
RPSY 641 MEASUREMENT ANO ASSESSMENT I INTELLECT (3\ The first in osequence of courses directed toword competence in odministrotion, sconng ond interpretation of psychologicol tests. The course invalves o survey of bosic concepts ond principles of psychologicol measurement, including foctors influencing validity ond reliability. Emphasis is ploced on the Stonford-Binet ond Wechsler scoles ond ossessment of intellectual functioning Cost of motenols required is opproximotely S150. Required for Psy.0., Ph.O RPSY 642 MEASUREMENT ANO ASSESSMENT II PERSONALITY 3) Chnicol interpretation of Wechsler scales with on introduction to leorning disobilil1es ond neuropsycholog1col screening. Use of objective personolity instruments with emphos1s upon the MMPI. Introduction lo more structured projective instruments such 01 the TAT ond Sentence Completion. Prerequ1s1te: RPSY 641. Cost of moterrols required for this course is opprox1motely S150. Required for Psy.0., Ph.D. RPSY 643 MEASUREMENT ANO ASSESSMENT Ill PROJECTIVES RORSCHACH) '.3 An introduction lo the use of projective techniques in personal­ ity ossessment with speool emphosis on the odministrotion, 1co11ng ond interpretolion of the Rorschoch using Exner's compre­ hensive System. Prerequisite RPSY 642. Required for Psy.O RPSY 644 MEASUREMENT ANO ASSESSMENT IV ADVANCED PROJECTIVES (Speool Issues) 12) Advanced interpretotion of the Rorschach including speool issues such os forensic evaluatmns, child ond odolescenl personol­ ity ossessment, assessment of thought disorder. Other basic projective instruments such 01 the TAT, CAT ond Sentence Comple­ tion tests ore also covered. Prerequisite: RPSY 643. Elective. RPSY 645 MEASUREMENT ANO ASSESSMENT V: NEUROPSYCHO­ LOGICAL (3 Examines the psycholog1col, neurological and stotist1col bases of neuropsychology, including the two mojor systems of testing procedures utilized in assessment of broin 1mpoirmenl, the Holsteod-Reiton ond the lndiono-Luno Neumpsycholog1col Exomi­ notion. Interpretation ond utilization of doto in lreolment plonning will olso be considered. Prerequisites RPSY 644, RPSY 705, RPSY 607. Elective. RPSY 647 ADVANCED ASSESSMENT Of THE CHILO 3) An advanced diagnostic course which focuses on the oppropri­ ote assessment and diognosis of mentolly relorded, leorning disobled, emotronolly disturbed ond gifted children. Attention 11 olso given to low 1nc1dence hondicops such os portiolly sighted, heor1ng disordered, etc. os well os environmental assessment (eg, home environment, school environment;. Prerequisites: Meosure­ menl &Assessment I, Pre-Proclicum and completion of or current enrollment in o child proctIcum. RPSY 650 FAMILY PSYCHOLOGY ANO PSYCHOPATHOLOGY (3 Emphasizes the construction of o conceptual framework for system change as o foundation for clinicol intervention. Surveys major approaches lo systems-oriented fomily lheropy and includes such related I11ues 01 the family life cycle, object relations integration, family polhology/dysfuncl1on, family assessment, ethnioty ond religious influences. Elective. RPSY 663 HUMAN SEXUALITY '.3) An exominotion of the oreos of humon sexuol functioning ond behov1or, relotionsh1ps ond feelings within the culturol milieu of todoy. Elective. RPSY 665-667 PRACTICUM 'TERMINAL M.A. 3) Supervised clinical expenences, including diognoslic ond thero­ peutIc oct1v11ie1 with inpotrenl ond outpatient clientele. Hosp1tol1, private ond public climes, schools and college counseling centers ore utilized. Required M.A. lerm1nol students only RPSY 670 NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 3 Con11derol1on of behovmrol ond inlellecluol disorders of neuro­ logical origin. Clinical ond experimental evidence is considered os they 1elote lo the moIor syndromes Prerequisite: Phys1olog1col Psychology. Either this course or RPSY 607 or 705 is required for PsyO., Ph.D.

