


PAUL l. POELSTRA Professor of Psychology, Director of Summer Sessmn and lnterlerm, l 963 8.A., Biolo College; M.A., Ph.D, Clmemonl Groduale School. KEN POLITE Assistant Professm of Psychology, Directm of Clinicol Training, 1982 B.A., Evangel College; M.A., Ph.D., Fuller Theological Semmory Graduate School of Psychology. BENJAMIN POWELL Assooate Professor of Business Admm1strot1on, 1970 8.5., University of Wyommg; M.B.A , University of Southern Coh­ fornio; Ph.D., New York University ROBERT RADCLIFFE Associole Professm of Chr1slian Education, 1976 B.A., M.A., Wheaton College; Ph.D, Claremont Graduate School.

ALEX MONTOYA Instructor mBiblical Studies ond Theology, 1986 B.A., Biola College; M.D1v., Th.M., Tolbol Theological Seminary GEORGE C. MOORE Director of Ethnic and lnternolional Student Relolions, lnslrucfm of Biblical Studies and Theology, 1975 Diploma, Bible Institute of Los Angeles; BA, Biolo College; M.Div, Th.M., Jolbot Theological Sem1nory.

ALBERT CHIH-SHION llN Associote Professm of Biologicol Science, 1977 B.P., Tmpe1 Med1col College; Ph.D, Stole Unive1s1ty of New Ymk, Buffalo. LARRY H. llNAMEN Associate P1ofesso1 of Business Admmisfrolion, I978 BA, Ande1son College, MBA, Boll State University; Ed.D., Ball Stale University. JUDITH E. LINGENFELTER Assistant Professor of lntercultural Studies, 1983 B.A., Wheaton College; M.l.S., Stole University of New York ol Geneseo; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh. SHERWOOD llNGENFELTER Professor of lnterculturol Studies, 1983 BA, Wheaton College; PhD, University of Pillsburgh.

NANCY MURPHY lnslruclor of Nursmg, 1984 B.S., Wheaton College.

S BRUCE NARRAMORE Deon, Rosemead School of Psychology Professor of Psychology, 1970 B.A, Westmont College; MA, Pepperdine College, MA, Fuller Theologicol Seminary; Ph.D., University of Kentucky THOMAS l. NASH Associole Professor of Communicolion, 1977 B.S., John B1own Unive1sity; M.A., Ph.D., Michigon Slate Univer­ sity. GEORGE M. NISHIDA Professor of Sooology, 1964 B.A., Pasodeno College; M.A, California Stole Unive1sity, Los Angeles; M.A., Ph.D, Unive1s1ty of Coliforrno, R1ve1s1de. EDWARD H. NORMAN Deon. School of Ails ond Sciences; Professm of Physicol Educolion, 1962 B.S., Spnngfield College; M.A, Boll Stole University; Ed D, Univer­ sity of Southern Colifornio.

WllllAM LOCK Professor of Music, 1964

D. LANCE REVENAUGH Instructor in Business Administration, 1985 BBA, M.8.A., Baylor University

AR.Cl, Royal Conservatory of Music; BM, M.M, MacPhoil College of MuSJC; D.M.A., Unive1s1ty of Southern Colifornm

RAYMOND LUTKE Assooafe Professor of Music, 1970 B.S.M., Groce Bible Institute; B.M.E., M.M.E., Bradley University

