

HIGH SCHOOL RECORD A napplicant far regular standing must be a graduate of a recognized high school with ascholastic record (including SAT or ACT scores) which indicates ability to pursue higher education successfully. The applicant must have 16 acceptable high school units (one unit equals one year in a course), 12 of which should be spread over the academic areas of English (3), social studies (2), mathematics (2), science (including a laboratory science) (l ), foreign language (minimum of 2; recommend 4) and related areas. Prospective students interested in the nursing program must take chemistry and algebra in high school. Applicants are urged to have at least two years in one foreign language in high school. The applicant with four years of the same language in high school will not have ta take any foreign language unless maioring in Bible which requires Greek. Those with no foreign language in high school or wishing ta begin a new language in college to meet the general education requirement, must take twelve units (3 semesters) of a foreign language far most majors. Catalog information regarding each major will indicate any exceptions ta this rule. PROCEDURE The fallowing must be filed in seeking admission: l. The personal application farm, including an identification picture. The application far admission must be accompanied by a $35 non-refundable application fee. 2. An official high school transcript. The applicant should request the high school to send this directly ta the director of admissions. 3. An official transcript sent directly to the director of admissions from each school the applicant has attended since high school. This includes schools attended far even part of a semester. Those applying to the education or nursing programs should have an additional copy of each school's transcript sent directly to the appropriate department. 4. Two personal references: one from the applicant's pastor or someone an the pastoral staff who knows the applicant and one from the school last attended or from an employer if the applicant has been out of school for at least one year and has been working. 5. The scores of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) of the College Entrance Examination Board or the ACT must be submitted. Information regarding testing dates may be secured from o high school counselor. Applicants are encouraged to take the SAT or the ACT no later than the January testing date. SAT is preferred. NOTIFICATION Certificates notifying applicants of their admission status are mailed on a rolling basis. Freshmen applicants with at least a3.0 ("B") average through grade 11 and acceptable test scores may be notified of acceptance prior to receipt of their seventh semester transcript. Applicants who are granted acceptance are required to validate their acceptance by the payment of a nan-refundable enrollment deposit of S50. Accompanying the certificate of acceptance will be a health form which must be properly completed by both the applicant and the applicant's physician. Amedical consent form is also required of single students under the age of eighteen at the time of entrance. TRANSFER STUDENTS Transfer students must present the same application forms and transcripts as those applying for freshman standing. The transcript from the last school attended must bear the statement of honorable dismissal. The office of admissions and records has final authority for the release of transfer credits into Biola University. Transfer students with less than 27 semester units of regular college work must qualify for admission on the basis of both their high school and their college record. Aminimum grade average of "C" (2.00) is required on all work attempted at the college level. Those transferring with 27 semester units or more of college work will be considered on the basis of their college grades (high school graduation transcript is still required). Transfer students coming from institutions which are not accredited nor recog­ nized may be given the opportunity ta validate credits through the College Level Examination Program or through consultation. Information on procedure available from the admissions and records office. Provisional credit for liberal arts courses

from non-accredited institutions will be granted in accordance with the policies of state colleges or universities of the state in which the institution 1s located from which credit is being transferred. Provisional credit is considered validated only when the student perlorms at the "C" level or better following his enrollment in Biola University. Transfer students will not be required ta take the Scholastic Aptitude Test or the ACT if given sophomore classification upon entrance (requires 27 semester unit of accepted credits). However, all transfer students entering nursing or education must have the SAT or the ACT. Biala University will accept correspondence credit from regionally accredited or recognized schools. The maximum allowed is 15 semester units of credit. The maximum limit for recognized correspondence courses in Bible is six units. ADVANCED PLACEMENT PROGRAM Biala University, as a member of the College Entrance Examination Board, recognizes the merits of the Advanced Placement Program and will grant credit for Advanced Placement courses taken in high school. Credit will be given when recommended by the high school and when the Advanced Placement examination is grade 3 or better. COLLEGE LEVEL EXAMINATION PROGRAM Biola University subscribes to the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) of the College Entrance Examination Board. Biola University encourages transfer students from non-accredited schools to validate certain credits on the basis of the examinations provided by this program. High school students with superior records are encouraged ta take the general examinations prior to attending Biola University. Credit far CLEP general examinations will be awarded only in those areas where a general education requirement has not been met by previous college course work and only up ta the amount needed to complete the requirement. (For example, a maximum of only eight units in the sciences and mathematics will be released if the student has no credits in these areas.) Elective credit will not be given for the general examinations of CLEP. Credits will be awarded for CLEP subject examinations in areas not covered by CLEP general examinations provided no college credits have been attempted or earned in the same field. Students should not take English composition through CLEP. Students are advised to take the CLEP tests as early as possible in their college program to receive the maximum value from them. Biola University reserves the right ta determine the score at which credits will be released and the amount of credit awarded. The office of admissions and records has final authority for the release of CLEP credits into Biala University. CHALLENGING A COURSE In addition to the Advanced Placement Program and the College Level Examina­ tion Program, bath of which may release actual units of credit toward graduation, it is possible for a student to challenge a particular course or requirement. If the student demonstrates by his perlormance on a comprehensive examination that he has a goad grasp of the course content he con be granted exemption from taking the course but no units al credit will be allowed. However, for the R.N. or LV.N., units of credit may be granted based on challenge examinations. Specific informa­ tion regarding these examinations is available from the department of nursing. Far further information see the dean, university admissions and records. CLASSIFICATION OF STUDENTS Astudent's classification is determined at the beginning of each semester according to the following plan: Freshman 26 units or less completed Sophomore 27-56 units completed Junior 57-95 units completed Senior 96 units or mare completed

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