RPSY 690 PREPRACTICUM (2) Prrmory interpersonal skills ond counseling techniques ore ossessed ond focilitoted pnor to the student's first proclIcum field experience. I\Jrious lroining lechaiques ore employed in o smoll group setting. These include empathy trmning, demonslrolions and oud10-video feedback. Required for M.A., Psy.O, Ph.D. RPSY 691-696 PRACTICUM (3) Supervised clinicol experiences including diagnostic ond thero­ peutic octivities with 1npotient ond outpatient clienlele. Hospitals, private ond public clin1c1, mentol heolth orgonizotions, schools ond college counseling centers ore utilized. Prerequisite: successful completion of RPSY 690, or opproval of the Profes11onol Troining Committee. Required for oil doctoral programs; Ph.D. ond Psy.0. RPSY 697-699 PRACTICUM ELECTIVE 1-3, for students desiring supervised clinical experiences beyond the requirements for then degree. These ore used as elective proctico. Prerequisite approval of the director of clinicol trmning. RPSY 700 CLINICAL CASE CONFERENCE I Smoll group supervision of ongoing psychologicol coses. Elec­ tive. RPSY 701 COLLEGE TEACHING Of PSYCHOLOGY (2) Aseminor on teoching methods including the development of course objectives, outlines, lectures ond evaluot1ons. Mojor em­ phos1s Is ploced on the exominotion of the various leaching methods ovailoble to the teacher of psychology. Elective. RPSY 702 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY INTERPERSONAL PROCESSES 1 3 focuses on the sociol psychology of interpersonal relotionsh1ps with special emphos1s on inlimolerelations. Prerequ1s1te: osurvey course undergroduote or groduote I in social psychology ond permission of the instructor. Required for Psy.0., Ph.D. RPSY 703 ORGANIZATION ANO ADMINISTRATION Of PSYCHOLOGI­ CAL SERVICES '.2) Aseminor dealing with odminislrotrve issues such os person­ nel, finances, community relolions ond supervision. Elective. RPSY 704 ADVANCED RESEARCH DESIGN 3' Aconlinuotion of PSY 601 for students interested in pursuing disserlol1on reseorch. The course includes advanced study of urnvanole ond mult1varmle onolys1s of varIonce, regression onoly­ sis, canonical ond dismminonl onolysis ond factor onolys1s. Re­ quired, Ph.D. only. Prerequisite RPSY 601 RPSY 705 CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY (3 1 A generol overview of current reseorch on the use ond effectiveness of psychotropic medicotion in the treatment of the psychoses, neuroses and other emotional disorders. Consultolion ond doss presentotIons by oreo psychiatrists. Prerequisite: RPSY 607 or equivalent Either this course or RPSY 607 or 670 is required. RPSY 709 CURRENT ISSUES IN PSYCHOLOGY I or 2' Intensive focus is given lo o selected topic of contemporary interest such os gnef theropy, forensic psychology, Notional Heolth Core and psychologKol service. Elective. RPSY 710 SPECIAL TECHNIQUES IN CLINICAL PRACTICE r2; Intensive considerotion of o specific technique utilized In modern clinical proclice ond requmng specialized lroining. Asingle moIor technique, such os the Halsleod-Re1ton Adult Neuropsycho­ log1col Battery of clinicol hypnosis, will be the focus eoch lime this course Is ottered. Elective. RPSY 711 SEMINAR IN ETHICAL ANO PROFESSIONAL ISSUES (3' Astudy of the ethics of profes11onol psychology and relation­ ships lo other professional indiv1duols and orgonizolions. Speciol ottenlion is given lo the American Psychologicol Associolion's Code of Ethics. Required for Psy.O., Ph.D.

RPSY 712 INDEPENDENT STUDY (1-3) Individual work, directed reading or specrol problems in psy­ chology. Such work must be done with the approval ond supervi­ sion of o faculty professor of record. The student is expected lo submit o detoiled course proposal ond o b1bliogrophy with o leorrnng conlrocl form available lrom the registror's office. Re­ quired courses moy not be token through independent study. Elective. RPSY 715 TRAINING THERAPY GROUP '.Ol for official indicolion on the student's tronsrnpl of required personal growth experience through group trmning theropy. Re­ quired for oil doctoral progroms. RPSY 716 TRAINING THERAPY :INOIVIOUAL) '.01 for otticiol indicotion on the student's tronsrnpl of required personol growth experience through on 1ndividuol lroining therapy. Requrred for oil doctorol progroms. RPSY 718 DOCTORAL RESEARCH SEMINAR I 3' This is the first of o two course sequence which Psy.O. nondissertolion students con toke os oporl1ol fulfillment of their doclorol reseorch competency. This course includes on in-depth study of research methods in clirncol psychology ond experience in cri licolly reviewing current clinicol research. RPSY 719 DOCTORAL RESEARCH SEMINAR II (2) Building on RPSY 718, this course invalves writing on in-depth rnlicol review of the reseorch literature on o selected topic in clinicol psychology. RPSY 721 DISSERTATION RESEARCH 1 1-8 Planning ond implemenlol1on of a reseorch project including literoture review, problem definition, hypothesis formation, design, ond 1mple111entolion of field research, doto onolysis, ond report writing. The student's disserlotion reseorch Is supervised by o faculty cho1rmon ond committee. The final sloge requires the student to successfully susloin on Orol Defense of the disse1lotion. Required for oll doclorol progroms. RPSY 731 INTERNSHIP IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY :0) Profess1onol expenence of oone yeor internship in a facility opproved by the Professional Trmning Comm1llee. Prerequisites: Successful completion of comprehensive exominolIons, course requirements, profess1onol qualifying exominotion Psy.0. or pro­ fessional interview (Ph.D.', ond approval of odissertolion propos­ al. Required for oil doctoral progroms.

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