

they can carry out with competence the Lord's program of discipling all peoples. Department Major: This mo1or (36 unrts 1 hos a common core of courses (18 units), and the remmmng courses should be chosen to support the porticulor career interest of the student. A personalized interdiscrplinary program may be designed by the student and the student's advisor. The common core includes: 300, 322, 340, erther 310 or 313, 420, ond 451. For the rnterdisciplinory program 12 upper division units ore to be chosen from outside of the mojor rn a discipline thot supports the student's career ob1ectrves. All students in the mo1or ore required to toke theology 468 to fulfill the Bible elective requirement. All students must hove 24 upper drvrsion credits in their major program design. Students with senror stondrng moy take 500 level courses 1 see SICS graduate offerings! by permission. Prerequisites: For the interculturol studies majors only, ICS 300 is prerequisite to oil anthropology coursemrk. Field Internship: The student rs encouraged 10 portrcrpote rn o summer mission or semester 1nternsh1p program during the study program. Alimited number of internship opportunities ore available for o semestei's credit Consult the undergroduote advisor in SICS. Department Minor: 18 units, of which 12 must be upper division, including 300, 322, 340, either 310 or 313, and 420 and 6 units to support student's career interests. The student rs expected to take theology 468 for Bible elective. Students must consult wrth deportment advisor. Anthropology 300 GENERAL CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY 3) The nature of man and his culture; mrldview and perception; culture change; a study of the subsystems of cultures, including sacral organizotron, religion, language and related toprcs. 322 INTERPERSONAL AND INTERCUlTURAL ADJUSTMENT ;3) Issues relating to 1nterculturol liv1ng with focus on personal and interpersonal adjustments with nationals and other m1ssionor1es. 331 PEOPLES Of ETHNIC AMERICA ,_3) Astudy of non·coucosion ethnic groups in America in the light of their historical and socro-culturol background. Practical field experience in on ethnic community fee $30.00. 332 PEOPLES Of THE WORLD (3' Specific oreo studies wrth emphasis on customs, social struc­ tures, religion, orts, history and interculturol communrcotron. Moy be repeated with different course content 400 COMPARATIVE FOLKLORE AND MYTHOLOGY (3 Major trodirionul and recessive elements in western crvrlizotron and culture from the time of on Inda-European unity to the present. Cross-cultural influences; relationship of history, myth and Bible; universality of some mythologrcol monifestotrons. Major schools of interpretation and tools of research. 1 _See history 450.) 401 MAGIC, WITCHCRAFT AND SORCERY 13' Atreatment of conceptrons of the supernatural, the function of religion in socrety, religion ond social control, the nature of religious ritual and porophernolio, sacred places ond religious practitioners. Prerequisite: approval of teacher.

403 ANTHROPOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES 3) Asurvey of the assumptions ond explanatory models used by cultural onthropolrgrsts to onolyze and interpret patterns rn human behavior. Such opprooches, including structurol-functronol anolysrs, processuol analysis, ritual analysis, ethnoscrence, ecological anal­ ysis, material analysis, structuralism, and historical onolysrs, fur­ nrsh the conceptual tools for effective cross-cultural research. Prereqursrte: 300. 404 CROSS-CULTURAL RESEARCH :3) Application of the conceptual perspectives in anthropology to practical field research and data analysis. The student wrll do portrcipant observatron, interviewing, and survey sampling, and learn how to analyze and present research resuhs. The course wrll include computer analysis of data using the SPSS Pnmer. Prerequi· srte: 401 420 INTERCUlTURAL COMMUNICATION :31 Princrples and processes of communicotrng from one culture to another. Focus on different perceptions, ways of thinking, values, non-verbal expression, language expression and sub-groups within aculture os they relate to the media and the message. (See COM 472.)

