
EHIIIII COURSE DESCRIPTIONS bloc cover journalism, writing, speech communicolion ond drama. Each student is also required lo toke communicolion educolion seminar 476 for two units, making ototal of thirty-three units in this special program. Those interested ore advised lo consult with the deportments of English ond communicolion.

470 SEMINAR {l Reading, research and discussion in oreos determined by student need ond interest. Three units required for English majors, junior or senior standing required. Not restricted lo English majors. Only one unit in one semester but moy be repeated for o maximum of four units toward graduation. Prerequisite: 250 or consent. 490 ENGLISH PRACTICUM 1-3) Proct1col experience in English teaching and/or research on the college level. limited enrollment. Prerequ1srte: permission of the English Professional Standards Committee required. Literature lrleroture forms one possible area of concenlrohon for the humanities mo1or (page 36 ,_ This concentration consists of 18 units, of which 12 must be upper d1v1sion; the six lower division units must be token in English 250, Introductory Studies in Literature: English literature. Humanities mo1ors choosing the literature concentrol1 □ n ore advised through the deportment of English. Following is o list of the literature courses offered 1n the deportments of English ond foreign languages. English 250 INTRODUCTORY STUDIES IN LITERATURE English 360 STUDIES IN AMERICAN llTERATURE English 370 STUDIES IN ENGllSH LITERATURE English 420 STUDIES IN COMPARATIVE LITERATURE English 430 SPECIAL STUDIES IN LITERATURE English 440 STUDIES IN MAJOR AUTHORS English 450 STUDIES IN LITERARY CRITICISM English 460 STUDIES IN llTERARY GENRE English 470 SEMINAR French 320 STUDIES IN LANGUAGE ANO LITERATURE German 320 STUDIES IN LANGUAGE ANO llTERATURE Greek 411, 412 READINGS IN CLASSICAL GREEK Spanish 401, 402 SURVEY OF SPANISH AMERICAN LITERATURE Spanish 403, 404 SURVEY OF SPANISH LITERATURE Spanish 407 THE SPANISH AMERICAN NOVEL Spanish 411 llTERATURE DEL SIGLO XIX Spanish 412 CONTEMPORARY SPANISH llTERATURE

230 INTRODUCTORY STUDIES IN JOURNALISM '3, 3) Sections Aand B. Fundamentals of 1ournalislic theory and practice. (See Communicolion 233, 234 for complete description Both sections may be token. 250 INTRODUCTORY STUDIES IN LITERATURE !3) Designed lo fulfill the general educolion literature requirement and as oprerequisite for adwnced studies 1n literature. Sections offered every semester in specific oreos English Literature I and II, American literature, World literature. Prerequ111te 1lOA/B. 320 STUDIES IN GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE 131 Introductory language course for educolion students history of longuoge, grommolicol systems, usogefi:omposition; leaching op­ plicolions. 330 STUDIES IN WRITING 3) Theory ond practice 1n the wrious types of writing, mm1ng al publicolion One OJ more sections offered every yeor in oreos such as: Creative Writing, Research and Writing, Writing for Publicohon. 350 STUDIES IN ENGLISH llNGUISTICS ANO GRAMMAR (3) Both standard and speciolized offerings in English language studies, including General English linguistics, Modern Grommor and Development of Modern English. 360 STUDIES IN AMERICAN llTERATURE (3) Specific ems and movements 1n Americon literature One or more sections offered every year in meas such 01 Colomolism and Puritanism, Rewlution ond the Young Republic, Romonl1cism ond Tronscendentolism, Realism and Noturolism, Twentieth Century literature, Contemporary literature. Prerequisite 250 or consent. 370 STUDIES IN ENGLISH LITERATURE ,3) Speof1c ems and movements 1n English literature. Sections offered every yeor in oreos such 01 The Middle Ages, Elizabethan ond Jocobeon literature, Metophy11col and Baroque literature, Restoration literature, The Augustan Age, The Age of Johnson, Romantic Uterolure, V1clonon literature, Twentieth Century l1tero­ lure, Contemporary Literature. Prerequisite: 2SO or consent. 380 STUDIES IN CHILDREN'S LITERATURE 3) Readings in children's literature, including consideration of forms, themes and crilicol approaches. 400 INTRODUCTION 10 SHAKESPEARE (3) Studies of o seleclron of Shakespeare's ploys, providing on overview of Shokespeoreon tragedy, comedy, and h1stor1col dromo. Prerequisite: 250 or consent. 420 STUDIES IN COMPARATIVE LITERATURE 1 3' Comporot1ve studies of a specific cultural literature. Sections offered in oreos such as· Africon, Spanish, Russian, Jewish, Germon literature 430 SPECIAL STUDIES IN llTERATURE 3) Studies 1n general areas of literary interest such os allegory, science f1Ct1on ond folklore or in such specific literary topics as the city, opocolypse, the hero, the Fall 440 STUDIES IN MAJOR AUTHORS 3' An in-depth study of the works of one or more sigmf1conl authors with attention lo the chronologicol development of the author's style, his main themes ond his relohonsh1p lo the literary trodilion. Sections offered include such authors os: Chaucer, Milton, Bloke and Coleridge, Faulkner and Hemingway. Prerequi­ site 2SO or consent. 450 STUDIES IN LITERARY CRITICISM (3) Studies 1n the history of rntimm, contemporary literary theory ond opplicolion of the principles of literary onolysis. 460 STUDIES OF LITERARY GENRE (3) Studies in literary genres including poetry, dromo, the novel and film.

