11 opplicat1on to rhe missionoiy task. STM 770 DEMOGRAPHIC RESEARCH (3) The study of human populations by behovim □ I and statisticol 1esemch. STM 773 FIELD METHODS (31 This cou,se rs opmcticum Im applying p1oceduies of language analysis and desrnption os they could be comdinated with learning alo1e1gn longuoge. Students will intemct with ospeaker □f non-Eu,ope □ n language th,oughout the semeste1. STM 774 ADVANCED PHONOLOGY :3) Hiem1chical, generative, ond natural genemlive oppmaches to the study of sound systems of longuoges. Advanced training in the analysis of ohen subconscious factms affecting p,onunciotion, 1mplication □ I meaning, and language chonge. This comse 1s necess □ iy p1epmotion Im Bible tmnslotion and literacy llll1k. Pie1equ1s1tes: BICS 413, BICS 414. STM 775 ANTHROPOLOGY-'LINGUISTICS FOR BIBLICAL INTERPRE­ TATION (3) An integmtion cou,se, explo,ing how methods and pe1spec­ t1ves 1n onth1opology and linguistics moy illuminate lmgu1stic and cultuml feotu,es of srnptu,e, building upon the foundation of the gmmmolical histoncal method of Biblical 1nte1p1etotion. P1e1equi­ site TBE 505 He,meneutics. STM 785 MISSION GROWTH ,3 An invesligat1on mto the missionoiy sending p1ocess. STM 800 STRUCTURALISM OF CLAUDE LEVI-STRAUSS (3) The 1mpo1t□ nce of symbolic analysis of cultu1e in encouraging pe1son□ I Ch11stmn gmwth, chu1ch gmwth and sound Bible tmnsla­ tion in cultme specific settings. STM 850 CROSS-CULTURAL IMPLICATIONS IN THEOLOGY (3) The applicalion of uoss-cultu1al communication p1inciples to the sludy of rheology, rnt1que and evoluol1on of such theologies ond the design and implementalion al cultu,e specific theologies for vo1ious cultu1es STM 860 THE CHURCH IN THIRD WORLD SOCIETIES (3; The message, method and mle of the evongelical chu1ch in societies unde,going sooo-techn □ logical change Elective far Th.M. students, athe1s by depmtment pe,mission. STM 863 AREA STRATEGIES IN EVANGELISM :3) Intensive case study analysis, by sociogeogmphic meas; of evangelistic ond chu,ch planting stmtegies. Moy be 1epeated with diffe,ent cou1se content. STM 871 THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION BY EXTENSION (31 The concept of theological education by extension, including its histoiy, objectives, methodology and the w1il1ng of p1ogrammed insliuction with pmt1culm emphasis on m1ssionoiy application. Elective Im Th.M. students, olhe1s by depmtment pe1mission. STM 872 ADVANCED BIBLE TRANSLATION (3) Discou,se cons1deralions in tmnsl □ tmg from G1eek mto indig­ enous longuoges. P1e1equ1s1te Advanced lingu1st1cs, G,eek.


A study of the biblical mandate to establish local chu1ches among oil of the peoples moking up mankind. Spec1ol emphos1s on mte1cultural church planting among the umeoched peoples of Asio, Af11ca, Latin Amenca ond the ethnic minorities of the western llllrld. HTM 546 HISTORY OF THE EXPANSION OF CHRISTIANITY 1 3) The backgmund, origin, development ond sp1ead of the Ch11S­ t1on faith from the apostolic pe,iod until today. Emphasis will be given to the modern era, especially cantemporaiy g,owth dynamics 1n Africa, Asia and Latin America. HTM 550 CHRISTIANITY AND CULTURE (3) Anthropology app1oach to Ch,istian theologizing; 1nte11elotion­ ships between supracultural Ch1istmnity ond human cultu,es. Focus on conveision, revelation, communication, t1 □ nsfo1mation, indigeneity and othe, related topics. HTM 555 INTRODUCTION TO WORLD MISSIONS '2) The natu,e of Ch11stmn out1each: astudy of pnnoples, h1stoiy, and methodology of llllrldwide missions. HTM 556 WORLD RELIGIONS (2) The distinctive features of the histo1ical ethnic 1eligions, with special emphasis on thei1 campo11son and encaunte1 with Chlis­ tiamty and thei1 bemings upon missian □ iy stmtegies. HTM 640 CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY FOR MISSIONARIES (3) The natu,e of mon ond his culture, special emphasis on intercultuml cammunicalian of the Gospel. HTM 655 CONTEMPORARY THEOLOGY OF MISSION (3) An ove1view and rntique of the vo1ious theologies of mission advocated by various bmnches of the Chu,ch down th1ough the centu11es, beginning with Edinbu1gh 1910 to the libemtion theol­ ogy debate of ou, day. HTM 691-692 TUTORIAL :3, 3) Aself-study cau1se for expe1ienced field llll1ke1s, under direc­ tion of a faculty mento1, mthe subject me □ of the D.M1ss. core requ11ement. This cou,se is limited to D.Miss. students who can demonsliote p1101 knowledge and competence in the subject me □ of the 1equi1ed co1e.


STM 581 JEWISH LIFE AND EVANGELISM '.3) The cultural and 1eligious patterns □ f the contemporaiy Jewish life ond the11 significance 1n evangelism. STM 661 INTRODUCTION TO CHURCH GROWTH (3) Abasic unde1st□ nding of chu,ch g1owth concepts as iel □ ted both to the local cong1egotions ond to the tosk of llllrldwide evongelizotion, with due emphasis on the Chu,ch G1owth school of thought STM 665 LEADERSHIP '3: Cmss-cultural study of le □ de1sh1p dive,se patterns of □ uthmity, legitimacy, public suppo,t, leode1ship 1euuitment, ond training os they affect communication, chu1ch gmwth and devel­ opment 111l1ldw1de. STM 671 CROSS-CULTURAL EDUCATION :31 Pnnciples of cmss-cultuml communication applied to educa­ tion. STM 672 BIBLE TRANSLATION '3 P1inciples of the semantic analysis of discou1se sliuctu1e. P1e1equisite: Advanced linguist1Cs. STM 680 WORLD MISSION AND THE LOCAL CHURCH (2 m 3) Designed to integmte p11nciples of c1oss-cultuml communica­ tion ond theology and stmtegy of n11ssions within atotal concep­ tual franiellll1k to oid the local chu1ch in mission involvement

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