

Department ofEducation

4 50, 4 52 STUDENT TEACHING, SECONDARY SCHOOLS '6, 6' Full lime loborolory experiences 1n school classrooms under the direclron of qualifred supervising teachers and unrversity supervi­ sors. Prerequisite consent. ;Students doing student teaching ore limited lo amaximum of 15 unrls that semester. If the student 11 workrng, o reduction rn load may be necessary.) 460 CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION (21 Philosophy and practices of o Christion teacher in the classroom and on the campus. Aims of Chns lian schools and means of ach1evrng them: oll1tudes and convictions which Christion schools seek lo develop rn students. 480 DIRECTED STUDY 1-31 Consrderotron of loprcs rn school curriculum occordrng to needs of individual students. Prereqursrte: consent Department ofEnglish Virginia Doland, Ph.D., Chair Faculty Professor: Doland Associate Professors: Gilman, WShanebeck, Smith Assistant Professors: Cornell, Sargent Instructor: Watson Objectives: The deportment of English has five ab1ectives: the understanding of language as a means of communication, the ability to speak and write with clarity; an understanding of literature as a record of the development of human thought and the reflection of human history; the appreciation and enjoyment of literature; and an acquaintance with the literary heritage of the English-speaking world. History 305 is recommended for all Engli sh ma1ors. Department Mojor : 30 units, of whrch 24 must be upper d1v1sron, six units of English 250 Introductory Studies 1n literature: English literature, ore required for the major and ore prerequisite to upper divisron courses rn the major. The student must also complete three unrls of 400 Shakespeare, three units of 450 Studies in lrlerory C11tic11m, three unrls of 4 70 Seminar and select al least three unrls from each of 350, 360 and 370. Remarning unrts may be completed in any of the upper drv1sion English course offerings, except that no more than three unrls should be completed rn 330. Special Woiver Program: The English deportment in cooperation wrlh the deportment of communication provides o special Waiver Program 1n the single sub1ecl, 'secondary creden­ troli, teaching mo1or 1n English/communicolion. This program provides considerable flexrbrlity for those planning lo teach English rn high school In oddrtion lo the general educolion requirement of twelve units rn Englrsh composition, literature and communrcolion, on English core of 22 unrts 'six unrts of ENG 250 · Englrsh l11erolure, ENG 320,350, one unit of ENG 470 and nrne units lo be selected from ENG 360, 370,420,430,440, 450 and 460) 1s required An oddiltonol bloc of nine unrls of communication 1s then token depending upon the student's areas of interest. The opltons in this

