
Theology/ Biblical Studies

Integration ofPsychology and Theology Roserneod's curriculum is distinguished by oseries of serninms designed to investigate the mutual 1elotionsh1ps between the­ olog1col ond psycholog1col concepts ond dolo. These seminars constitute on essentml port of Roserneod !mining and offer students on opportunity to become inllllved in ocreative oppl1co­ lion of shmed insights from these 1eloled disciplines. Eoch student must toke RPTI 501 ond RPTI 721 or 722 and four oddilionol 1nlegmtion serninms. Tv.u of the od11Jnced serninms me token for 2 units and two fo1 3 units. In the 3 unit serninm students me expected to write on in-depth integmt1on pope1 suitable fo1 publicotion Completion of RPTI 721 mRPTI 722 is op1erequisite fo1 all othe1 integmtion serninms. 14 units ore 1equ11ed.) RPTI 50 I INTEGRATION COLLOQUIUM (1) A colloquium intmducing fi1st yem students to issues ond opp1ooches to the integmtion of psychology and theology. RPTI 705 PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION (Some os RPSY 605) (2 01 3) ASU1vey of the psychology of 1elig1on 1esemch emphasizing both content and rnethodologicol issues. Topics covered include 1eligiosity and mental health, rneosu1es of relig1os1ty, 1eligious development, conelotes of religiosity and psychologicol aspects of conve1sion ond other religious aspects. Elective RPTI 710 SIN ANO PSYCHOPATHOLOGY (2 or 3) An odlllnced serninm exploring the concepts of sin ond psychopathology Includes odiscussion of the nature and essence of psychopathology and the relationship of pe1sonol, pmentol and societal 1esponsibility in personality development ond functioning P1erequ1sites: RPSY 551 and 552, RTHE 606 ond peirn1ssion of the 1nstructo1. Elective. RPTI 714 CONFLICTS IN THE INTEGRATION OF PSYCHOLOGY ANO THEOLOGY 2 01 3 Aconsideration of tensions between psychology and theology in meas such as self-esteem, cmporol punishment, sex roles, egolitmionisrn, ond divorce. Asynthesis model is used for thinking const1uctively about such tensions and identifying sliengths and weaknesses of t1oditionolly conflicting viewpoints. Elective. RPTI 715 PSYCHOANALYSIS ANO RELIGION (2 or 3) Asu1vey of the views of Freud and loter psychoanalysis on 1eligion. Closs1col psychoanalytic explonolions and inte1pretotions of 11J1ious religious phenomena ond beliefs me examined along with rno1e 1ecent object 1elolions and philosoph1col viewpoints on psychoonolysis and religion. Elective. RPTI 721 THE NATURE ANO SCOPE OF INTEGRATION 1 3) This requ11ed course includes odiscussion of the models, levels and meas in which integration of the lheologicol and psychologicol con occur, os well as ofrornev.urk for conceptualizing the scope of integration. Pre1equ1sites: RTHE 517, 518, 605 and second yem slonding. Required for Ph.D., Psy.O. RPTI 722 SYSTEMS OF INTEGRATION (3) Acriticol e\llluolion of the v.urks of specific theologmns and psychologists who hove attempted to integrate the disciplines of psychology and theology. Attention is given to the opp1ooches of such theonsts as Adorns, Browning, Crabb, Gothmd, Mowre1, Oden, Tournie1, \Im Koorn and Wogne1. P1erequisites: RTHE 517, 518 and 605. Required for Ph.D., Psy.0.

