


HUMANITIES (B A ) Classical Studies Communication English Foreign Language History Literature Philosophy INTERCULTURAL STUDIES (B.A.) Intercultural Studies Missions Interdisciplmary Secondary Education LIBERAL STUDIES (B.A.) (Recommended for pro­ spective elementary teachers) MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES (B.S ) Applied Math Computer Science Secondary Education MUSIC (B.A.) (General degree) MUSIC (B.M.) (Professional degree) Composition Music Education Performance NURSING (B.S.) (Qualified for R.N. licen sure and Public Health Nurse Certification) PHYSICAL EDUCATION (B.S.) Secondary Education Sport Physiology Coaching Minor PHYSICAL SCIENCE (B.S.) Biochemistrv Chemistry Medical Technology PhvsICs · Pre-Engineering Pre-Medical Secondary Education PSYCHOLOGY (B.A.) SOCIAL SCIENCE (B.A.) History Public Administration Political Science Sociology Interdisciplinan Secondary Education SOCIOLOGY (BA.)

When men and women leave Biola bound •or boardrooms and class­ rooms, church and parachurch organizations, hospitals and mission fields around the globe, they do so spiritualh equipped. They also leave academically prepared to meet the challenges of a fast-paced and volatile world where-more than ever before-making an impact for God demands Christian leaders who are biblically grounded a11d professionally adept. Faithful to our historical roots. Committed to academic excellence. Steadfast in relaying biblical truth. Biola University is forging, on the anvil of God's Word a vibrant, pervasive ' Christianity A faith that seeks to impact every cor­ ner of our world and permeate every sector of our society, with you as the instrument of change Biola University: more than a quality univer­ sity-it's an environment and atmosphere guided by the singular, pene­ trating vision of students and graduates making a difference in the world. Are vou ready?

TALBOT SCHOOL OF THEOLOG1 Master ot Ar"s m Biblical Studies Christian EduGiho'1 Marriage anc' Fmnly Ministries Ministrv Theological Studies Master of Di\ i'11t\' Degree Master of TJ, 'L 'g\ Degree Doctor of Mi.~ ,try Degree Doctor of Education Degree SCHOOL OF 11\JfEP CULTURAL sn rn::-s Master of Arts m Intercultural Studies Missions Doctor of 'v1, ssiolog\ SCHOOL OF ART'> Af\.D SCIE 'CFS Master of Arts m· Chrisli.m SL'loo. Admimstr,1t1or> Education Master of MusK n Church MusK ROSEMEAD SCHOOL or PSYCHOLOG) Master of Arts in Clinical Ps\ cholog, Doctor of Philosophy Pl Clinical Psvchok,gy Doctor of Ps\ t ,olol!, m CPnical Psvchokp

AR, (B.A)

Art Education Graphic Design Stud, Arts BIBLICAl STUDIES AND THEOLOGY (B.A.) Bible l\Jew Testament Old Testament PrP-Seminary BlOl OGICAL SCIENCE (B.S.) l\1edical Technology Pre-Medical Secondary [ducation BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (B.S.) Accounting Computer Information Management Marketing Secondary Education CHEMISTRY (B S ) Biochemistrv Pre-Medica( Secondary Education CHRISTIAN EDUCATJON (B A ) Children Youth Intercultural Diversified Elementary Teaching Credential COMPUTER SCIENCE (B.S.) Information Systems ScientifIC Applications COMMGNICATJON (B A ) Commur>ication Disorders Interdisciplinary Print Media Public/Interpersonal Communication Public Relations Radio-Television-Film Drama Minor ENGLISH (B A.) English Communication Waiver Program Secondary Educat10n HISTORY (B.A.)

Asian Civilization Civilization of the Amencas

European Civilization Secondary Education

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