

Department ofBiological Science

Biological Education (Secondary) Requirements For the Bachelor of Science Degree Biology requirements ore 40 units, including 110, 111, 211, 222,312,322,401 and either 470 or 450 and ominrmum of two units of lower divrsion electives and 14 unrts of upper division electives. Eighteen units of supporting sciences including Chemis­ try 105, 106 and 301. The eight units of general education science requirement ore met 1f at least three units of math ore completed wrthin the major requirements. Professional education courses requrred by the deportment of education ore 300, 330, 410, 425, 435, 450 and 452. Department Minar : 20 units, 14 of whrch must be upper division. !he core curriculum 1s recommended unless specifrc needs dictateotherwise. Specific minor requirements are to be approved by o departmental advisor. The general education requirement for aforeign language far those following abiology major may be met by two years of high school language or the frrst four units of a college language. Currrculum charts far biology, pre-med, health related, educa­ tion and outdoor educatron may be obtained in the departmental office: Science Hall, Room 113. Also owilable 1s a course sequence schedule listing when alternate year courses will be ottered. Mast laboratory courses in biological scrence have a 520 laboratory fee. Vocational Scope The biologrcal science major 1s intended tohove strength 1n the foundations of muthemulics, physics and chen11stry Breadth 1n the major areas of biology is included in the care curriculum ta serve as a base for adwnced or mare specialized study. !he scape of the care currrculum emphasizes the principles of brology in all farms of life. The b1ological science major is intended to prepare students for the following: (I) further study in the health related fields (medicine, denlistry, medical technology, physical therapy, physrc1an assistant, veterinary medicine, pharmacy,, 12) further study in the teaching fields (college, nursing, health sciences:, } graduate study in general bralagy or aspecific area within biology (zoology, botany and microbiology); '.4 terminal study 1n primary or secondary educotron; (5) biology applied to agriculture, busi­ ness, missions; and (6) camp administration/naturalist, outdoor educator Admission Requirements High school requirements ore: one year chemistry, one year physics and three years mathematics. One year of biology is desrrable. Deficiencies can be fulfilled with perm1ssron from the depar tment of brolog1col soence. I00 BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES - LECTURE 1 3) Unifying principles of biology with emphasis an human argon systems, ecology and prrnoples of genetics. Not open to brology ma1ors except those with an emphasis in outdoor education. 110 OBSERVATIONAL BIOLOGY - LABORATORY (2) Obserwtianal and investigative approach to biological pro­ cesses; partial survey of microorganrsms, plants and animals. Three hours laboratory, one hour lecture/drscussion. Prerequisite: 100 '.Preferably taken concurrently.) lab fee: 520. 111 GENERAL BIOLOGY (4 Introductory majors course dealing with principles of cell and molecular biology, genetics, natural selectron and ecology. labora­ tory emphasis on investigalive approach and experrmental tech­ niques of current day biology. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory lab fee 520. 120 CURRENT TOPICS IN BIOLOGY (3) Selected topics of current popular in terest and concern 1n the areas of environment, human biology, disease, nutri tion and ecology.

310 MAN, SIN AND SALVATION 3) The study of mon in his origins, natureand perlect1ons in the image of God; the origin, character, transmission, effect ond punishment of sin; the saving mrkof the triune God as earned out in the redemptive act centering in Christ. 410 INTERPRETIVE SYSTEMS, THE CHURCH AND LAST THINGS (3: The major interpretive-theological systems, espeoolly cov­ enant theology and its wrious subdivisions; historical premillennialism and dispensotronolism; the church 1n its universal and local aspects; the last things, including the tribulalion, return of Christ, the Kingdom, resurrection and judgment.

Albe rt Lin, Ph.D., Choir Faculty

Electi ve Courses 450 ADVANCED STUDIESIN TH EOLOGY (3)

In-depth studies in specific areas of theology, such as bibliology, angelology and soteriology. Moy be repea ted for o maximum of six units with different content. Consent required. 468 THEOLOGY Of MISSIONS 3: The biblical basis of missions and the posi tion of missions in the life of the Church. 480 THEOLOGICAL RESEARCH (I 3) Research in the solution of spec1f1c doctrinal problems. Sec­ trans ottered in areas such as biblical authorrty, contemporary problems, missions, prophetic problems and doctrinal bibliography. Consent required. Upper division NewTestament credit can be given for toking either or both of Greek 405, 406. "Bible For Graduates" Program There is arecognized need for ospecialized program in biblical studies for the college or professional school graduate who wishes to be better prepared for Chrrstion service. Biol □ otters such o course of study. This course is not intended as a substitute far theological seminary education or aBible inslitute study diploma program, but rs designed ta give the graduate who hos not had a solid foundation in the Word of God such afoundalion. This course is designed ta impart ta the graduate student sound biblical knowledge through the three principal systems of Bible study: survey, analysis and exposition. It is intended that this course of stu dy will foster independent study of the Word . In the event that the student has had any of the requrred courses in the program, appropriate substitutions may be made. It is believed that the thirty unrts required in the program will give the student abroad background in a relatively short period of time. Acourse of study leading to the Master of Arts degree 1s awilable through Biola's graduate school, Jalbat Theological Seminary and School of Theol­ ogy. Please see page G-25 far details.

Associate Profe ssors: Kuld, Lin, Payne, Von Duesen Objectives: Upon completion of the biologicol science m □ ior, it is intended that the student beable to: evaluate and apply the scientific method to historicol and current prob lems inthefieldof biology andrelate it tobrooder opplico tions inlife; integra te per tinent scrip tu ral principles with known biologicol fa cts; know bosic.biologicol fun ctions of livingorgan­ isms and relate these functions to o better under­ stand ing of himse lf; communicote by usi ngscient if ic la ng uage and technico l terminology; ident ify the interrelationships betweenthe various biologicol dis­ cipl ines; state the levels of biologicol organiza tion (hie rarchy); expla in the re lat ionship of chemistry to biologicol systems; unde rstand ene rgy dynamics in biologicol systems; dis cuss the conceptual framework of population biology; describe the processes of genetics ot the mo le cu lar and orgonismol levels; explain the cell theory; express the scriptural view of creation and discuss the theories of evolution and origins; construct otaxonomic systemfor some cote­ gory of organisms; use and unde rstand the theory behind some of the instrumentationand tech niques cu rrently used in scientific investigation; describe the control systems of plants and animals (hormonal, neural, muscular, etc.); and integrate environmental and natura l history concepts wi th recreation and compi ng phi losophy and admi nistration. Biological Science Major Requirements for General Biology, Pre­ Med or Med. Tech for the Bachelor of Science Degree The care curriculum 1n biology requires 40 unrts, including 111, 211, 222, 312, 322, 401, and either 470 or 450 and aminimum of four units of lower division electives and 14 units of upper division electives. (Biology 211 1s replaced by 271 or 301 for med-tech emphasis.) Thirty-two units of supporting sciences are requrred; I8 in chemistry and 14 1n mothemotrcal and physrcal sciences. The erght' units of general education science requirement are me t by the completion of the major if at least 3uni tsof math ore completed within the major requirements.

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