

WAYNE S. FLORY Associate Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology, 1972 B.A., Westmont College; B.D., Groce Theologrcol Seminary; Th.M., Talbot Theological Seminary; M.A., California State University, las Angeles. ROBERT A. FREMBLING Associate Professor of Rec1eot1on and Comp Adminrstrotron, 1975 B.A., M.S., Son Francisco State University.

DORCAS HENRY Assocrote Professor of Physical Education, 1971 B.S., Morion College; M.A, Boll State University.

MARGUERITE G. KRAFT Associate Professor of lnlerculturol Studies, 1973 B.S., Wheaton College; M.A., Horrlord Seminary Foundation: D.Miss., Fuller Theologrcal Seminary BARRY KRAMMES Ass,stont Professor of Ari. 1983 BJA., University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire; MJA. Umversrty of Wisconsin-Madison.

HENRY WHOLLOMAN Professor of Syslemotrc Theology, I 974 AB., Southwestern College of Memphis, Th.M , Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary. DAVID G. HOLMQUIST Associate Professor of Physical Education, I 978 B.S., Biolo College; M.S., Coliformo Stole University, Fullerton, Ph.D., University of Southern Cahfornro WBINGHAM HUNTER, JR. Deon, Talbot School of Theology, Assocrote Professor of Bible Exposition, 1977 B.S., M.S., Michrgon Stole University; M.A., Trimly E111ngelical Divinity School; Ph.D., Unrversrty of Aberdeen; post-doctorol, Com­ bridge University WILLIAM F. HUNTER Assocrole Professor of Psychology, 1973, Editor of Journol of Psychology ond Theology B.A., Northwestern College; M.RI, B.D., Th.M D.Mrn; Golden Gate Baptist Theological Semrnory; M.A., Fuller Theological Semi­ nary; Ph.D., United Stoles lnternot,onol University. DENNIS A. HUTCHISON Assistant Professor of New Testament language and literature, 1976 BA, Biolo College; M.Div., Th.M, Talbot Theological Seminary; Th.D., Groce Theological Seminary.

DIANE L GABRIELSON Assistant Professor of Psychology, 1986 B.S., Taylor University; M.A., Biolo University.

PAUL KULD Assocrote Professor of Biological Science. 1969 B.A., MA, Colifo1n10 Stole University, long Beach

KENNETH GARLAND Instructor of Christian Education, 1986 B.A., Biolo University; M.R.E., Talbot Theological Senunary. ANNE L GEWE Assistant Professor of Nursing, 1979 R.N., Los Angeles General Hospital School of Nursing; B.S.N, Biolo College; M.S.N , California State University, Los Angeles.

NICKOLAS KURTANECK Professor of B1bl1cal Studies and Theology, 1959 B.A., Groce College; Th B, B.D., Th M, Th.D Groce Theolog,cal Seminary PETER KURTZ Professor of Physics, 1968 B.S., M.S., University of M1ssour1; Ph.D., Umve1s1ty of Cohfornro, Los Angeles.

SYLVIA GILMAN Associate Professor of English, 196 l B.A., M.A., Colorado State College.

LLOYD E KWAST Professor >f Missions, 1972

Diploma, Grand Rapids Bopl1st Bible College, B.A., California Baptist Theological Seminary· M.RI, B.D, American Bopti t Sem,nory of the West; M.A, D.Mrss., Fuller Theologrcol Seminury ROBERT E LARZELERE Assocrole Professor of Psychology, 1982 B.A. \\\Jbosh College; M.S., Georgro Technologrcal Unrve1s1ty Ph.D., Pennsyl111nio Stole University

GERALD l. GOODEN Associate Director, library, Associate Professor, 1962 Diploma, Moody Bible Institute; B.A., Marshall University; MJS., University of Coliformo, Los Angeles. MARIANNE GRITTER Instructor of Nursing, 1986 B.S., Consortium of California Stole Colleges and Umversrtres; M.S., California State University, Son Jose. EVELYN M. GUILBERT Associate Professor of Nursing, 1980 B.A., Nursing, California State University, Los Angeles; M.S., University of California, Los Angeles. JAMES GUY Assocrote Professor of Psychology, 1982 B.A., Wheaton College; MA, Fuller Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Fuller Graduate School of Psychology. DAVID L HAMMOND Director, Medro Center, Professor of Education, 1962 B.S., Bob Jones University; M.A. Arizona State University; Ed.D, University of Southern California. DELBERT J. HANSON Professor of Philosophy, 1966 B.A., M.A., Wheaton College; M.A., PhD, University of Southern California

CAROL A. JENKINS Associate Professor of Sociology, 1985

E. STANLEY LEONARD Associate Professor of Ch11st,on Educatron, 1966

BA, Molone College; MA, Chicago Graduate School of Theology, M.A., Western Michigan University; Ph.D , Konsos Stole Unrversrty

B.A., Th B, fort Wayne Bible College; M.RI, Biblical Seminary M.A. New York University; DMin Talbot School of Theology.

REX E. JOHNSON Assiston I Professor of Christion Education, 1976 B.A., University of Colifornio, Los Angeles; M.R.E, Talbot Theologi­ cal Seminary; M.A., Biolo College.

TODD LEWIS Associate Professor of Communication, 1974 B.A., Biolo College; MA, Ohro Stole University, Ph.D, lou,srouo Stole University. VERN LEWIS Professor of Psychology, 1965 BA. B,olo College; MA , Colifornio Stale University, Fu lerton Ph D, Cloremonl Groduole School. DAVID C LIAO Assocrole Professor of Missions, 1980 BS, Fukien Christion University; M.A, Fuller Theological Serni nary; D.Miss. fuller Theological Seminary.

RICHARD JONES Professor of Education, 1963

BA, Wheaton College; BD, Fuller Theological Seminary; MA, Colifornro Stole University, Los Angeles; Ed D, University of Cali­ fornia, Los Angeles.

JOHN E. KELLEY Associate Professor of Psychology, 1980 Director of Rosemead Counseling Service B.A., M.A., PhD, University of Arizona.

LETA A. KILANDER Associate Professor of Nursing, 1968 R.N, St. Luke's Hosprtol, Bellingham; B.S., University of Washing ton; MN, University of California, Los Angele_s. SIELLA KIM Order Librarian, Assrstonl Professor, 1962 B.A., Notional Toiwon University; MALS, George Peabody Col­ lege.

BARRY LIESCH Assocrole Professor of Music. 1974

ROBERT l HARRISON Assistant Professor of History, 1983

BM, University of B1111sh Columbro; MA , State Umversrty of New York, Binghamton; Ph.D., University of Colifornro, Son Diego.

BA, Biolo College; M.Div., Fuller Theological Seminary, MA, California Stole University, Los Angeles; Ph.D Candidate, Universi­ ty of Southern California. IOMA HAWKINS Assistant Professor of Psychology, 1985 B.A., Pepperdine University; MA, Pepperdine University; Ph.D., California School of Professional Psychology.

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