

388 PRINCIPLES OF INTERVIEWING (3) Dyadic communicotion os it occurs in the interview with special attention devoted to the student's ability to engage rn informo­ t1on □ I, persuasive, and employment interviews. 390 JOURNAL WRITING AND AUTOBIOGRAPHY (3) Investigates the techniques of journal keeping and autobio­ grophicol writing with attention to both secular and Christion works in these fields. Requires doily journal writing and the drahing of one's autobiography. 421 ORGANIC DISORDERS 3) Communicotlon disorders relative to cleft palate and other croniol-foool abnormalities, cerebral palsy, and mental retarda­ tion. Prerequisite: 321, 324, or permission. 422 ADULT LANGUAGE DISORDERS '3) Study of communicotion disorders coused by stroke and other neurolog1col problems and injuries. Clossificot1on, evaluation tech­ niques and therapy principles included. Prerequisite 321. 423 VOICE AND ARTICULATION PROBLEMS 131 Functional and organic problems of voice and articulation. Areas of etiology, diagnosis, and remediation covered. Prerequi­ site: 321, 324, or permission 424 DIAGNOSTIC METHODS :3 Methods of testing and evoluotion, and assessment of speech and language problems. Prerequisite 321, 324, or permission. Lob fee: S 15. 425 AUDIOLOGY 3 Anatomy and physiology of the eor, hearing problems, testing and rehabilitation. Procticol experience 1n pure tone threshold testing. lob fee: S 15. 427 THERAPEUTIC METHODS 3 Methods of chongrng behaviors utilizing direct and indirect approaches of therapy such os behavior modif1cot1on, child­ centered therapy and others. Also, specific techniques relative to articulation and language hobilitotion/rehobilitotioo. 4 28 AUDIOMETRY (3 Advanced study of procedures and problems rn heorrng meo­ surenient. Areas covered will include speech otldiometry, masking, recruitment, diagnostic testing and omplificotion. 429 CllNICAL PRACTICUM Clinic (l-21 Supervised experience working with the speech hondicopped population rn the Biolo Speech Clinic or other agency. Permission of the deportment must be secured the semester prior to enrolling for this course. May be repeated for o total of four units. Prerequisites: 312, 321, 326, 424, and departmental consent 430 ADVANCED STUDIES IN WRITING (3) In-depth study of various speoolty writing forms including history, biography, and stage writing. Moy be repeated with different course content. Prerequisite: consent. 440 COMMUNICATION INTERNSHIP 1-3) limited to qualified seniors who wish to gain proct1col experi­ ence usually off compus in o working situation. Deportment permission required. Moy be repeated for omaximum of six units. 450 COMMUNICATION PRACTICUM ,J-3) Directed procticol experience in the various fields of communi­ cotion. Permission of the deportment must be secured the semester prior to enrolling for course. Moy be repeated for o maximum of six units. 4 53 ADVANCED TELEVISION PRODUCTION '3) The course gives intensive experience rn professional level television production. Prerequ1s1te: 353. lob fee: S50. 455 BROADCAST MANAGEMENT (3) Problems of operating obroodcos! station from the perspective of management. Students complete o project outlining market research, physicol foc1hties. programming, personnel and budget for o proposed rodio or television station.

456 BROADCAST SALES AND PROMOTION (3) Broodcos t soles, developing presentation materials for various types of clients, orgonizot1on of o successful soles staff, selling the advertising agency and the odvertisrng staff of clien t compan­ ies; soles and listener promotion. 457 MASS COMMUNICATION THEORY :3) Current theories in moss communicotion, the usefulness of each and research support given to eoch. Theories unique to moss communicotion, os well os the opplicotion of more general communicotion theories. 458 METHODS OF COMMUNICATION RESEARCH (3) Research methodology for communicohon research, including somplrng, questionnaire design, introduction to statistics. Students conduct survey research project. Amajor goal is to become adept ot reading and evaluating research reports. Lob fee: S10. 459 PRACTICAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES IN BROADCASTING AND FILM (3) Covers eth1col and moral problems related to employment, current issues in the industry, and coreer planning. 461 READERS THEATRE '.3 Programming and presentation of prose, poetry and dromo by two or more octors using the skills of oral 1nterpretotion as well as those of the actor. Methods of preparation, performance and directing. 467 DIRECTING 3: Fundamentals of ploy directing and rehe □ rsrng. Includes basic concepts of script analysis, blocking, costing, rehearsal procedures, training the actor and presentation of scenes. 468 DRAMA IN CHRISTIAN MINISTRY '.3) How to select appropriate material, stage and direct several types of dramatic presentations 1n o church or other Chr1st1on ministry setting.

