
Course Descriptions

RPSY 600 RESEARCH APPRENTICESHIP I 2), II '.2 Supervised experience in planning, conducting and repor ting psychologicol research. The specific nature of the research project will be determined by the student with his or her advisor. Students will be required to submit o written review of literoture and research proposal, conduct data gathering act1vil ie1, analyze the data and submit a final report of the project mAPA formal lo his/her advisor. The required total of 4units must be completed by the beginning of the first semester of the third year in the progrom. RPSY 601 RESEARCH DESIGN 13) Covers the logic of comparative experimentation ond cousol inference. Emphasis 1s placed on problem definition, hypothesis formation ond design for drowmg inference. Mo1or emphosis is given to the concepts of partitioning lllrionce ond experrmentol and slatisticol control of lllrionce Analysis of 11111once models useful in cli111col research will be empho11zed Consideration is olso given to the contribution of the research process to the integrotion of psychology ond theology. Prerequisite: RPSY 502. Required for PsyD, Ph.D. RPSY 602 COGNITION AND AFFECT (3) Survey of conlemporory theory ond research on cog111t1on ond affective processes. Information processing models of cognition functioning ond the selective processing function of cignitive schemoto ore emphasized Theones of affect and the 1nteroction of cognition ond affect ore olso explored. Either this course or RPSY 604 1s required for Psy.D., Ph.D RPSY 603 INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOPATHOLOGY !3' An introduction to 11Jr1ous models of psychopothology with speoal ottention to psychodynam1C conceptualizolions. Students olso goin fomiliority with the Owgnost,c ond Stohshcol Manual of Mental O,sarders (3rd Edition). Requued for PsyD., Ph.D. RPSY 604 LEARNING AND MOTIVATION '.3) Asurvey of the processes, theories ond research in leornmg and moti111tion. Empho11s on the specific content moy lllry from year to year Required for Psy.D., Ph.D. Either this course or RPSY 602 is required for PsyD., Ph.D. RPSY 605 PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION /Some 01 RPJI 705) 12 or 3) Asurvey of the psychology of religion research emphosizrng both content ond methodolog1col issues. Topics covered rnclude religiosity ond mental heolth, meosures of religiosity, religious development, correlotes of relig1os1ty ond psychologrcol aspects of conversion and other religious experiences. Elective. RPSY 606 DEVELOPMENTALPSYCHOLOGY 3) Concepts and processes rn11Jlved in the understonding of the psychologicol development of the person from infoncy th1ough adolescence. Mojm theoreticol systems 1ele111nt to Developmentol Psychology ore exomrned with emphos1s upon the study of cognitive, offective ond psychomotor changes manifested in childhood and adolescence. Required for MA, PsyD., Ph.D. RPSY 607 PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES ;3 1 An introduction to psychophysiologicol and neurol mechonisms in thei1 1elotion to mind-body processes, lo the production of psychosomat1C symptoms ond diseases, ond to or1gm1 of psycho­ pathology. Either this cou1se mRPSY 670 01 705 1s requ11ed Im PsyD., Ph.D. RPSY 608 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY ;3) Problems ond theones of the pe1son in the socml context. including person perception, interpersonol relotions, role formation ond differentiation, ot11tude formation, maintenance ond change. Required for PsyD., Ph.D Either this course or RPSY 702 is requi red fo1 Psy.D, Ph.D. RPSY 610 DEVELOPMENT OF RELIGIOUS UNDERSTANDING IN CHIL­ DREN AND ADOLESCENTS 12) An assessment of the cognitive ond affective meonrngs which child1en ond adolescents attribute to ielig1ous concepts, p1actices and experiences, ond their changes rn meo111ng durrng the cou11e of individual development. The b1blicol pe1spect1ve of 1el1gious development is olso examined. Elecfive.