RICHARD 0. RIGSBY Associate Professm of Semitics ond Old Testament, 1974 8A, John B. Stetson University; M.Div., Golden Gate Bop list Theological Seminary; Ph D, Southern Boplisl TheologKal Semi­ nary. RONALD E. ROBERTS Instructor mB1bhcal Studies ond Theology, 1986 8.5., Philadelphia College of the Bible; Th.M, D.Min, Dollos Theologicol Seminary JAMES E. ROSSCUP Professor of Bible Exposilion, 1965 8.A., Anzona State University; Th.M. Th.D., Dallas Theological Semmory; Ph.D., University of Aberdeen. JUANITA RYAN Assistant Professo1 of Nursing, 1986 8.5., California Stole Unive1sity, Sanomento; M.S., Unive1s1ty of Wisconsin. JAMES RYNO Professor of Chemistry, 1970 Diploma, Moody Bible Institute; B.S., University of lllmois; Ph.D., University of Colifornro, Riverside. MARK SARGENT Ass1stont Professm of English, 1981 8.A., University of California, Sonia Barbaro; M.A., Ph.D., studies 1n progress, Claremont Graduate School CHARLES J. SARVER Associate Professor of Physical Education, 1966 8.A., Unive1sity of Col1fornio, Berkeley; M.A., California Stole University, long Beach. CONNIE SARVER Associate Professor of Physical Education, 1968 B.A., Biola College; M.A., California Stale University, long Beoch; PhD, Texas Woman's University ROBERT l. SAUCY Professor of Systematic Theology, 1961 B.A., Westmont College, Th.M., Th.D, Dallas Theologicol Seminary JACK SCHWARZ Professor of Music, 1965 BA, Biola College; M.M., D.M.A., University of Southern Califor­ nia

HOWARD LYON Associate Professm of Physical Education, 1971 B.A., M.A., Colifornm Stole University, long Beoch LARRY MARSHBURN Di1ecto1 of the llbrory, Associate Professm, I9B2 BA. Whiffie1 College; M.S., University of Wisconsin.

FRANK I. MARTINEZ Assistant Professor of Psychology, 1984 B.A., University of Cohfornia of Los Angeles; M.A, Ph.D., University of Nebraska. GERALD MASTERSON Assislonl Professor of Physicol Education, 1986 BA, Ouoch1to Baptist University; M.S., Boylm University MARVIN K. MAYERS Deon, School of lntercultur □ I Studies, Professo1 of lnterculturol Studies, I 982 B.A. Wheoton College; M.Div., Fuller Theological Seminary; M.A., Ph.D, University of Chicago. GARY MclNTOSH Assislonf Professor of Proclicol Theology, 1986 B.A., Rockmont College, M.Div., Western Conservative Bopt1st Semmory; D.Mm , Fulle1 Theologicol Seminary. OllVE WMcLAUGHLIN Assislont Professo1 of Nu1sing, l 975 B.S., R.N, Unive1s1ty of Oregon; M.S.N., Col1fmnia State Unive1s1- ty, Los Angeles.

EllZABETH G. NORMAN Associate P1ofesso1 of Phys1col Educolion, l 962 B.S., loylo1 University; M.A., Ball Stole Unive1s1ty.

MATTHEW C. ORR Ass1slonf P1ofessor of Physical Education, l 973 B.A., 81010 College; M.A., Cohfornio Stole Unive1s1ty, Fullerton. MARLIN OWEN Associate Professor of Music, l 982 B.S., Mankato Stole University; MA , University of Colifornio, Son Diego. RAPHAEL PAYNE Assocmle Professor of Bmlog1cal Science, l 970 8.A., Westmont College; M.S., University of Nebmsko. CAROL M. PEIRCE Assislonl Professor of Communicolion, 1985 B.A., Barrington College, MEd., MA, PhD, Bowling Green Slote University.

C. DAVID PETERS Professor of Polit1col Soence, 1966 8.A., M.A, Ph.D, University of Oklohomo.

WILLIAM M. McOUEEN, JR. Associate Professm of Psychology, 1978 B.A., MA , Ph D, Unive1sity of South Cmolino.

RONALD PIERCE Assoc1ofe Professor of Biblicol Studies and Theology, l 976 8.A., John Brown University; M.Div, Th M, Talbot Theologicol Seminary; Ph.D., Fuller Theologrcol Seminary.

CURTIS C. MITCHELL Professo1 of B1blicol Studres ond Theology, 1966

PATRICIA l. PIKE Assistant Professor of Psychology, l 983 B.A., M.A. Ph.D., University of Howrni.

BA.. Biolo College; B.D., Jolbol Theological Semmory, Th.M.. Western Conse1valive Bopt1st Theolog1col Semmory; Th.D., G1oce Theological Semmory. RICHARD J. MOHllNE Deon of Administrot1on, Rosemead School of Psychology, Assocmte Professo1 of ProctKol Theology, l 970 Diploma, Moody Bible lnslitute; B.A. Wheaton College; M.Div., Gordon Conwell Seminary; MEd , Loyola University, Chicago.

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