
level courses in psychology (including the nine hours on the master's level) and/or up to 15 hours of theology and Bible applicable to Rosemead's program (including the nine hours on the master's level) from an accredited graduate school or theological seminary. Practicum credit in the amount equal to one Rosemead practicum of three hours may be transferred with the permission of the director of clinical training. These hours will be counted toward the 30 hour transfer maximum. Practicum transfer credit will be granted only when it is shown os practicum on on official graduate transcript. Rosemead will not evaluate non-traditional learning or non-transcripted work experience for academic or practicum credit. When students wish to use transfer credit for arequired course in the Rosemead curriculum, it is their responsibility to provide documentation ossunng the equivalency of course content. Competency examinations may be given to verify equivalence to Rosemead required courses. Documentation may include catalog descriptions, syllabi and other supporting materials from the professor of record or deportment, as deemed necessary. Unofficial Withdrawal Astudent who foils to register in any given semester without arranging for a leave of absence or formal withdrawal is eliminated from the program by default. Leave of Absence Students Inactive students are those who hove requested and been granted o leave of absence from their program. Aleave of absence may be granted upon petition for change of status if there is deemed sufficient reason for interrupting the program and intention to return to the program. Change of status forms are available from the director of records. Aleave of absence must be renewed by petition each semester and may not exceed two consecutive semesters. Aleave of absence longer than two semesters will require withdrawal from the program and a petition for readmission if the student later wishes to regain active status. The committee responsible for

processing readmission requests is the Admissions and Academic Qualifications Committee. Each leave of absence must receive the approval of the student's advisor and the final approval of the dean. Terminated Students Aperson who hos been terminated from Rosemead may make reapplication to the program aminimum of two years ofter termination. The reapplication should be in the form of aletter and include anew application form, at least two current references and any desired supporting materials. The letter should be addressed to the Rosemead Admissions Committee stating the reasons for requesting readmittonce as well as any other issues deemed relevant by the applicant. The letter should directly address the causes for dismissal. The application will be considered with the regular admissions pool. The admissions committee will review the request and may toke one of two actions. (A) Deny the request or (8) approve the request and refer to faculty for final approval or disapproval. The results of the faculty decision will be communicated to the applicant by the Deon of Administration. READMISSION PROCEDURES Astudent who has attended Biolo University and hos dropped out for one semester or longer will be required to file on opplicaton for readmission and pay a fee of $5. Students enrolled for any semester, but who foil to pre-register for the following semester, will be charged a$25 reapplication fee should they choose to return for that semester. Readmission requires the submission of aformal petition for readmission, action by the Admissions and Academic Qualifications Committee, and final approval of the dean. This policy is in effect for students in any status, including internship and dissertation.

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