

311 NEUROBIOLOGY (4) Brom structure ond function. Psychological, neurophysiolog1col and hormone correlates of behavior emphasized. laboratory study of brain onotomy, electrophysiology, electrode implant techniques ond hormone and drug expenmentolion. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisite: l00 or 111 lob fee: $20. 312 CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (3) The structure, function ond methods of studying tissues, cells ond organelles. Molecular, gene ond chromosome biology. Three hours lecture, one hour discussion/quiz. Prerequisite: 111, Chem­ istry 301. 322 LABORATORY IN CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (2 1 - laboratory study emphasizing cell ond tissue culture tech­ niques, methodology mcell physiology, molecular biology, cytoge­ netics, photomicrography ond histolog1col techniques. Six hours laboratory, one hour discussion/quiz. Prerequisites: 111, Chemistry 301. lob fee: $35. 333 NATURAL HISTORY Of BAJA CALIFORNIA ;3) Systemal1Cs, distribution, behavior ond ecojogy of the common plants ond onimols of Boio. Emphasis on desert ecology, bird and whole m1grol1ons. lecture ond on extended field trip. Prerequ1- s1tes: I 00 or 111 ond 110. Trip fee: S200. 342 GENETICS :3) Principles of heredity including Mendelian, molecular, cyloge­ netics ond human genetics with emphasis on human genellC diseases. Prerequisite: l00 or II l 352 MARINE BIOLOGY ( 4 Introduction to oceanography, marine plant ond animal diversi­ ty, ond ecological reloflonsh1ps. Research technology emphasizes through field trip observation ond group experimentation. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 110 or 111. lab fee: $20. 401 POPULATION BIOLOGY (4) Genetics, evolution ond ecology related to biolog1col popula­ tions encompassing oll living organisms; experimental genetics ond field biology emphasized in loborolory. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 211 or 222. lab fee: S20. 402 PARASITOLOGY (41 Taxonomy, life history, physiology, ecology, and morphology of animal parasites with emphasis on those affecting man. Three hours lecture, four hours loborotory. Prerequisites: 111, 211. Alternate years. lob fee: $20. 411 BIOCHEMISTRY I (3) Structures ond properties ot biomoleculor components of cells: including proteins, corbohydrotes, lipids, nucleotides, nudelC acids, vitamins ond coenzymes, kinetics ond mechanism ond regulation of enzyme action in biological systems. Prerequisite: Chemistry 302. Alternate years. 412 BIOCHEMISTRY II ;3) Mathemolicol treatment of b1oenerget1cs emphasizing moior concepts ond problem solving, principles of metabolic processes, biological control ond regulatory processes. Prerequisite: Chemistry 302 (Chemistry 402 recommended). 422 LABORATORY IN BIOCHEMISTRY (2) An mtegroted laboratory course to occampony 411, 412. Modern techniques in molecular genetics, metabolic processes, bioenergetics and enzyme mechanism. Six hours loborolory. One hour discussion/quiz. Prerequisite: Chemistry 30 I. Alternate years. lab fee: S35. 43 l DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY ( 4, Selected topics mdevelopmental biology (plant and animal emphasizing molecular basis of different1otion, vertebrate embry­ ology, research literature, student discussion ond analysis of experimental design. loborolory emphasizing chick embryology, gometogenesis, m1Crotechmque, system physiology, metamorpho­ sis ond directed experimentation. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisites: 312, 322. Alternate years. lab fee· $20.

