

340 FRENCH CIVILIZATION AND CULTURE ,3) Typical aspects of French civilization and lhe significonl historr­ col events and major conlributrons of lhe French people. Reading in records of historicol, literory and culturol importance. (See French 340.) 360 ECONOMIC HISTORY Of THE UNITED STATES (3) Growth and development of the Americon economy from lhe Colonial period lo contemporary times. Emphasis on such dynamic faclars as political, social, legal, lechnologicol and internolional developmenls offecting changes in agriculture, lronsporlalion, communicolion, commerce, industry and finance. 370 TEACHING ASSISTANT PREPARATION (I) lnslruction ond practice in generol and specific methods of leaching as on ossistanl lo professors of lorge classes. laugh! jointly by instructors from lhe educolion and hislory deparlmenls. 390 HISTORY Of MEXICO (3) Survey of lhe hislory of Mexico from pre-Columbion lrmes to the presenl, emphasizing socio!, culturol, religious ond·politicol developments, as mll as relations between Mexico and the United Sloles. 400 STUDIES IN DEVELOPING NATIONS (3 Regional studies rn lhe Third World; slress on indigenous cultures. Europeon explorolion and colonization; independence movements rn the post World War II ero; contemporory problems including economic growth and cullurol conflicl. 401 THE RISE Of MODERN AMERICA, 1877-1920 (3) Posl-Civil Wor economic growlh, immigrolron, trans-Mississippi settlemenl, industrialization, urbonizotion; Americo's rise to world pomr, Progressive Ero and World War I. 402 THE UNITED STATES SINCE 1920 (3) Shoprng of Amerrcon social, economrc, polrticol, relrgrous and inlellectuol life and foreign policy rn the ero of the Tmnties, New Deal, World War 11, Cold War; emphasrs on Americo's new role 1n a world of global interdependence. 403 CALIFORNIA HISTORY (3) Explorol1on ond colonizolron; the Mexicon period; lhe coming of lhe Americons; stolehood; the social, economic and polilicol developments as a port of the United States. 405 PROBLEMS IN AMERICAN DIPLOMACY '.3) Growth and development of Amerrcon foreign relotions from the Revalulion to the presenl. Analysis of the conduct of foreign relations, its objectives and limitalrons. 408 THE CHURCH IN THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE 3: Areligious history of lhe United Stoles from the coloniol 10 the conlemporory period, emphasizing lhe Church's effect on and rls response lo Purilonism, the mslword movement, social and inlellectuol fermenl, induslrrolizalion, 1mmigralion, urbanization and war. Ottered alternate yeors. 419 HISTORY Of COMMUNISM (3) Background, origin, developmenl, leachrngs and techniques of exponsion of internotionol Communism; lhe role of the Soviet Union in the Communist movemenl. Allernole yeors. 420 HISTORY Of RUSSIA (3) Russia from the origin of lhe notion to the conlemparary Soviet slale. Analysis of Czardom, the Revolution and internolionol relolions in the modern world. 422 RENAISSANCE AND REFORMATION 3: Europe from the lale fourteenth lo eorly seventeenth century. Stress on changes rnauguroted by lhe Renaissance and Reformo­ lion; rise of notion-slales and foundolions of modern European society. Ottered alternate yeors. 424 LENIN TO HITLER RECENT EUROPE 13) Europe during and □ her World War I with emphasis on the consequences of that war, rnsis of European democrocy, rise of