Al least twenty-four upper division unrls must be token. All opproprrote general education courses ore included 1n the eighty­ four total unrls. Students planning lo choose thrs mo1or are required lo see on advisor in the educol1on department. Professional courses required . All condidoles for the clear teochrng credential 1n mullrple subject 1nslruclion must complete the following educol1on courses: 300, 330, 410, 420, 430, 440, 442. All cond1dotes for the dear teochrng credenlrol rn single subject instruction must complete the following educolron courses: 300,330,410,425,435,450,452. rCondrdotes with majors rn art, music or physical education ore not required lo toke 425 In both credential programs EDU 300, 330 and 430 ar 435 ore prerequ1srle lo student leaching EDU 440, 442 or 450. 452' Acourse 1n health science 1s requrred of all condrdotes for a clear credential. Brola University 1s approved lo grant Associol1on of Chrrsl1on Schools leaching cerlrf1coles. The program is the some 01 for the California certificate except thol 460 or 560 must also be token. Students who wish lo become condidoles for o leaching credential must apply tor admission lo the educolro~ program rn their sophomore year ar immediately upon transfer into the unrversity rf beyond that year. SAT scores must be provided. Other requirements of the education deportment ore slated rn the Garde for Entering the Teochrng Professron, which may be secured from the deportment office. 300 INTRODUCTION TO TEACHING 2' The nature and function of the school and the development of competencies required for success os o teacher. Each week there will be one hour of lecture and discussion and o three-hour assignment os a teacher oss1stonl in a locol school. Successful completion of this course consl1lutes one of the requirements for odm1ss1on lo the educolron program. 330 PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION (3' Appl1colron of psychological prrnc1ples lo the educative pro­ cess; role of the teacher and learner; molrva11on, rntelligence, transfer of learnrng, measurement, human growth and develop­ ment, recent and oulslondrng contributions of research and ex­ penmenlalion rn the field. Prereqursrle: 300. 370 TEACHING ASSISTANT PREPARATION 1 Instruction and practice in general and specifrc methods of teaching os on ossislonl lo professors of large university classes. Taught 1ornlly by instructors from the educolion department and the speofic departments using teochrng oss1ston1s. 410 MAINSTREAMING ,3) Focuses on competencies that teachers must develop lo meet needs of excepl1onol pupils; special ollenlion lo needs of minonty student, lo cultural and ethnrc differences and to development of morol/sp1r11uol values. Prerequisite, 300. 420 TEACHING READING IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3) Methods and molermls for leaching reading lo puprls rn elementary schools; ollenlmn to ovarrety of approaches; cons1d erat1on of the needs of pupils with varied cultuml and language backgrounds. Observation and portrcipolton 1n schools included. Prerequ1s1le: consent 425 TEACHING READING IN SECONDARY SCHOOL (31 Methods and materials for leochrng reading lo pupils in secondary schools; ollent1on too vanety of approaches; cons1der­ ol1on of the needs of pupils with vaned cultural and language backgrounds. Observation and porl1opol1on rn schools rnduded. Prereqursile: consent. 430 ELEMENTARY CURRICULUM 4 lnlroducl1on to the elementary school currrculum in mothemol- 1cs, science, social studies and language orl<, use of media; observation and porlicipo11on in schools. Prerequ1s1te· consent 435 SECONDARY CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 4 Secondary school currrculum, classroom management, leaching methods, use of media and other educolionol skills. Observation and porlicipolion rn schools is included. Prerequ1sile, consent.

Richard Jones, Ed.D., Choir Faculty Professor: Jones Assistant Professor: Bainer

Objectives : The major function of the deport­ ment of education is professional preparation for teaching and administration. Upon completion of the teaching credential program, it is intended that the student will have a satisfactory subject matter foun­ dation; understand pupil behavior; be competent in the skills of teaching; be able to develop and encourage critical judgment and creativity; and will have developed strong social and personal traits, high ethical standards and a Christian philosophy of education. Credential Programs Requirement , In order lo qualify for apreliminary leaching credentml ostudent must complete one of the majors listed below leodrng lo abaccoloureole degree and professronol studies includ­ ing student leochrng. Thirty unrts of upper division or graduate course work must be completed within five years in order lo secure the dear creden11ol Two types of credentials ore available srngle subject and multiple subject "Single subject" inslruclron means the practice of assrgnment of teachers and students lo specified subject molter courses, as rs commonly practiced in Californm high schools and most California junior high schools. "Multiple subject" inslruclion means the practice of assignment of teachers and students for multiple subject molter instruction, os is commonly proclrced rn California elementary schools. Recommended ma jors for single subject credential orl, biological science, business administration, English English-com­ munrcotion wmver program), history, rnterculturol studies, math­ ematics, music, physical education, physical science, public ad­ ministration and social science. Recommended major for multiple subject credential: liberal studies. Those who choose any other motor will be required to pass the Nolronol Teachers Exam ,NIE general knowledge examination lo earn the credential Liberal Studies Major: The liberal studies major 1s designed for the preparation of elementary school teachers. II consists of twenty-one unrls with o three-unrl variation J 1n eoch of the four following areas: 1 English including grammar), literature, composilion and speech 2. Mothemolics and the physrcol and life sciences. Moth Ill, Cos 100 and one soence lob are required. Socml sciences, other than educol1on and education method­ ology. Psychology 200 is required. Humanities and fine arts, including foreign language.


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