

Christian Education

110 CHEMISTRY TOPICS (1-2) Various topics in introductory chemistry. Prerequisite: deport­ ment appro111I. 301, 302 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (5, 5) Structure and reactivity of rnrbon-rnntorning compounds; em­ phosis given to mechonisms of organic reoctions. Second semester includes structurol biochemistry. loborotory emphasizes analyticol organic chemistry. Three hours lecture, six hours laborotory. Pre­ requisite: 106. lob fee: S30. 350 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY (5; A survey of clossirnl chemrrnl methods of analysis such os titrimetric and grovrmetric along with 111rious instrumental methods including electrochemirnl, spectroscopic and chromotogrophic. Three hours lecture, six hours laborotory. Prerequ1s1te: Chemistry 301. lob fee $20 402 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY I (3) The physirnl laws governing chemirnl reactivity oreJnvestigat­ ed. Subjects include thermodynamics, kinetics, electro-chemistry and macromoleculor behavior. 403 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LAB d) laborotory experiments in chemicol dynamics, kinetics, spectroscopy and quantum mechanics. Prerequisite: Chemistry 402. 404 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 11 (3) Quantum chemrstry, moleculor structure, spectroscopy, macro­ molecules and surlace chemistry. 411, 412 BIOCHEMISTRY (3, 3) Fundamental concepts of metabolism, bioenergetics, biosyn­ thesis and other chemrstry of life processes. Three hours lecture. Prereqursite: 302. 420 SPECIAL TOPICS IN CHEMISTRY ,3) Short subjects in such oreas os the chernrrnl literoture, 111rIous 1nslrumenlol methods, polymers, organometallics ond 1ndustrrol chemis try. Prerequisite: deportmentol appro111I. 422 LABORATORY METHODS IN BIOCHEMISTRY ANO MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (2) An integroted laborolory course to accompany 411. Modern techniques in molecular genetics, metabolic processes, bioenergetics and enzyme mechanisms. Six hours laboratory. One hour discussion/quiz. Prereqursrtes: Biology 312 and Chemistry 411 Alternate yeors. lab fee: 530. 4 50 SEMINAR IN CHEMISTRY 1 A series of semmor topics dealing with current reseorch subjects, 111rntionol opportunities, philosophy of science ond forth. Every student presents one semmor on some area of research. Prereqursite deportrnental appro111I. 480 SPECIAL PROJECTS IN CHEMISTRY 1-3 Reseorch or 1ndustrral internships Requires a written report. Prerequisite: deportrnental appro111I.

5) Elementary Teacher Credential Program. !hrs option rnmbines the U maIor rnre wrth California State Preliminary Credential course requrrernents. This specializotian requires mare units tha11 the others do but same unrts in the CE. core ore substituted for credential requrremenls. 6) Pre-seminary in Christian Edurntion. If astudent plans to pursue groduate work in Ch11stran educatran, there ore specializo­ lion courses approprrale lo a broader foundation rn specified oreas. 7) Pre-seminary in Family Ministries. This specialization is designed ta prepore the student for the groduate work In mamage and family m111islries. 8) Pre-seminary in Pastoral Ministry. This specializalran provides astrong loundalion in Chrrstron edurntian upon which lo build owell-rounded pastarol ministry Students wishing lo do groduate work in the freld of Christian edurnlion may wish la take od111ntage of the Mosler of Arts progrom ottered al Talbot Schaal of Theology. The undergroduate and groduate progroms have been designed lo minimize overlap and ta maximize rnntinued development and growth of the student in the field. There are three specializotrons designed for students who wish to plan for graduate work al Talbot School of Theology. One specralizotion is designed for the M.A. in Ch11stian edurntion ot Talbot School of Theology, another far the Moster of Arts in marriage and family ministrres and the lhrrd rs the Master of Divinity degree. Detailed rnformalion regarding these oreas of specializol1on may be secured in the Chrrstian edurntian office or from any Christran edurnt1on faculty member. Department Minor: lo minor in Ch11stran educatron, a student rs required la take 18 unrts including the following courses 150, 251, 261 and one of the oge level rnurses :372, 373, 374J. five additional unrts are also required which moy be selected by the student from any CE deportmental otte11ngs. Bible 220 must be taken as the Bible eleclrve. Christian Service Assignment: Christian edurntron majors should choose assignments far Christron service du11ng the fresh­ man and sophomore years that include experiences of Bible teaching. Ourrng the junior and senior years, the freld experience requirements substrlule for the Christian service assignment. Generol Education: The generol edurntion requirement for a foreign language for those maIoring in Christian edurntion de­ pends upon the number of yeors that were completed rn high school of the same foreign language. Specrfrc requirements are listed under "generol edurntron requirements" for the Bachelor of Arts degree