444 INTRODUCTION TO CHURCH PLANTING (3) Astudy of the brblicol imperative of church planting and its applicotron to the western and non-western mrld. Special em­ phasis wrll be given to the role of the mother church rn evangeliz­ ing its own "Jerusalem" through mother-daughter church planting. 445 VARIANT RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS !3! Survey of vanous relrgrous movements rn Amerrco with ern­ phasrs on their distinctrve teachings whrch contrast wrth hrstorrcol Chrrstranrty. 446 HISTORY Of THE EXPANSION Of CHRISTIANITY 1 3 lire background, orrgrn, development and spread of the Chrrs· Iron faith from the apostolic perrod until today 450 INTRODUCTION TO THE THEOLOGY Of MISSION 3) Astudy of the centrolrty of God's redemptive acts rn behalf of mankind from both the Old and New lestomenls, wilh emphosrs on their opplrcotron ta the mrssron of the Church in modern times. (See theology 468 ). 453 CHRISTIANITY ANO CULTURE (3' Anthropologrcol approach to Christion theologizing; interrelo­ tronships between suproculturol Christranity and human cultures 456 WORLD RELIGIONS '.3) The distintrve features of the hrstoricol ethnic religions, with special emphasis on their comparison and encounter wrth Chrrs­ tranrty and therr bearings upon mrssronory strotegres. Society, Technology and Mission 441 TOPICS IN APPLIED CULIURAL ANTHROPOLOGY 3' Applicolron of anthropological insights to cross-cultural prob· lems. Course may be repealed wrlh different content with depart­ ment permission. 442 CULTURE CHANGE (3 The study of how cultures change, the dynamics and process of change, the place of change agents and the speed and intensity of change. 451 SOCIAL STRUCTURE ANO CHURCH GROWTH \31 Abosrc understanding of church growth concepts as related both to the local congregations and to the task of mrldwide evangelizolron. 457 URBAN RESEARCH AND MINISTRIES '.3' The use of socrol science techniques to leorn about the people, needs and opportunities for evangelism in lire crty. 460 URBAN PRACTICUM (3) Aprogram of cross-cultural inlernshrps in the urban metropolr­ tan area of Los Angeles. By permrssron of instructor only. 461 SEX ROLES IN SOCIETY 3 The dynomrcs of male and female roles in Western, non­ Western and brblicol cultures. Focus on responsrbilitres, abligo-. trons, expectations, leadership and rnterrelatronships as they relate lo the socrety as a whole_

Linguistics and Translation 310 GENERAL LINGUISTICS 3)

Descriptive and historical study of language, linguistic analysis, language clossificotrons, language and its cultural and social settings. 313 LANGUAGE LEARNING 1 3) How to leorn to speak another language using proven tech­ niques and octrvities that con help assure success os olanguage learner. Practical experience rn language learning in o foreign· speaking community fee. $ l 00. 413 PHONETICS (31 The study of the orticulotran, classrficotron, reproduction and recording of speech sounds; pnncrples of phonetic change. ;See COM3121 414 PHONOLOGICAL ANALYSIS 31 Astudy of the sound system of languages wrth emphasis on methods of reducing non-Inda-European languages to wrrting. Prerequisite 41 l 417 GRAMMATICAL ANALYSIS :3 linguistic structure and patterning beyond the phonologrcol level, concentration on analysis of grommoticol and formal oppo· sitrons and therr structural relotionshrps 418 ANALYSIS Of MEANING (3) The study of the semantic component of the grommor of human language. 471 INTRODUCTION TO BIBLE TRANSLATION An rntroductron to the pnncrples and problems of inter-culturol communication wrth specrol emphasis on tronslot,ng the Brble into rndrgenous languages. History and Theology of Mission 340 CONTEMPORARY INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIANITY (31 Asurvey of the contemporary mrldwide Chrrstron movement, focusing on the obstacles and missiologrcol rssues that ore challenges for missionorres and notional church leaders.


473-474 PRACTICUM SEMINAR (I 3, 1-3)

475 CROSS CULIURAL EDUCATION 3 Focuses on the need to understand the context of what we teach, the "hrdden currrculum," and the mullrcuhurol populations which our schools serve.


490 PRACTICAL MISSION TRAINING 1-6) Toprcs in mrssronary preparotron. Wrll nor credit to ma1or.

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