RPTI 741 GUILT, CONSCIENCE ANO SOCIALIZATION (2-3) Adiscussion of guilt and consnence, including both biblicol and psychologicol themies on the origins of guilt and conscience and the exp1essions of these theories in therapy. P1e1equ1s1te: com­ mencement of individual didactic and the RTHE 605 and 606. Elective. RPTI 742 ANGER, AGGRESSION ANO HOSTILITY (2-3) Aconsidemtion of onge1 and 1eloted emotions and behaviors, including the cothms1s hypotheses and aggression in fontosy. Eleclive. RPTI 744 INTEGRATION ANO THERAPY (2-3) The focus of this serninm 1s on "explicit integration" in psychothe1opy. The dist1nctives of the Christion therapist and his therapeutic concepluolizolions and inte1ventions is examined. Elective. RPTI 745 MATURITY PSYCHOLOGICAL ANO · THEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES (2-3) Vo11 □ us oppmoches to the concept of maturity ore 1eviewed, including the psychologicol, biblicol and de11Jtionol. Arnojo1 focus is placed on the s1rnilmities and differences between biblicol and psychologicol maturity as seen by such integmlion theo11sts as Cmte1, Clines, G1ounds and Oakland. Elective. RPTI 746 SELECTED TOPICS ANO ISSUES IN INTEGRATION (2-3) Occosionol seminars me offe1ed unde1 this course designation with focus on some contempomry integmt1on issue, conlrove1sy or special resemch inte1esl. Elective. RPTI 748 CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY (2-3; A study of the potentml 1rnpoct of the church as o social system upon the growth ond rnotu11ty of its rnernbe1s. P1erequ1- sites: RTHE 606 ond permission of instucto1. Eleclive. RPTI 749 VALUES IN PSYCHOTHERAPY (2-3) Aconsideration of the mle of llllues in the psycholhempy process. Includes discussion of the presence and impoct of the implicit and explicit 11Jlues of both the1op1st and client. Elective. RPTI 750 PERSPECTIVES ON HUMAN NATURE (2-3) Auiticol exorninolion of 11Jrious lheologicol and psychologicol onlh1 □ polog1es. Each student is expected to conduct on in-depth review of one theo1elicol pe1spective. Elective. RPTI 760 INDEPENDENT STUDY (1-3) Individual study, d11ected reading mspenol problems in inte­ gmtion. Such study must be done with the opp1 □ 11JI and supe1vi­ sion of o faculty professm of 1ecord. The student is expected to submit odetailed cou1se proposal and obibliog1ophy on olearning contmct form □ llliloble from the registmr's office. Requ11ed courses may not be token th1ough independent study. Elective lntercultural Studies Students con apply up to six (6) units of the following courses towmd the psychology graduotion 1equirernent. Course desrnp­ t1ons me given unde1 the School of lnte1cultu1 □ l Studies section of the cotolog. ICS 502 Social Orgonizotion (3) HTM 550 Ch11stionity and Culture (3) ICS 520 lnterpersonol ond lnterculturol Adjustment (3) STM 561 lopiCs in Applied Cultuml Anth1opology (3) STM 562 Culture Change (3) ICS 622 lnlercultuml Cornrnunicotion (3, ICS 706 ldeolog1col Conflict (3) STM 563 Sex Roles in Society (3)

This se11es of cou1ses p1ovides students with essentiol biblicol ond theologicol unde1stonding pierequ1s1te to effective integration of the disciplines of psychology ond theology (17 units requi1ed.) RTHE 517 THEOLOGY ANO BIBLICAL STUDIES I HERMENEUTICS '.2) Astudy of he1rneneulicol p11nciples for sound inte1pretot1on of the Bible, including general iules and specmlized principles fo1 pmobles, types, prophenes and poetry. Required fo1 Psy.O., Ph.D. RTHE 518 THEOLOGY ANO BIBLICAL STUDIES 11 MATTHEW AND ROMANS 4) An exposition of these two books, thei1 backgrounds, themes, lines of thought through verses, chapters and sectmns, docliinol significonce, solutions to meas of difficulty and 1ele11Jnt practicol applicot1on P1erequ1site RTHE 517. Requi1ed for Psy.0., Ph.O RTHE 605 THEOLOGY ANO BIBLICAL STUDIES Ill THEOLOGY PROPER ANO ANTHROPOLOGY (4) Prolegomena to systernotic theology including its nature and method. The study of b1bliology including 1evelotion, inspimt1on, cononicity and outhority of the Sc1iptures. The doctrine of God. Pre1equisite: RTHE 518. Requi1ed fo1 Psy.0., Ph.D. RTHE 606 THEOLOGY ANO BIBLICAL STUDIES IV RECONCILIATION ANO THE CHURCH ( 4) The study of solllltion, its provision in the person ond v.urk of Chnst and its opplicot1on to man. The church, including its inception, noture ond mgonizotion. The doctrine of future things. Pre1equis1te RTHE 605. Required for Psy.0., Ph.D. RTHE 625 THEOLOGY AND BIBLICAL STUDIES V CHRISTIAN ETHICS (31 A study of Christion ethics in relation lo di11J1ce, obo1lion, hornosexuolity, eulhonosis, situation ethics, env1ronrnenlol ecology and hurnon conliol of hurnon beings. Requ11ed fo1 PsyO., Ph.D. RTHE 730 INDEPENDENT STUDY (1-3) Individual v.urk, directed 1eoding mspecial p1oblerns in theol­ ogy. Such study must be done with the oppro\lJI and superv1s1 □ n of ofaculty p1ofesso1 of record. The student 1s expected lo submit o detailed course proposal and o b1bliogmphy on o learning conlmcl form □ lllil □ ble from the iegistrm's office. Requi1ed cou1ses may not be token through independent study. Elective.

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