ADivision of Talbot School of Theology

Dean: WBingham Hunter, Ph.D. Associate Dean: Dennis H. Dirks, Ph.D. Robert Radclitte, Ph.D., Chatr Michael J. Anthony, Ed.D., Undergraduate Coordinator Faculty Associate Professors: Leonard, RadcliHe, Wilson Assistant Professor: Anthony Instructor: Garland · Objectives: The Christian education major is designed to prepare its graduates for professional ministries in church and porachurch agencies and to provide afoundation for graduate training. Therefore, at the completion of this major, the student will have realized his identity in relation to his position in Christ and his spiritual gifts and abilities; devel­ oped his gifts and abilities related to Christian ministries; demonstrated the essential knowledge and skills to study Scriptures inductively and to communicate biblical truths eHectively; established a basic philosophy of Christian education which incor­ porates the biblical concepts of discipleship and leadership; demonstrated his ability to be sensitive to others as persons, understanding how people function in both individual and group learning exper­ iences; developed and demonstrated his ability to function successfully in teaching roles and/or in leadership roles. Department Major: A core of 33 units is required In specified courses whrch mclude: 150,251,252,260,261,350, 360, 382, 450, 460, 490 and IV\IJ of the following 372, 373, 374. Bible 220 must be token as the Bible elective. Specializations: Each student Is required to select aspecial­ izatron of 15 ta 23 units in addition lo the 33 unrt core. There ore eight specializatrons from whrch astudent may choose that reflect the broad 111riety of ministry options in this field. The diversified specialization allows the student to design a program that best suits his/her 111cotionol interests. All specralizot1on courses ore subject to deportmental oppro111I. However, half must be U. courses. 1) Children. Varntionoi' opportunities with this option include children's director or minister in a locol church, o stott member with organizations that minister to children in the United States or on o mIssron field, o writer of materials for use with children. 2) Youth. Varntional opportunities for youth specrolizotion would include olocal church youth director or minister, oclub director for youth parochurch agencies, a youth comp director, a Ch11stian education director 111 a church that emphasizes youth or an assistant or associate pastor with responsibilities for youth. 3) lntercultural. Vocational opportunities with this optron include service on a foreign mission field or service in one of the many subcultures in the plurol1stic society of the United Stoles. 4) Diversified. !hrs option rs for those who wish to design o speciolizotion unique to their interests such as church-related rnmping, rnunseling, cornmunrcation, business, music, rnmputer science, etc

Required Core Courses: 150 FOUNDATIONS Of MINISTRY 3

Fundamentals upon whrch a Chrislron edurnlion ministry is built. Relationships behveen worship, edifrrntron and wrlness will be explored wrth special emphasis on the educational process, staff roles and 111rnt1anal appartunrties in Christian edurntran. 220 INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY (3) Essentials ol inductive study applied to biblirnl norrotrve ond eprslolory literoture. 251 FOUNDATIONS OF LEADERSHIP (3) Basrcs of leadership for oChristion edurntion ministry. Empha­ sis upon development of personal leadership qualitres including Brble study, worship, prayer ond interpersonal development which relate to spirrluol gihs ond the church as on organism. 252 FOUNDATIONS OF THE TEACHING MINISTRY (31 Major emphasis upon learning theories and their opplirntron to leaching the Brble wrthin the context of the lornl church and porachurch agencies. Also considered will be lesson planning. Prereqursrtes: none

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