

Department ofArt

I08 DRAWING II (3) An introduction to fundomentols of drawing the human figure from gesture to finished work. Emphasis on shape, form, value, structure ond 1ndiv1duol expression. fee: S15. 110 DESIGN I ,3) Abosrc foundation course to establish visual design concepts This course examines elements and princrples of two-d1men11onol design. fee: SI 5. 111 THREE-DIMENSIONAL DESIGN '.3' Basic techniques In three-dimensional form. Instruction in­ cludes preporotron of drawings, models and construction. fee SIS. 130 INTRODUCTION TO STUDIO ARTS 3: Astudy of the prrmory h11torrcol stylistrc periods of man's work In the visual orts. Classroom expenence will allow for hands-on experiences In working with ovarrety of moterrols In both 2-D ond 3-D media. fee S15. 203 ILLUSTRATION (3) Exploration of varrous illustration materials and techniques. for odvertrsing design moIor. fee: S15. 207 LETTERING 13). Basic styles of letterrng; practice In pen ond brush lettering; display signs and monuscnpt projects. No prerequIsIte. for non­ mojors. fee S15. 210 SCULPTURE I 3) AbaSIC course thot teaches sculpture 01 on ortrstic expression. Instruction includes 1111lding, fobr1cotron, forging ond simple mold­ making techniques. Prerequisite, 111 or consent. fee S25 211 CERAMICS I (3) Abasic introduction to cloy ond glaze techniques which will be designed to introduce wheel-throwing In the following semesters. Hand-building teclin1ques ond the oesthetrcs of ceramic design will be the emphasis. No prerequisite fee· S25. 212 PRINTMAKING I '.3 Introduction to intaglio printmaking techniques Studio prob­ lems in plolemok1ng ond printing. Prerequisite I07 fee SI 5. 213 PAINTING I '3) Basic color theory and pornting techniques. Troditronol to contemporary styles wrll be explored. Prerequisite 107 or consent fee: S20 221 PHOTOGRAPHY I 3) Experrence in fundomentols of block ond white photography covering both creative ond lechnicol aspects. fee: S30. 1 See olso Communicotron 245 304 CERAMICS II (3) The development of beginning throwing skills will be the emphasis ~nd basic glaze formotron. Studies on ceromrc design oesthetrcol development Prerequisite: 211 or consent. fee: S25 305 SCULPTURE II (3) Emphasis Is placed on independent creativity ond new ap­ proaches covering wide range of media and methods with o concentration on the formation of ideas and their interpretations. Prerequisite 210 or consent. _fee: S25. 306 ELEMENTARY ART WORKSHOP 3 Developing ond preparing ort proIects suitable for elementary school pupils. Prerequisite: Core requirements. fee: S25 307 DRAWING Ill (31 Drawing problems emphasizing figure drawing, but including total light ond space environments. fee S15.