310 SOCIAL AND INTELLECTUAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES (3) Social impocl of mslword exponsion, immigrolion, industriol­ rzotion, urbanizotion and cullurol plurolism combined wilh major inlellecluol ideos instrumentol rn lhe shoping of Americon society. Prerequisite: 200. Alternote years. 312 HISTORY Of LATIN AMERICA (3) Major indigenous civilizalrons; conquest by Spoin and Porlugol; coloniol institutions ond culture; wors of independence, polilicol, economic ond social developmenls lo the present, including the role of lhe United Stales in the region. 313 MEDIEVAL HISTORY 3) Medieval Europe from the fall of Rome through lhe fourteenth century; emphosis on the church, lheologicol development, politi­ co! rnstilulions, society, literolure ond economrcs of lhe period. Offered olternate years. 318 STUDIES IN MODERN EUROPE (1-3) Themolic ond period studies in sixteenth through twentieth century Europe including: Explorolron and Colonizalron, Enlighten­ ment, Age of Baroque, lnduslrializalion, Nopoleon to Bismarck, the Holocousl ond the Cold War. Moy be repeated with different topics. 320 THE AMERICAN PRESIDENCY (3) Historicol development of the office of the presidency; formal ond informol pomrs of the president in executive legrslotive, judiciol, militory, diplomatic ond politico! areas. 321 HISTORY Of THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (3) A historicol survey of Church history from Penlecosl to the presenl. Emphosis given to leoding personolilies ond movements wilhin lhe Church. Offered foll semester.. 323 ANCIENT GREECE (3) History of Ancient Greece from lhe Minoon-Mycenoeon cultures lo lhe Hellenistic period; emphosis on lhe lileroture, religion, orl and modes of thought of the period. 324 ROMAN HISTORY (3) Romon history from its beginnrng to lhe foll of lhe Empire; Rome's parl in lhe preparotion of the Medilerronean world for lhe spreod of Christionily; Rome's conlribulions to Western civilizolion. Offered allernale years. 32 7 HISTORIOGRAPHY (3) Philosophies ond problems of hislory; historicol methodology. Development of the historirnl discipline ond rntroduction lo re­ search and writing. 328 INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC HISTORY (3) Asurvey of the opplicotrons of historicol concepts ond skills outside of ocodemrc settings, rncluding the areas of culturol resource management, public policy, business, rnformolion man­ agement, museum studies, editing and community/family history. Prerequisites: history I 00 and 200. 330 GERMAN CIVILIZATION AND CULTURE (3) Typicol aspects of German civilization and the significont historicol events and ma1or contribulrons of the Germon people. Readings in records of historicol, literory and cultural importance. 33 I GREAT ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS (3) Survey of Inda-Aryan, Chinese and Japanese civilizations from ancient times lo the present, stressing the religio-philosophicol developments and !heir impact upon culture. 332 STUDIES IN ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS (3) In-depth study of specific regions of Asia. One or more sections offered every year in such areas os Emergent China, Emergent Japan, Emergent Indra, and Emergent Southeast Asia, and the undergraduate colloquia on topics of relevance dealing with Asia in lhe modern world

Communism, fascism and Nazism; failure of colleorve securily; World War II and post-wor Europe, lhe Cold Wor, economic integrolion and lhe Sovret Union as omajor pomr. 430 HISTORY Of THE JEWISH PEOPLE (3) Post-biblicol period to lhe present; social, polilicol and cultural history of the Jew in the Middle East, Europe and the Amerrcos; Anti-Semitism, lhe Holocousl, the State of lsroel and Arob-lsroeli tensions in lhe contemporary world. Ottered alternate years. 440 THE ISLAMIC WORLD (3) Polil1col, social and culturol hislory of the Arob, Persian, Turkish and Afro-Asron Islamic peoples from the Ith century to the present. Major emphasis on post-World War II developments. 450 INTRODUCTION TO FOLKLORE AND MYTHOLOGY (3) Major lroditionol and recessive elements in Western civ11izolion and culture from the lrme of on Inda-European unify lo the present. Cross-cullurol influences; relotionship of history, myth ond Bible; universolily of some mythologicol rnonrfestotions. Major schools of rnterpretalion ond tools of reseorch. 458 PURITANISM (3) A survey of lhe Puritan movement with emphasis on ifs esloblishment and proctice in New England. Theologicol, socrol, political, economic and cultural aspects considered, including analysis of lhe Purilon influence on Americon Evangelicolism. 460 THE EVANGELICAL TRADITION (3) Ahisloricol and lheologicol comporotive sludy of lhe origins and development of Lulheronrsm, Colvinrsm, Angliconism ond lhe Anoboplisl and free Church lrodilions. Emphasis on lhe beliefs and practices of these groups today ond their relolionship lo the evangelicol Christion. 462 HISTORY Of THE EXPANSION OF CHRISTIANITY (3) The background, orrgrnol development and spread of lhe Christian religion; emphosis on the modern ero, especrolly con­ lemporory growlh dynamics and church structure rn Africa, As10 and Lolrn Amerrco. Ottered spring semester. 470 DIRECTED READING 1-3) Individual reading in hisloricol lileroture for advanced students. Topics ond frequency of reporls determined in consullolion wilh sponsoring professor. Moy be repeoled up lo lhree unils of credil 480 RESEARCH SEMINARS (3) Special studres 1n history for majors ulilizrng lhe lechnrques of problem-solving, reseorch ond formal wriling. Non-majors may undertake special study in specific geogrophicol areas: Lalin Americo, Europe, Asia, United Slates, Near Easl and Africo. Moy be repeoled for credil in different areas. Prerequisite 327 or consenl. 490, 491 HONORS PROGRAM (3, 3: A year-long rndependenl research projecl for hislory majors culminoling in on honors lhesis. first semester reoding and research under supervision. Second semester: drofling and wriling final paper. Geography 301 CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY (3) World culturol regions; isololion of cultural forces and !heir interoction w11h lhe physicol environment lo produce the varrelies of cullurol londscope: populolion distribution, general land-use, settlement poltern, tronsportolion and communicotion. 310 STUDIES IN GEOGRAPHY (3) Continenlal areos studies by regions emphasizing physicol, culturol, economrc ond historicol dimensions whrcb give geographic personolily lo individual regions and notions. One or more sections ottered eoch year in areos such os Lalin Americo, North Americo, Europe and Asia. Moy be repeated with different conlenl (seclion lrtle).

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