Studentswill write and serve on production teams to produce o variety of formats for television programs. Prerequisites: 251, 352. lob fee: S40 354 MOTION PICTURE PRODUCTION (3) Prrnc1ples and techniques of making motion pictures, utilizing both lecture and l □ boro!ory approaches Prerequisite: 352. lab fee: 540. 355 BROADCAST PROGRAMMING (3) Programming for radio and television, including audience anal­ ysis and consideration of various programming theories and techniques. Includes television programming computer simulation. Fee: $25.

356 DRAMATIC SCRIPT WRITING (3) Writing of dramatic scripts for television, film, or stage.

357 HISTORY OF THE CINEMA (3) Survey of the development of the motion picture ( 1890 to the present). Films screened 1n the course will be analyzed from perspectives of or!, genre theory, technology, and rhetoricol intent. lab fee $20. 360 WORKSHOP IN DRAMA 1-3) Specialized afferrngs in dromo production rn oreos such os: scene study, theatre management, mime, stogecroh and makeup. May be repeated with different course content. 361 REHEARSAi/PERFORMANCE (1-3) Enrollment by audition only. Active participation rn Unrversity sponsored dramatic productrons. Moy be repeated for amaximum of 6 units. 362 ADVANCED ACTING (3) Development of the actor's rndividuol creativity ond expression: applying techniques to various octing styles and chorocterizot1ons; ensemble ploying. Prerequisite: 261. 364 WRITING THE NON-FICTION BOOK (3 Covers the bosrcs of writing non-fiction booklength mote1ial, finding opublisher, preporrng ofinal manuscript, and negotiating a book contract. Requires the production of several chapters of o book the student would like to author. 371 REVIEWING FOR THE MASS MEDIA (3) Methods of writing reviews of books, television productions, films ond stage presentations for both print and electronrc media. Requires attendance ot selected media performances. 383 SURVEY OF RHETORICAL THEORIES (3) Major theories of rhetoric and public address from clossicol to contemporary periods. 384 PUBLIC RELATIONS 3) The nature, methods and responsibilities of public relations 1n contemporary society 385 PERSUASIVE COMMUNICATION 1 3) Techniques of persuasive speaking and communicotion per­ suasion theories. Experience rn the preparation and delivery of speeches. Prerequisite: I 00. 386 FORMS OF PUBllC COMMUNICATION :3) Applicotion, practice and analysis of selected communicotion forms from o rhetoricol perspective. Sections offered in religious, politico! and social-issues commun1cotion. Moy be repeated with different course content. 387 ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION (3) The dynamics of orgonizotionol communicotlon centering 1n systems, structures and patterns; the role of communicotion in orgonizotionol development.

470 COMMUNICATION SEMINAR (1-3) Various aspects and problems in the field of communicotion.

472 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION 31 Relationship between communrcotion and culture with empha­ sis on foctors affecting the quohty and processes of interpersonal communicotion between persons of different cultures or sub- cultures. !See also ICS 420.. · 474 ADVANCED STUDIES IN COMMUNICATION BEHAVIOR (3) Selected communicotion toprcs vaned by semester. Sections offered include: family communicotion, non-verbal communicotion, listening, communicotion and decision-making. Moy be repeated with different course content. 475 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION THEORY (31 Survey of theories specificolly related to interpersonal cornmu­ nicotion including symbolic interaction, tronsoction □ I onolys1s, rhetoricol sensitivity, communication rules and relational theory. Prerequisite: 270. 476 COMMUNICATION EDUCATION SEMINAR '.2) Teochrng techniques for the introductory speech course and forensics teorn. Required for English/cornrnunicotion secondary educo!ion majors. Alternate years. 478 PRAGMATIC SOCIAL THEORIES OF COMMUNICATION (3) Survey and opplicotion of social theories of communicotion, including general semantics, confrontations, communicotion to the grrevrng, nian os rnonipulo tor, and non-verbal forms of communi­ cotion. 480 DIRECTED RESEARCH (1-3) Individual research in on area of communicotion determined in consultation with the instructor. Moy be repeated for omaximum of three units. Prerequisite: consent.

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