
APPENDIX 1111111!)

PART-TIME FACULTY The Biolo University faculty each semester includes, rn odditron to the regular faculty members listed above, approximately 80 persons teaching on aport-time basis equrwlent to about 30 full­ time-equiwlent faculty positrons. These persons bring to therr tasks arich wrrety of ocodemrc and other professional expertise, and thus serve to enrrch the cuurculor offerings of the University, particularly rn some of the more specrolized areas. SPECIAL APPOINTMENT FACULTY JANE H. HIGA Deon, Student Affairs, 1982 B.A., \'kstmont College, Ms.Ed., University of Southern California. UNIVERSITY FACULTY EMERITI SAMUEL H SUTHERLAND President, Emeritus 1936-1970 DOROTHY BRAUN Professor of Christion Educotron, Emerita 1966-1980 RAYNER BROWN Professor of Music, Emeritus 1953-1977 ELIZABETH CARDEN Professor of Educotron, Emerrto 1952-1985 WILLIAM L CARDEN Deon of Admissions and Records, Emerrtus 1965-79 WILLIAM C. EBELING Professor of Biblical Studies, Emerrtus 1953-1976 ARNOLD D. EHLERT Graduate Studies lrbrorron, Emeritus 1954-1973 WALLACE EMERSON Professor of Psychology, Emeritus 1948-1968 CHARLES L FEINBERG Deon of Talbot Theologrcol Seminary, Emerrtus 1948-75 Professor of Semitics and Old Testament, Emerrtus 1948-79 RUTH FULLER Associate Professor of Nursing, Emerita 1968-1978 MARGARET HART Deon of Women, Emerrto 1959-1977 JAMES 0. HENRY Professor of History, Emeritus 1953-1975 GORDON HOOKER Assistant Professor of Music, Emerrtus 1926-1968 MARTHA HOOKER Assistant Professor of Chrrstron Educotron, Emerrto 1926-1968 MASAKAZU IWATA Professor of History, Emerrtus 1961-1983 ROBERT S. LIVINGSTON Professor of Business and Economics, Emerrtus 1967-1977 FRANCES YU LU Professor of Mathematics, Emerita 1967-1982 INEZ McGAHEY Professor of English, Emerita 1948-1980 ETHEL RANKIN Assonote Professor of History, Emerita 1969-1979 LEONIE V. SOUBIROU Director, School of Missronory MedKine, Founder ond Deon, De­ portment of Baccoloureote Nursing, Professor of Nursing; Emerita 1945-1975 HARRY STURZ Professor of foreign languages, Emeritus 1953-1983 DUANE WETZLER Professor of Foreign longuoges, Emeritus 1962-1986

C. DIANE SHANEBECK Assonote Professor of Communicotion, 1967 B.A., Asbury College; M.A., Colifornro Stole University, long Beach.

HENRY S. WARREN Professor of Business Adrnrnistrotion, 1977 B.S., M.B.A., University of Southern Colifornro.

WILLIAM D. SHANEBECK Associate Professor of English, 1962 B.A., Asbury College; M.A., University of Mrchrgon. JAY SHANOR Associate Professor of forergn languages, 1983 B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Colifornio, Irvine. LYLE H. SMITH, JR. Associate Professor of English, 1978 B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.

PATRICIA WATSON Instructor of English, 1986 B.A, Biolo University; M.A., California State Unrversity, Fullerton. CYNTHIA L WESTCOTT Assocrote Professor of Nursing, 1977 B.S., State Unrversity Teachers College, Plattsburg, New York; M.N., University of California, Los Angeles. MARTHA WEAVER Assistant Professor of Nursing, 1986 B.S.N., Colifornio State University, Los Angeles; M.N., University of Colrfornro, Los Angeles. RANDOLPH WEST Assistant Professor of Business Administration, 1986 BA, MA, LO., Southern Methodist University; MA, Dallas Theologrcol Seminary.

ROGER G. SOULE Professor of Physicol Educotron, 1979 S.S., Stole University of New York, Cortland, M.S., University of Illinois; Ph.D., I\\Jshington Stole University. DEBORAH SPEERS Assistant Professor of Nursing, 1982 B.S.N., University of Illinois, M.S.N, Northern Illinois University WALTER STANGL Associate Professor of Mathematics, 1984 B.A., M.S., Ph.D., Lehigh University; M.Div., Denver Seminary CRAIG A. STEKETEE Associate Professor of Art, 1982 Bf.A, I\\Jyne Art Institute; MF.A, \'/€stern Mrchrgon Unrversrty.

LOREN GLENN WIEBE Professor of Musrc, 1965 B.M.Ed., MM.Ed , Willamette Unrversrty.

MICHAEL l WILKINS Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology, 1983 B.A., Biolo Unrversrty; M.Div., Talbot Theologrcol Seminary and School of Theology; Ph.D., fuller Theological Seminary

ELDA WILMOT Professor of foreign languages, 1968

LARRY D. STRAND Associate Professor of Business Administrotron, 1986 B.S., M.B.A., University of Southern California.

BA, M.A., Ph.D., University of Southern Colrfornio, Mogrstere de langue et Civilisation Fron1orses, Universrte de Pons o la Sorbonne LELAND E. WILSHIRE Professor of History, 1979 BA, Whill'.llrth College; B.D., Th.M, fuller Theological Seminary; Ph.D., University of Southern Colrfornio. FREDERIC R. WILSON Assonote Professor of Chrrstron Educotron, 1983 B.S., Phrlodelphia College of Bible; Th.M., Dallas Theologrcol Seminary; Ph.D., Konsos State University DAVID WOLFE Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, 1985 S.S., University of New Mexico; M.A., PhD, University of Southern Colifornro. JENNIE KUK-YING WONG Professor of Music, 1964 LR.S.M., Royal Schools of Musrc; F.lC.l., l lCL, Trinity College of Music, LlS C, Tonic Sol-fo College of Musrc

GARY H. STRAUSS Associate Professor of Psychology, 1974 B.Ed., Californro State University, Fresno; M.A, University of Northern lowo; Ed.D , Northern Illinois University.

DOROTHY G. TANG Instructor of Business Administrotion, 1985 B.S., San Jose State University.

BONNIE S TAYLOR Instructor in Nursing, 1985 B.5 N, Brola University.

ROBERT L THOMAS Professor of New Testament language and literature, 1959 B.M.E., Georgia Institute of Technology; Th.M., Th.D., Dollos Theologicol Seminary. EDWARD THURBER Professor of Mathemotrcol Sciences, Director of Acodemic Comput­ ing, 1971 B.S., Princeton University; M.A., Ph.D., Unrversrty of Southern Colifornro.

TONY WONG Assistant Professor of Psychology, 1981 BA , MA , Ph.D, University of Southern California.

RICHARD UNFREID Professor of MuSIC, 1960 B.M., M.M., University of Southern California.

J. WILLIAM WORDEN Professor of Psychology, 1985 B.A., Pomona College; B.D., Eastern Seminary; Ed.M., Horwrd University; Ph.D., Boston University. DAVID E YOUNG Deon, Student Services, Associate Professor of History, 1971 B.A., Biolo College; M.A., Arizona State University; MDiv, Talbot Theological Seminary

ELISHA P VAN DUESEN Associate Professor of Biologicol Science, 1986 B.A., Houghton College; MA, Ph.D, Indiana University. WILLIAM VANDERHOOF Assistant Professor in Business Administration, 1984 B.S., University of California, Los Angeles, M.S., University of Southern California.

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