308 PAINTING II (3) Concentration on developing imoginot1ve resources of the 1ndiv1duol through the use of oils ond acrylics. Color, shape, image, visual, ideas ond techniques ore covered. Prerequisite 213 or consent. fee S15 310 PRINTMAKING II (3: Introduction to lithography. Direct drawing on stone with crayon and tusche. Prerequisite: 212 or consent. fee: S 15. 311 20TH CENTURY ART HISTORY ;3, The history of porntrng, sculpture ond architecture from 1890 to 1970 Major aesthetic issues thot shaped 20th century ort will be examined. 312 TYPOGRAPHY (3) Abosrc course in the proper use of type oppl1cot1on, typo­ graphicol texture, integration ond copy fitting. Prerequ1s1te: Core requrrement. fee: SIS. 313 INTRODUCTION TO GRAPHIC DESIGN I (3) Introduction to design principles, communicotion and skills in graphic ort design 01 applied to v11uol communicot1on. Prerequi­ site Core requirement. fee: S15 315 CONTEMPORARY ART TRENDS 13) A study of ort produced srnce 1970, focusing on current movements within the 1nternot1onol art community fee: S25. 322 PHOTOGRAPHY II (3) further study in technique of block ond white ond introduction to color photography covering creative ond technrcol aspects. Prerequisite 221 fee S30 (See also Communicot1on 346) 408 DRAWING IV (3) Drawing with an emphasis on personal experrrnentotion. fee: SIS. 410 SEMINAR IN ART ,1-6) Independent study In oreos of concentrotron under faculty direction with emphasis In history, studio ond creative research. Prerequisite: Consent. Seminars may be repeated. fee: S15. 411 CERAMICS Ill ,3) Advanced cloy forming ond glaze formulotron wrll be studied including sculptural forms in cloy and dinnerware production. further study on ceromrc design ond personal aesthetics. Prerequ1- sIfe: 304 or consent. fee S25. 412 INTERNSHIP IN GRAPHIC ART TECHNOLOGY 3) Internship program with locol or! studios, grophrc ort firms ond publishing companies. 413 PAINTING 111 '.3\ Concentrot1on on developing imoginotive resources of the individual through the use of orls and acrylics. Color, shape, Irnoge, visual ideas ond techniques ore covered. Prerequisite: Consent. fee SI 5. 414 PAINTING IV (3) Concentration on developing 11nog1notrve resources of the individual through the use of qils ond acrylics. Color, shape, image, v1suol ideas ond techniques ore covered. Prerequisite 413 or consent. fee: SIS. 415 SCULPTURE Ill '.3) Experrmental sculpture. Advanced rndividuol development of style and aesthetics. Prerequisite: 210. fee: S25. 416 SCULPTURE IV (3) Concentration on independent creol1vity coverrng awide ronge of media ond methods with on emphasis on the formot1on of 1deos ond their interpretotrons. Prerequisite: 415 or consent. fee: S25.

Craig A. Steketee, MJA., Chair Faculty Associate Professor: Steketee Assistant Professor: Krommes Instructor: Weir

Objectives: The art department seeks to aid in the development of men and women for the life and production of the artist; to provide guidance in the development of o biblical philosophy of art that relates to the person, his Creator and in turn, to the world. Upon completion of the art major, the student should hove begun to develop on adequate foundational understanding of various areas of ex­ pression: in areas of studio arts, graphic design and art education. Through development of skills, philos­ ophy and historical perspectives of art, the Biol □ graduate should be prepared for postgraduate study or ocareer in art in either secular or Christion related enterprises. Majors: A Bachelor of Arts degree requiring 54 semester hours in ort is offered with emphasis in studio orts, graphic design ond ort educotion. Studio arts ond art educotion emphasis majors must complete obosic core of 36 units of ort 101, 102, 107, 108, 110, Ill, 210,211,212,213,311 ond 315. Specific odd1tronal require­ ments for these degree options ore: Studio Arts, 18 units 304, 305, 308, 310, 400 level ort electives (6 units) ond 460. Art Educotion, 18 units 304, 306, 310; EDU 300, 330, 435. Graphic Design emphasis majors must complete the follow­ mg IOI, 102, 107, 108, 110, 111, 203, 212, 213, 305, 308, 310, 311, 312, 313, 315, 419, 420 ond 460 NOTE: Completion of art major fulfills the general educotion requrrement for fine orts. Deportment Minor, The student must complete lower division courses I00, I 07, 110 ond six units of electives, plus six units of upper division courses totaling 21 units. 100 ART APPRECIATION 3) An introduction to the history of ort criticism ond aesthetics, o visual analysis of works of art; comparative studies on selected printings and sculptures. Designed for non-majors. fee S10 I01 ART HISTORY I 3' Survey of ancient to medieval ort; emphasis on works of architecture, sculpture, pointing ond therr significonce in general world culture. 102 ART HISTORY II (3) Historicol and cultural cons1derotron of v1suol orl from the Renaissance to the 19th century. I04 CRAFTS (3) Introductory studies in varrous forms of hond1crofts, including silk screening, textiles, storned gloss, leather ond weaving. fee: S20. 107 DRAWING I (3) An introduction to drowrng, perspective, hne, shape, value texture and composition. fee: S15.

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