


BIBLICAL STUDIES AND THEOLOGY REQUIREMENT Biol □ University is committed to ostrong biblicol emphasis. Afirm foundation in the Word of God is imperative for all God's servants, regardless of what type of ministry they may enter. Atotal of 30 units of biblicol studies and theology must be included in the program of each student according to the requirements of the Americon Association of Bible Colleges. Each student must take at least one course each semester until he has fulfl1/ed the requirement. The following ore required: Old Testament Studies l01 Early Hebrew History 3 units l02 Later Hebrew History 3 units New Testament Studies 20 l New Testament literature I 3 units 202 New Testament literature II 3 units 300 Early Christian History Acts- 3 units Theological Studies l00 Biblicol Foundations 3 units 300 God, Christ and the Holy Spirit 3 units 310 Man, Sin and Salvation 3 units 410 Interpretive Systems, the Church and Last Things 3 units Elective in biblicol or theological studies 3 units Note: Students who select oliberal arts major may count only ototal of 30 units of biblicol studies and theology toward the required units for odegree. (Biblicol studies and Christion educotion majors may count unlimited biblicol studies or theology units toward the required units for o degree.) The maximum limit for recognized correspondence courses in Bible is six units. Port-time students (less than 12 units per semester) ore required to include ot least one biblicol studies and theology course within each 15 units completed ot Biol □ University unless the 30 units requirement hos been met. Port-time students seeking o degree from Biol □ University must complete the entire requirement as outlined above. GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENT It is the purpose of the general educotion requirement to introduce the student to areas of study that mature the mind, open new vistas of appreciation and understanding, enrich social relationships and develop skills and aptitudes that con aid the student in furthering his personal and social usefulness. Since it is the purpose of a liberal arts education to create obrood base upon which to build one's continuing education, the student is allowed to select from the following courses to build his own base in the liberal arts. University Life Required Course (Required of oil new students and transfer students with 11 or fewer units.) Communicotion 3 units required English 6 units required Literature 3 units required Foreign Language 12 units required Fine Arts 3 units required History 8 units required Philosophy 3 units required Physicol Educntion 4 units required Behavioral Science 3 units required Science/Mathematics 8 units required The courses that meet the general educotion requirement ore the following: Communlcation 3 units Any one of the following will meet this requirement.

COMMUNITY (JUNIOR) COLLEGE TRANSFER No student will be permitted to transfer more thon 70 units of credit from o community college. No upper division credit con be allowed for courses taken in o community college. Final authority for the acceptance of transfer credits into Biol □ University rests with the office of admissions and records. Current students taking courses at locol community colleges while enrolled at Biola should request prior approval of courses in order to insure that transfer credit will meet the needs of their curriculum. No course below o"C" (2.0) will be transferred from another institution. Credit/No Credit and Poss/Foil courses should not be token. Admission counselors ore prepared to give ocodemic advisement to those attending, or planning to attend, community colleges with the intention of transferring into Biol □ University. Vocotionol or technicol courses will not be accepted for university credit. ACADEMIC STANDARDS With the exception of nursing, ograde of "D" is accepted os opassing grade in osingle course, although such quality of work in general is ot no point ocriterion of progress from level to level. Aminimum grade point overage of "C" is necessary to graduate. Still higher minimums ore required before admission to student teaching and nursing. AG.PA. of 2.5 is required for admission to the nursing program. Students receiving less than o "C" grade in any nursing course must repeat the course to progress in nursing. Students who transfer units from other institutions must maintain on overage grade of "C'' in oil work completed ot Biol □ University os orequirement for graduation. All students must hove ominimum of o"(" overage

(2.0) in their major field. Academic Probation:

Any student whose cumulative grade point overage in Biol □ University foils below "C" (2.0) is placed on ocodemic probation Probation indicotes o period of trial and the student must achieve better than o 2.0 overage the subsequent semester or face the possibility of being disqualified. Astudent is restricted from participation in extracurricular university activities and the ocodemic load will be limited during this period of probation to o maximum of thirteen units each semester. Students on ocodemic probation must participate in the Learning Skills Workshop. Academic Dismissal: Astudent may be dismissed ot any time if his grades ore below o1.00 GPA in one semester or if he hos not achieved minimum grades for two successive semesters. Astudent who is considered for dismissal may make written appeal to the Admissions and Records Office to be allowed to continue on strict probation os determined by the Acodemic Standards Committee. Adismissed student may apply for re-admission only ofter ofull year hos elapsed. After one year, he may apply for re-admission only if evidence is given which indicotes that chances for scholastic success ore good. Astudent who hos been twice dismissed may not be re-admitted. For full statement on satisfactory ocodemic progress, please see page 8. SCHOOL HONORS Students achieving a semester grade point overage of 3.50 or better while enrolled in nine or more units and whose cumulative grade point overage is 3.00 or better, will be placed on the semester's Deon's list. For graduation honors, students completing their course with o grade point overage of 3.50 ore graduated Cum Laude. Students with o3.70 G.P.A. ore graduated Magno Cum loude. Students with a 3.90 G.P.A. ore graduated Summa Cum Laude. In order to graduate with honors from Biol □ University, ot least 60 units must be earned in residence ot this school. Each year elections to membership in the Biol □ chapter of Delta Epsilon Chi, o notional honor society of schools affiliated with the American Association of Bible Colleges, ore made from the graduating class. Such membership is limited to seven percent of the graduating class and is based on scholastic performance os well as Christion life and service.

l00 Introduction to Communicotion 170 Small Group Communication 181 Introduction to Argumentation and Debate 220 Voice and Articulation 280 Oral Interpretation

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