Department Minor : 18 units, of wh1Ch 12 must be upper division. The student selects units from three or more of the courses listed above under the deportment major. Humanities Major: English or Literature Concentration : The deportment of English offers two possible areas of subject concentration for the humomlies major (page 36) This concentration moy consist of either English or literature. It 1s bosicolly ominor in English, but more flexibility is possible through deportment advisement.

NOTE: Unless otherwise stoled, ocourse may be repeated with different content _section title).

90 BASIC ENGLISH WORKSHOP (3) Workshop 1n English fundamentals emphasizing grammar, punctuation, spelling and porogroph writing. Students scoring less than 400 on the verbal section of the SAT must toke and poss Basic English Workshop within the first yeor of residence before English 11 OJ If o student wishes to challenge his SAT score he moy toke o d1 □ gnosl1C lest odrmnistered by the English deport­ ment. If he foils this lest, he must toke Basic English Workshop; three semester hours with no unit credit toward groduolion. 103 ENGLISH FOR THE NON-NATIVE SPEAKER PARAGRAPH DEVEL­ OPMENT AND GRAMMAR REVIEW '3) Intensive grommor review, note-toking skills and porogroph development. Emphasis on pre-writing, ouNining, unity, summariz­ ing, and mechanics of composition. This course will be required of oil students whose native language 1s other than English and whose English diagnostic test demonstrates need of these skills. Musi be token during the first semester of residence Only six units of English for the Non-Not1ve Speaker may be applied toward groduot1on. 105 ENGLISH FOR THE NON-NATIVE SPEAKER CONVERSATION ANO PRONUNCIATION 131 Emphasis on listening skills, pronunoolion, intonation, ond conversohonol strategies. Weekly interviews and field work will be required This course will be required of oil students whose native language is other than English and whose English diagnostic lest demonstrates need of these skills. Prerequisite: departmental placement Only six units of English for the Non-Native Speaker may be applied toward graduation. 107 ENGLISH FOR THE NON-NATIVE SPEAKER ESSAY ANO ACADEM­ IC WRITING (31 Studies in essay organization and development and research skills Individualized work in grommor and mechanics. This course will be required of all students whose native language 1s other than English and whose English diagnostic lest demonstrates need of these skills. Prerequisite ENG 103 or departmental placement. Students must successfully complete 107 before they will be permitted lo enroll in 110A and 11 OB, which ore required of all students. Credit for ENG 107 1s contingent an passing the English departmental essay exam, which is administered at the end of each semester. English 11 QA must be taken in the semester immediately following successful completion of 107 Only six units of English for the Non-Not1ve Speaker may be applied toward graduation. 110 STUDIES IN CRITICISM ANO COMPOSITION (3, 3: Sections Aand B. Reading, discussion of ideas and methods of writing, stressing crilicol thinking, persuasion and ewluotion; experience 1n writing essays and the research paper Both sections required. Section Aprerequisite lo section B. 210 WRITING FOR COMPETENCY J) Intensive practice 1n writing al the college level. Designed for the student with unsotisfoctory scores on the Writing Competency Exam. Agrade of C + or better will fulfill competency require­ ments. Prerequisite: ENG 110 A & B.

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