440 TOPICS IN ADVANCED BIOLOGY (2-4) One section offered each year upon sufficient demand. Course moy be repeated with different content (section title). Endoainology Concepts of neurosecretion, hormone actions and the endo­ rnne regulation lo human physiology. Prerequisite: l l l. Entomology Clossificolion of ond biology of economically important insects. Prerequisite: 211 or consent. Manne Ecology Observation ond field experimentation with marine organisms. Collection ond analysis of ecological data using underwater tech­ niques. Prerequisites: 352 and SCUBA certification. One hour lecture, four hours loborotory. lob fee: $35. History and Philosophy of Biology Historical ond philosophical developments leading to establish­ ment of biology os omodern science. Biologists, soenllfic method, theories of origins ond evolution, bio-politics investigated. Prereq­ uisite: l l l or consent. Immunology The structures and functions of the immune system and antibody molecules. Analysis of medically significant disorders of the immune system with aview toward further understanding of bos1c imunologicol principles. Basic aspects of cancer and cancer therapy that relate lo immunology. Prerequisite: 221 or 312. lob fee: $30. M1aoscopy Theory ond opplicotion of bright field, dork field, phase contrast, polarizing, scanning and tronsm1ssmn microscopes. Prep­ oration techniques of bmlog1col moteriols for, ond observation with electron microscopes emphasized. Prerequisites: 111, 312. lab fee $35. Ornithology Systematics, distribution, physiology, behavior and ecology of birds. field 1dentificot1on emphasized. Prerequisite: 110 or l l l. Transportation fee: $40. 450 DIRECTED STUDY (1-3) literature ond loborolory research of o specific subiecl or technique mbiology; advanced students goin experience in experi­ mental design, laboratory mvesligotion ond technical writing. May be repeated for omaximum of three units. Prerequ1s1fe: iunior or senior biological science moior standing ond consent one semester madvance. 460 PRE-MEO PRACTICUM rl) Professionally supervised observation, demonstration and study in o local medical, dental or laboratory facility Introduction to health core philosophies, hospital ond patient routines, person­ nel, mstrumentotion ond specific treatment practices (phlebotomy credential with medical technology section). Cose study ond research paper required. Thirty hours of observation. Prerequisite: 1unior standing ond petition filed with Pre-Medical Advisory Com­ m1llee one semester prior to enrollment. Insurance fee $20. 470 SEMINAR IN ADVANCED BIOLOGY I J literature research followed by oral presentation, group discus­ sion and evoluotion; independent thought and study stressed. Moy be repeated for maximum of two units of credit. Open to biology maiors only.

130 SEMINAR IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE ( 1-2: Oirected research (literature or laboratory) in selected oreos of biology with written ond/or oral presentations by students; in­ tended to stimulate inquiry ond creative thought. Moy be used for general education science requirements. 211 INVERTEBRATE BIOLOGY (4) Taxonomy ond morphology of invertebrate onimol phyla; labo­ ratory dissection of invertebrates. Three hours lecture, four hours loborotory Prerequisite: I 00 or 111 lob fee: $20. 221 MICROBIOLOGY (4) Beneficial ond pathogenic significance of microorganisms (boc­ terio, fungi, protozoa, viruses); 1dentificotion, control and method­ ology. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisites: Chemistry IOI or 105. lob fee: S20. 222 BOTANY (4) The study of the organs, tissues, functions ond responses to environment of typical flowering plants ond the morphology ond life history of the moior plant groups. Some clossificotion of local forms is included ond o plont onotomy proiect is required using the scanning electron microscope. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisite: I 00 or 111. lob tee: $20. 262 NATURAL HISTORY Of SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA I 4) Common plants ond animals of southern Colifornio emphosiz­ mg those easily observed ond collected. life history, identification ond ecological relationships of local forms stressed. Mon's 1mpoct ond usage of the southern Colifornio ecosystem. Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory (including four extended field trips). Prerequisites: l00, 110 or 11 l Transportation fee: $35. 271 HUMAN ANATOMY (3) Basic structure ond function of the human body; laboratory dissection of a representot1ve mammal ond cadaver. Two hours lecture, one hour prelob, three hours laboratory. lob fee: $20. 272 PHYSIOLOGY (4 The basic concepts of physiolog1col regulation from the level of the cell lo the integrated intact organism. Emphasis of cellular regulation and introduction lo neural, muscular, hormonal ond neuro endornne regulatory systems. loborotory including human systems onolys1s, histology ond electrophysiology. Three hours lecture, one hour prelob, three hours laboratory. Prerequisite: college chemistry. lob fee: $20. 290 NATURAL HISTORY Of MARINE MAMMALS (l) Biology ond nolurol history of mor111e mammals with special emphasis on the California groy whole. Teaching techniques for marine mommol conservation ond biology. Observation of whole m1grolmn. Prerequisite: consent. 300 HEALTH SCIENCE 3) fulfills the teacher certification requirement mhealth educo­ flon. Proper nulril1on ond obesity; mental health ond coping with stress; drugs, tobacco and alcohol abuse; human sexuality; phys­ ical fitness and disease; first oid. Three hours lecture. Prerequisite: moior in physical education ond/or teaching credentml condidote Not for general education requirement mthe sciences. 301 VERTEBRATE BIOLOGY (4) Biology of vertebrate onimols with emphasis on comporitive anatomy; laboratory dissection of representative vertebrates (shark, mud puppy, cot). Prerequisites: 111 ond 211. Alternate years. lob fee: $20. 310 PROSECTION (I) An introduction lo the human body through dissection ond demonstrol1on of a selected portion of o human codover. Thirty hours of laboratory. Prerequisite: consent. Dissection fee: $25. (Moy be repeated for a maximum of two units credit.)

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