
W hat does it take to

We believe that a distinctively Christian education means more than simply praying in class ... which is why our emphasis on the spiritual development of our students is un­ matched by that of any other Christian liberal arts college or university. At Biola, a Christian education means encour­ aging students to inte­ grate their faith into daily activities like Christian service projects, athletic competition, social in­ teraction and relation­ ships with friends, faculty and classmates. It means that every undergraduate student takes 30 units of Bible. It means daily chapels, featuring top Christian speakers such as Chuck Swindoll, James Dobson, Joni Eareckson Tada and David Hocking. It also means annual Bible and missions conferences, campus-wide days of prayer-and yes, praying in class. At Biola, we believe a Christian education should do more than prepare you for a career-it should prepare you for life!

make a difference in the world today? Commit­ ment to excellence. Vibrant faith. Solid biblical foundation. Thorough academic and professional training. Steadfastness in reaching personal goals. Unwaver­ ing vision. At Biola University, we're committed to help­ ing you become a force that will make a dif­ ference in the world. That

means providing an atmosphere that en­

courages your spiritual growth, faculty that take a personal interest in you, facilities and resources to assist you in pursuing ex­ cellence, and opportuni­ ties that will challenge you to develop all aspects of your life-academically, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Biola University offers -students 22 undergrad­ uate and 18 graduate pro­ grams from which to choose. Whether you are preparing for a career in computer science, nurs­ ing, business or missions, you'll receive the biblical and academic foundation you need on which to build a successful life of impact . . . the same solid biblical and academic foundation that has been the hallmark of a Biola education for nearly 80 years. Biola is ready to help you become all that God intends you to be. We're ready if you are!

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