

Computer Science Compute r science is the discipline which studies the represe ntation, storage and transformation of informationutil izing a computer. The department of computer science at B i o l □ University provides two primary areas of concentration in addi tion to a basic core curriculum. These two areas are information systems and scient ific applications . The department also offers a selection of courses for those majoring in other fields who wish a minor emphasis in the area of computer science. The resources available ta the department include a Digi tal Equipment Corpora­ tion VAX 11 /780, and Apple li e, Macintosh, and IBM PC microcomputers. Objectives: The department endeavors to pro­ vide each student with an understanding of the organization and operation of modern computer systems. The curriculum emphasizes software design and development and is designed to prepare stu­ dents for careers that include systems analysis, computer programming and operations and various computer-oriented business occupations and to en­ able those who wish fu rther study to pursue gradu­ ate work in computer science or in closely related fields. Such fields include business administration and applied mathemaiics. There is a concerted at­ tempt by the department to integrate faith and learning in the study of modern computer systems and their impact upon our society. Deportment Major , All majors are required ta take a core curriculum of IOI, I 02 and 300. Each student must also fulfill the requirements of one of the following concentrations: Information Systems (52 total units): 201, 325, 402 and 425. One of 202,302 or 400. Business 202,211,212,330,370 and 415. Moth 103,112 and 210. Scientific Applications (50 total units): 202,302,310,400 and 480. One of 201, 326 or 402. Moth I 05, 106, 112, 291 and 333. Two of 315,321,331,332 or 430. The general education requirement for mathematics and sci­ ence is three units of science for a computer science mo101. The general education requirement for a foreign language for those following a computer science mo1or may be met by two years of high school language or the first four units of o college language. Depar tment Minor : 21 units. Students pursuing aminor are required to take acore curriculum of IOI, 102 and one of 201 or 202. The remaining requirements ore fulfilled according to interest in consultation with deportment advisor. At least two courses must be at the 300 or 400 level.

I 00 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS (3) Elementary concepts of computers and data processing. Simple problem solving techniques using the computer. Application to statistics, life science, business and social science BASIC pro­ gramming. Cannot be counted toward the major. fee: S 15. I 01 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE I (3: Introduction to computer hardware and software. Problem solving methods. Elementary concepts of algorithm development. PASCAL programming. fee SI 5. I 02 APPLICATIONS PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT (3) Elementary concepts of data structures, file organization and processing. Computer problem solving methods. PASCAL program­ ming. Prerequisite. IO I. fee: S 15. 201 SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DATA ORGANIZATION (3) Business computing systems. Systems development life cycle Techniques and tools of system documentation and logical system specifications. Concepts and techniques of structuring doto on bulk storage devices. file processing techniques. COBOL programming. Prerequisite 102. fee: SIS. 202 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING (3) Basic concepts of computer systems and computer architec­ ture. Assembly language programming Macros, program segmen­ tation and linkages. Prerequisite: I 02. 230 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES (3) Organization and structure of programming languages. Run­ time behavior and requirements of programs. Introduction to programming language specifications and analysis. Study of var­ ious olte111ot1ve languages. Prerequisite: 202. fee: S 15. 300 DATA STRUCTURES (3: linear lists, strings, arrays and orthogonal lrsts; graphs, trees, binary trees, multilinked structures, searching and sorting tech­ niques, dynamic storage allocation; applications. Prerequisite: 201 or 202 fee: S 15 302 COMPUTER ORGANIZATION (3) Organization and structuring of lhe major hardware compo­ nents of computers. Mechanics of information transfer and control within a drgitol computer system. fundamentals of logic design. Communications syslems. Prerequisile. 201 or 202. fee: S 15.

310 SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING (3) Design and implementation of operating systems, loaders, language lronslotors, and utilities. Programming lechniques. Ap­ plrcotrons lo business, scientific, engineering, and real-time prob­ lems. Prerequisites 202 and 302 or consent. fee: S 15. 325 MANAGEMENT SCIENCE (3) Application of quantitative techniques in business organiza­ tions, linear programming, queueing and inventory models, nel­ work analysis and dynamic programming and production schedul­ ing and control. Prerequisites: 100 or IOI, Math 210 or BUS 190, Malh 103 or BUS 223 or consent. fee 510. 326 SYSTEMS SIMULATION (3) Developmenl and analysis of systems models through com­ puler simulo11on, optimizol1on in continuous models, linear pro­ gramming queuing and inventory models. Prerequisite: 325 or Moth 333. fee S 15. 400 THEORY Of ALGORITHMS (3) Analytic techniques for the determinolion of olgorilhm1c eff1- c1ency, NP-complete problems, complexity hrerorchres, proveobly intractable problems. Prerequisite: 300. fee: S 15. 402 DATABASE MANAGEMENT (3) Integrated database systems, logical organization, data de­ scription language (DDL), data monipulo11on language (DML), of h1erarch1col networks and relot1onol databases, overview of select­ ed database management systems (DBMS). Prerequisite: 201 or 202. fee: S 15. 425 APPLIED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (3) Integration of knowledge and obrlrt1es gained through other courses in the curriculum within a comprehensive system for development project. Prerequisite: 402 or consent. fee: S 15. 480 RESEARCH SEMINAR (1-3) Special studies in computer science. Prerequ1s1te senror stand­ ing or consent.

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