RPSY 618 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH I: COMMUNITY SYSTEMS ANDRESOURCES (3) A study of systems theory wrth o focus on communities, schools, health agencies, governmental human 1erv1Ce ogenoes, churches ond families. P1ov1des oconceptual basis Im understond­ ing the interocl ions among rndividuols ond systems. Proclicol opplicolions include knowing how to enter systems ond mox1mrz­ ing â–¡llliloble resources for clients, pmticulorly those who ore disod111ntoged or hondicopped. Elective. RPSY 619 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH IL PSYCHOEDUCA­ TIONAUPREVENTIVE PSYCHOTH ERAPY MODELS (3) The course focuses on the development of psychoeducolionol opprooches aimed at prevention of emotional difficulties or early secondary intervention of difficulties. Interventions 1u1toble of strolegic developmental phases or oilicol situations. The student will be asked to develop o seminar or workshop, deliver it to o suitable population ond e\llluote its effectiveness. Elective. RPSY 62 l COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH IV: NEEDSASSESSMENT AND PROGRAM EVALUATION METHODS (3: Theory ond applicotion of progrom elllluotion methods. Stu­ dents will be expected to cooperate in ogroup project in an octuol needs assessment or program e11Jluol1on in o clin1C, hospital, school, church or other agency setting. Elective. RPSY 622 ATTITUDES, VALUES AND BELIEFS 12' The psychologicol notu1e of attitudes, llllues ond beliefs os they relate tosooolizot1on, conformity, belief systems ond social influence. Special emphasis is given to llllues in theropy ond the therapist os 11Jlue1 purveyo1 Elective. RPSY 625 CROSS-CULTURAL ISSUES IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Acons1derot1on of the 1mpoct of social ond culturol factors upon the utihzotion ond dynamics of mentol health services Focuses on developing the student's sensitivity to the culturol dynamics in11Jlved in the therapeutic process. Elective RPSY 630 PSYCHOLOGY OF WOMEN ,3) Adiscussion of h1storicol ond contempmory views of women and o look ot research on phys1ologicol ond psycholog1col differ­ ences between moles ond females. Also includes discussion of psychotheropeutic issues, the role of women in the church, ond theolog1col perspectives on women's issues. Elective. RPSY 631 PRINCIPLES OF HEALTHPSYCHOLOGY(2 or 3) This course provides on overview of theory, resemch ond roles of psychologists rn the dissemination of psychologicol knowledge into the health core system. Areos of locos include concerns of the fomily physician Im whKh referrol m1ght be mode, odjysfmenl lo phys1col disabilities, coping with chro111c illness, stages of adjust­ ment by individuals ond their families to deolh and dying, prevenl1ve-educotive ond molillltionol issues in med1col treat­ ment. Prerequisites RPSY 607, RPLB 605 ond/or RPLB 635 recommended. Elective. RPSY 632 RESEARCH PROBLEMS IN PSYCHOTHERAPY (2) Considerotion of research approaches to studying the process ond outcomes of psychotheropy. Special emphasis is placed an measurement of process ond ou tcomes, design ond execution of research ond status of psychotheropy research lo dote. Students ore actively in11Jlved in reviewing ond elllluating psychotheropy research in selected areas. P1e1equ1s1te· RPSY 601. Elective. RPSY 633 ADVANCED SEMINAR IN PSYCHOPATHOLOGY (3 Asu1vey of the development, dynom1Cs ond clossif1cotion of the psychologicol di101de1s from o psychoanalytic point of view. Special attentions given to the neuroses ond to the operot1ons of ego defense mecho111sms. Elective.

Graduate Psychology

Courses under this designation provide the es­ sential scientific and theoretical data base for ad­ vanced graduate study in cl inical psychology. RPSY 500 INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL TECHNIQUES (2' An introduction to intervention tech111ques in clinicol psycholo­ gy. Includes on emphosis on intoke interviewing, the relotionship between models of psychopothology ond psychotheropy ond inter­ personal constructs ond techniques thot cut ocross 1111ious op­ prooches to intervention. Required for Psy.D., Ph.D. RPSY 502 ADVANCED STATISTICS (3) Concepts and techniques inllllved in the analysis ond interpre­ tation of clinical and research data. lecture and loborotory cover­ ing descriptive ond inferentiol stotistics. Mojor top1Cs include correlotion ond regression, tests of significonce ond introduction lo anolysis of lllrionce. Both parametric ond non-porometric ap­ prooches ore covered. Instruction assumes undergroduole bock­ ground in statistics. Required for PsyD., Ph.D. RPSY Sl OMOTIVATION (3) Physrologicol, psychologicol ond sociol bosis for molillllion. Topics include drrves, obesity, sexuol moli11Jt1on, need for achieve­ ment and oggression. Elective. RPSY Sl3 SENSATION AND PERCEPTION (3: Theory and research regarding the process of sensotion ond perception and their relation lo motillllion ond leorning. Elective. RPSY 530 HISTORY AND SYSTEMS OFPSYCHOLOGY '3) An overview of the history of psychology ond clossicol systems 1n psychology. The class also considers issues in the philosophy of soence rele11Jnl to psychologicol systems, research, theory, ond proct1ce. Required for Psy.D., Ph.D. RPSY 551 PERSONALITY I (3 A comprehensive review of the major personality theories. Includes an examinolion of each theory's underlying philosophicol perspective, its view of psychopothology, and its implicot1ons for treatment. Required for Psy.D., Ph.D. RPSY 553 PERSONALITY II (3\ This seminar focuses on aspecific thearel1col orientation ond is designed to give students an in-depth acqurnntonce with thot theory. Common offerings ore psychoanalytic and humanist1C existen tial theories. Prerequisite RPSY 55 l

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