
Psychotherapy laboratory Courses This series of elective courses is designed to effect a working integration al conceptual and ex­ perimental aspects of psychotherapy Ph.D. students are required to take 12 uni ts al PLB courses and Psy.D. students, 21 uni ts. Each course includes both course work and supervised clinical experience within the psychotherapy model followed in the specific course. Completion of RPSY 603, RPSY 500, and RPSY 690 or their equivalent is required before enrollment in these courses is permitted. Al l PLB courses have limited enrollments and requi re permission of the instructor. RPLB 605 BEHAVIOR THERAPY 3' The observation, assessment and modifrcatron of human behovior, including operont, respondent and cognitive models. Emphosrs rs on supervised dient rnteractron. Prerequisite: RPSY 604 ond permission of rnstructor Elective. RPLB 613 PSYCHOTHERAPY WITH THE ADOLESCENT '3) Techniques ond problems in psychotheropy with adolescents. Speciol ottentron is focused on the implications of developmental processes of odolescence on treatment approaches. Prerequisite· permission of instructor. Elective. RPLB 631 PSYCHODYNAMIC THERAPY 1 3; An rn-depth study of the process of theropy g1v1ng special attention to the concepts of tronsference, counter-tronsference resistance ond rnterpretotron. Prerequisite: RPSY 551, portrcipation in individuol training therapy and permission of instructor. Enroll­ ment must be planned for both RPLB 631 and RPLB 632. Elective. RPLB 632 PSYCHODYNAMIC THERAPY II (3) Continuotion of RPLB 631 Prerequisites: RPLB 631 ond per­ mission of the instructor. Elective. RPLB 641 PSYCHOTHERAPY WITH GROUPS 3 The essentmls of the group psychotheropy process ore exam­ ined and related to current modalities in psychotherapy and generol group phenomena Electrve RPSY 642 PSYCHOTHERAPY WITH CHILDREN ,3: The nature ond treatment of common emotronol ond behavior­ al problems of childhood from o psychoonolytic developmental perspective. Specrol attentron is given to porent counseling Prerequisites: RPSY 604, RPSY 641 ond permission of instructor. Elective. RPLB 643 BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION WITH CHILDREN AND PARENTS (3\ The nature ond treatment of common emotional ond behovior­ ol problems of childhood from a learning theory perspective. Special attention to parent counseling. Elective.

RPLB 653 VOCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND PSYCHOTHERAPY (3 Astudy of vacotronol development ond vacat,onol choice os o point of focus rn psychotherapy Attention is given to values clorifrcation, personality ond adjustment factors, measurement of aptitudes and in terests ond decision-making skills. Special consid­ erotron rs given to assessment tools, informotionol ords ond supportrve community resources within the context of rntegrotrng vocotronol development with professional psychologrcal proctrce. Prerequisites RPSY 642 ond permission of instructor. Elective. RPLB 671 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPY I ,3' Astudy of the literoture ond proctrce of moritol ond fomrly therapy, with emphasis on diagnostic procedures ond tire opplico Iron of specific therapeutic technrques to dysfunction within the moritol dyad The first semester emphasizes diagnostic rnterview­ ing in o clinic setting where students carry responsibility for psychological assessment, rnterviewing, report-writing ond thero­ peutic recommendations in selected dients. Concurrent enrollment rn o proctrcum offering opportunities for experience with couples ond/or families is required. Prerequ1s1te. RPSY 642 ond permission of instructor Elective. RPLB 672 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPY 11 '3' Continuation of RPLB 671 Major consideratmn wrll be given in the second semester to issues such os premorrmge, communico­ tmn, divorce ond sexual dysfunction os aspects of morrtol theropy Concurrent enrollment in o practicum offering opportunities for experience wrth couples ond/or families is required Prerequisites: RPLB 671 ond permission of rnstructor. Elective. RPLB 681 SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN PSYCHOTHERAPY I :2 or 3; An advanced course in psychodynomic psychotheropy dealing with issues such os imporrments of the therapeutrc relotionshrp, octrng out, levels and timing of rnterpretotrons ond psychotheropy with rndivrduols sufferrng from drsturbonces in eorly object rela­ tionships. Prerequisites: RPLB 631, RPLB 632 ond permission of instructor. Electrve. RPLB 682 SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN PSYCHOTHERAPY II :2 or 3', Continuotron of RPLB 681. Prerequisrte: RPLB 681 ond permis­ sion of rnstructor. Elective RPLB 702 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES IN CASE SUPERVISION I 2-3' Asemrnor rn cose supervision. Students ore responsible for supervising the professronol experiences of less advanced stu­ dents. Prerequisites: admission to doctoral studies ond permission of instructor. Elective. RPLB 703 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES IN CASE SUPERVISION II 2-3 Continuation of RPLB 702 Prerequisites RPLB 702 ond per­ mission of instructor. Elective. RPLB 705 BRIEF PSYCHOTHERAPIES (3) Models ond opprooches rn brief interventions wrth special attention to crisis intervention, emergency room work, os well os systems opprooches 'Wotzlowrck, Holey, M. Erickson). Prerequ1- s1te: permrssion of instructor. Elective RPLB 709 THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES TO SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION (3) This course focuses exclusively on clinrcol approaches to assessment ond therapeutic intervention in relation to sexual dysfunction wrthrn the moritol dyad. Prerequisrtes: RPLB 671, RPSY 607, RPSY 663 ond permissron of rnslructor. Elective.

RPLB 710 EXISTENTIAL PSYCHOTHERAPY 3) Study ond practice of the theropeutrc relotronship ond the process of therapy from o growth or octuolizotron perspective, rncluding the opprooches of selected theorists such os Rogers, Gendlin, Perls ond selected existential theropists Prereqursrtes RPSY 551 ond permrssion of instructor. Elective. RPLB 711 ADLERIAN PSYCHOTHERAPY (3 The focus of this course is on the practice of psychotherapy based on the personality ond family dynamics eloboroted in Alfred Adler's lndivrduol Psychology. Attentron will olso be given to more contemporory views of such Adlerions os Dreikurs, Ansbacher ond Ansbacher, Dinkmeyer, Mosok ond others. Prerequ1s1te: RPSY 551 Electrve. RPLB 715 CURRENT PSYCHOTHERAPIES ,3) This course focuses each trme rt is offered on o specific therapy not regulorly included rn Rosemeod's curriculum, 1nclud1ng such opprooches os Transoctionol Anolysrs, Gestalt Therapy, Psy­ chodromo, Rotionol-Emotrve Theropy, Reality Theropy, ond others. Teochrng personnel ore drown from tire professionol community of active proctitioners of the specific modality to be considered. Prerequisites. os determined by the rndrvrduol rnstructor. Elective. RPLB 717 GESTAll PSYCHOTHERAPY 1 3 The focus of this course will present the theory ond application of Gestalt Theropy for use with indrviduols ond groups. !hrs theropy, created by Perls ond developed by Zwrker & Polster, focuses on personal growth ond self-octuolrzotron. Elective

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