
[]11111 FINANCIAL INFORMATION capacity to handle the added burden of employment and financial need. Normally, a student con expect to earn $1, l00 to S1,600 per year part-time (based on $3.35 per hour minimum wage). However, larger amounts may be earned based on previous work experience and hours available for employment.

forensics) are available from departments only. For example, write to the chairman, music department, Biol □ University. Note: New financial aid applications need to be filed for each academic year. WHEN TO FILE? The following deadlines have been established for the various aid programs: Cal Grant Programs - New Applicants: February 11. Renewals: Late March. University Aid - All Applicants: March 1. • ·April l is the university financial aid application deadline. However, the SAA( or FAF will need to be filed by March l to allow for adequate processing time. Late applications will be processed as time and funds permit. FINANCIAL AID DISBURSEMENTS All financial md is awarded for the academic year; one half is applied to o student's school account each semester (unless stated otherwise). Students enrolled for only one semester are entitled to only that semester's award. academic dismissal. Any undergraduate student taking six semester hours or more who receives less than a 1.0 current grade point average will be considered for academic dismissal. Graduate students carrying six semester hours or more who receive a 2.0 cu1rent grade pomt overage or less will be considered for academic dismissal. APPEALS Appeals must be stated in writing to the admissions and records office and must include explanation of why minimum academic requirements were not met and why an exception is warranted. Appeals must be received within three weeks of notification that the student is on academic probation or has foiled to meet academic probationary requirements. Appeals which cannot be resolved with the admissions and records office will be referred to the Acodem1C Standards Committee or the appropriate graduate faculty committee. FINANCIAL AID Failure to complete the required units or maintain a grade point overage as outlined in the Statement of Satisfactory Academic Progress will result in financial aid probationary status. Students will hove one semester of financial md probation Failure to maintain satisfactory progress within the financial aid probationary penod will result in forfeiture of aid for subsequent semesters. Under these circumstances a student must demonstrate a minimum of one semester of satisfactory progress before being eligible again for financial aid consideration. FINANCIAL AID APPEALS Appeals must be stated in writing to the office of student financial services and must include explanation of why minimum md requirements were not met and why an exception is warranted. Appeals must be received within three weeks of notification that the student is on financial aid probation or has foiled to meet financial aid probationary requirements. Appeals which cannot be resolved with the office of student financial services will be referred to the Scholarship Committee. ATHLETICS AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Students not making satisfactory progress will be considered ineligible for athletic competition and extracurricular activities. The student on a first semester academic probation may be allowed to compete or participate upon review by the Academic Standards Committee. Those remaining on academic probation a second consecutive semester wiil be ineligible. Extracurricular activities include: student government, forensic teams, gospel teams, band, chorale, intercollegiate athletics and other faculty spdnsored organizations. For appeal procedures, see the appeal procedure outlined under appeals section above.

The student who finds it necessary to work for the entire amount of his living expenses should pion to extend the time required for his course of study and to reduce his academic load. APPLICATION FOR AID Students may apply for financial aid by filing o Student Aid Application for California (SAA() or (non-California residents) o Financial Aid Form (FAF). In both coses, "Biol □ University- CSS Code 4017" should be included in the appropriate sections. Agraduate supplement is required of all graduate applicants. All undergraduate California residents are expected to apply for one of the Cal Grant programs, using the SAAC. First time applicants will also need to file the appropriate Cal Grant Supplement(s). Renewal supplements will automatically be mailed to those eligible for renewal. Pell Grants may be applied for by completing the appropriate section of the SAA( or FAF. Departmental applications for scholarships (for music, athletics and ACADEMIC STANDARDS STATEMENT OF SATISFACTORY PROGRESS Full-Time Undergraduate Students S atisfoctory academic progress toward obaccalaureate degree as a full-time undergraduate student is defined as a student who completes 12 or more units per semester or 24 or more units per academic year while maintaining a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. Repeated courses previously passed cannot be counted toward minimum satisfactory academic progress requirements. The student must complete the undergraduate degree requirements within the period of time required when progressing at the minimum full-time rote. For example, an undergraduate student in a degree program requiring 130 units progressing at 12 units would have l l semesters to complete the program. Full-Time Graduate Students Satisfactory academic progress toward a graduate degree as o full-time graduate student is defined as o student who completes nine or more units per semester or 18 or more units per academic year while maintaining the minimum cumulative grade point average specified by the graduate program requirements in which the student is enrolled. Repeated courses previously passed cannot be counted toward minimum satisfactory academic progress requirements. The student must complete the graduate degree requirements within the period of time required when progressing at the minimum full-time rote. For example, ograduate student in a degree program requiring 96 units progressing at nine units would have l l semesters to complete the program. Part-Time Students Satisfactory academic progress toward a degree for o port-time student is defined as ostudent who completes five or more units per semester and maintains a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 for the undergraduate and the minimum program requirement for the graduate student. Repeated courses pre­ viously passed cannot be counted toward minimum satisfactory academic progress requirements. The undergraduate student must complete the degree requirements within a maximum of three years beyond that required for a full-time student. Exceptions Exceptions to these standards ore discussed under any applicable degree program. ACADEMIC PROBATION Any student, graduate or undergraduate, foiling to maintain the minimum grade point average as outlined in the Statement of Satisfactory Academic Progress will be placed on academic probation. Should the student not meet the minimum cumulative grade point average at the end of two consecutive semesters of academic probation, the appropriate faculty committee will consider the student for

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