

Old Testament Studies Required Courses for All Students IOI EARLY HEBREW HISTORY '.3

New Testament Studies Required Courses for All Students 201 NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE I t3'

417 PRINTMAKING Ill (3) Emphasis an color problems in intaglio and lithography. Moy be repeated. Prerequisite: 310. Fee S15. 418 CERAMICS IV (3) Expe11menlal ceromKs. Advanced individual development of style and aesthetics. Prereqursile 41 I. Majors only. Fee: 525. 419 GRAPHIC DESIGN II (3) Offered alternate years. Problems al advertising layout and graphic techniques in adverlrsing desrgn; lechnrques and malerrals applied lo projects, package and brochure design. Prerequisite: 313 or consent. Fee: S15. 420 GRAPHIC DESIGN Ill :J Offered allemale years Independent study in applied pro1ects rn graphic design. Prereqursrle 419 or consent. fee S15. 421 PRINTMAKING IV 3\ Research in advanced intaglio and lithography. May be ,epeal­ ed. P1e1equisile 417 Fee: S15.00. 460 SENIOR ART EXHIBIT (0) Preparolron far senro, art exhibilron unde, diieclron of faculty mernbe1 Required of all art majo1s. Biblical Studies and Theology

Ahisloiy of Israel's beginnings thmugh the united kingdom, including molle1s of aulho,ship, doting and the h1sto11cal-theologi­ cal selling of the Pentateuch and eody hrstmrcal books. 102 LATER HEBREW HISTORY (3 1 Acontinuation of lsmel's histoiy from the divided kingdom through the pos l-exilic period, including mailers of outho,ship, dating and historic-theologrcal selling of the later historical books, poetic and wisdom litemlu1e and the pmphetK books. Elective Courses 300 ADVANCED STUDIES IN OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY ANO THEOL­ OGY (31 Religious, cultural, political and theological investigalrons of Israelite histoiy in key po,trons of the Old Testament . 310 STUDIES IN BIBLICAL BACKGROUNDS 1 3 The conflibu lions of mchoeology, historical geography, mon­ ne,s and customs in light of specific Biblical texts. 430 ADVANCED STUDIES IN OLD TESTAMENTPOETIC ANO WISDOM LITERATURE /3! Vmraus types of poetic and wisdom literatures emphasizing poelrc devices and p11nciples of inte1p1elolron. 440 ADVANCED STUDIES IN OLD TESTAMENT PROPHECY '.3) Selections fram the m □ fOI ar mino, prophets in light of literoiy, hrstoricol and theological considerations. 450 OLD TESTAMENT THEOLOGY /3) Introduction lo the histoiy of the discipline; aconsiderotron of the bosK themes developed rn the Old Teslomenl from the standpoint of biblical theology An in-depth study of a limited gmup of w11le1s, themes, or o selection of litemlu1e ham a pmticulm period of Israel's hislaiy may Imm a portion of the cou1se

Lrterolu1e of the four gospels; use of no11alive, histmicol method, sowces; aulhorshrp and content of each gospel; the synoptic problem and contributron of each gospel ta the knowl edge of Ch11s1. 202 NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE II (3) Epistoloiy Imm, content, theological conl1ibution, cononrcrly and interpretation; h1sto11col backg,ound in comparrsan with the book of Acts. 300 EARLY CHRISTIAN HISTORY - ACTS '.3: The book of Acts wrth emphasis on the missionaiy philosophy and activity of the emly chu,ch and its cu11ent applicotran la nrrssrons. Elective Courses 310 ADVANCED STUDIES IN THE GOSPELS '.3 In-depth study of one of the gospels or detailed consideration of problems ,elated to several 01 all of the gospels. 320 ADVANCED STUDIES IN EPISTOLARY LITERATURE (3! Selected epistles considering genuineness and authenticity, expasitran of the text and investigation al problem passages. 420 ADVANCED STUDIES IN NEW TESTAMENT ESCHATOLOGICAL LITERATURE (3) New Testament prophetic texts such as Mallhew 24 and 25, I and II Thessalonians and Revelalron. 430 ADVANCED STUDIES IN NEW TESTAMENT HISTORY AND THEOL­ OGY 3) Religious, cultural, political and theological investigation of key pmlions of the New Testament. 450 NEW TESTAMENT THEOLOGY (3: lnlroduclron to the hrstoiy of New Testament theology; a consideration of the basrc themes developed in the New Testa­ ment from the standpoint of biblical theology. An in-depth study al ow1ite1, w1ite1s 01 kind al literotu1e in the New Testament may Imm a portion of the cou,se.

ADivision of Talbot School of Theology

Dean: WBingham Hunter, Ph.D. Associate Dean Dennis H. Dirks, Ph.D. Michael J. Wilkins, Ph.D., Undergraduate Director Faculty Professors: Kurtoneck, Mitchell Associate Professors: Curtis, Enns, Pierce, Flory Assistant Professor: Wilkins Instructors: Chute, Montoya, Moore, Roberts Objectives : Coursework in biblical studies and theology is central to the Biol □ University curricu lum. Upon completion of any degree program, it is in­ tended the student will be acquainted with biblical content through the grammatico-historical method of interpretation; hove agrasp of the major doctrines of the Word of God and have agreater spiritual maturi­ ty, which will enable the student to serve the Christian community effectively. Department Major : Biblical studies and theology majors must lake all of the general Bible iequiiements, excluding the th1ee-unit elective. In addition, each ma101 is iequrred ta take the fallowing cou,ses: Romans 1NT 320), Old Testament 01 New Testament Thealagy 101 450/Nl 450), srx units upper division Old Testament electives, six units upper division New Testament electives, six units uppe, division Old Testament 01 New Testament or Theology electives, Histoiy 304 01 324 and 321 and twelve units of either Greek 01 Hebiew :select erther Greek IOI, 102, 201, 202 Of Heb,ew IOI, 102, 210, 202). The flexrbrlity of electives w1th111 this major will enable the studen t lo design o progmm in line with his/her professional and ministiy objectives, and fulu1e specializolron.

General Biblical Studies Electives Courses 120 GUIDED STUDY 1-3;

For those needing odd unrts lo complete their Brble 1equ11e­ menl Readings with w11tten repmls on biblrcol and/or lheologrcol subjects. P1e1equisile: consent of the dean. 220 INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY 3) Inductive study applied lo biblical narrative and epistol □ iy lilerotu,e. 470 BIBLICAL SEMINAR 13: Small group studies utilizing technique of p1oblem solving, resemch, formal WTiling and communication of iesults. P1e1equ1- site: consent. 480 BIBLICAL RESEARCH 1-3) T,adition □ I and contemporoiy pmblems in biblical meas. Pre- 1equisile: consent. Systematic Theological Studies Required Courses For All Students I00 BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS 13! Doct11ne of the Sc1iptu1es as insp11ed by God, a completed 1evelation in the books 1ecognized as canonical; the inca,porotran of aBiblical foundation into pe1son □ I Christion g,owth and witness. 300 GOD, CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT 3 God, His existence, unity, tr1nrto11 □ n distinctions, attributes, decrees and works; the theonthropic person of Christ, the Holy Spi1il.

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