

214 MUSIC THEORY (3) WRITTEN ChromallC hormony, Neapolitan, augmented sixths, 3rd relation, commercial hormony. · AURAL Chromatic melody and hormony, modulotron ond 7ths. KEYBOARD ChromallC hormonization, pop chords, score readrng, tronsposrtion.

334 PHILOSOPHY Of MUSIC EDUCATION (3) An 1nvest1got1on of philosophies of musrc educotron and the resulting aesthetic implicotrons for teaching music rn oil grades. (Music majors. 340 SPECIAL STUDIES IN MUSIC THEORY/COMPOSITION (2-31 One or more courses offered perrodrcolly rn such areas as Orchestration, Choral Arrongrng, Basic Techniques for Arrangers, Electronrc Music, Analyticol Techniques. Prereqursite: 312 or con­ sent of rnstructor. 350 A, BADVANCED KEYBOARD SKILLS (l + ll !hrs course is designed to teach church service ploying skills at on advanced level to pronrsts and organists. Areos of Wllrk include hormonizotion, transposition, modulatron, improvisatron, hymn ploying, occomponyrng (solo ond choral) and repertoire. Required of oil students using organ as oprrncrpol performing medium. 350A - Open to pronists and orgonrsts. May be repeated for credit 350B - Open to orgonrsts only Will prepore the student to toke the colleague exomrnotron administered each June by the Americon Guild of Organists. 360 A, BPIANO ACCOMPANYING ·2; Study and performance of piano accompaniment for vocol and rnstrumentol literature; discussion of styles ond performance practices; experrence in publrc performance

460 PRINCIPAL APPLIED INSTRUCTION (1-3) Beyond degree requirements, ony music degree ob1ectrve. Some oreos of instruction as under 121 ond 131 obove. (far music majors\ 470 SENIOR RECITAi/FiNAL PROJECT 1 0\ Preporation for senior level music educotion major (30-mrnute recital). 480 DIRECTED RESEARCH (l-3) Independent study rn areos such os history, literature, pedagogy, church music. Each student assigned to a faculty member for gurdance and evoluotron. Prereqursrtes: 1unror or senror stondrng and consent of instructor. 490 SENIOR RECITAL, 60 minutes (2) Preporotion for senror level performance ma1or (60-minute recrtoll Credit/no credrt course. Ensembles 001 BIOLA CHORALE (I) Performance of stondord choral literature representing avari­ ety of styles ond periods Membershrp by auditron. 002 CHAMBER MUSIC ENSEMBLE 11) Encompasses awide variety of chamber groupings and cham­ ber musrc literature. The followrng ensemble combrnations ore commonly organrzed under this heading brass quintet, Wllodwrnd quintet, flute ensemble, strrng quortet, percussion ensemble, piano chamber ensembles. Open to keyboord and other instru­ mental students by audition. 003 CHAMBER ORCHESTRA 11) Performance of standord chamber musrc literature encomposs­ rng awide vorrety of styles and periods. Membershrp by audrtron. 004 UNIVERSITY SINGERS (I) Performance of trodrtronal and contemporary Gospel music. Membership by audition. 006 LA MIRADA SYMPHONY (I Open by audition to string, woodwind, brass and percussion performers Performance of standord orches tral li terature. 007 STAGE BAND WORKSHOP \I) To provrde musrc educotion ma1ars and other interested stu­ dents experience rn jazz techniques and literoture. AJorge volume and awide vorrety of literoture rs played, discussed and evaluated as to its prospective use at the various levels of secondary and collegiate educotron. At least one public performance per semester is scheduled. Membership by audition. 008 SYMPHONIC WINDS (l) Performance of stondord wrnd ensemble literature. far ad­ vanced wrnd and percussion players. Membershrp by audition. 009 HANDBELLCHOIR (I) Performance of o wide spectrum of hondbell literature as o seporote ensemble ond rn con1unct1on with other instrumental ond vocol ensembles. Membership by audition.

2S I, 252 SONG LITERATURE-DICTION (l, I See desmption under 151, I 52 above.

260 A, BKEYBOARD SIGHT READING tI, I) Analysis of sight reading skills and procedures. Emphasis on development of obrlrty to reod with musrcol understanding and odequole fluency ot first sight. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. 300 CONCERT MUSIC :o) Attendance ot specified number ond types of cancer ts eoch semester. Three semesters required for groduotron. Pass/forl, no tuition. 306 MUSIC HISTORY AND LITERATURE: LATE ROMANTIC THROUGH 20th CENTURY (2) Ahisloncol and criticol survey of the perrod including importont contributions rn music literature, theory and performance practice. Special attention will be given to the analysis of selected vocal ond rnstrumental Wllrks 310 ELEMENTARY MUSIC WORKSHOP (2) Instruction in matenols Jor teaching music in the elementary school (Non-music majors - by permission.) 31 l MUSIC THEORY WRIIIEN EMPHASIS :21 Counterpoint. Emphasis on eighteenth century two- and three­ vorce technrques. Analysis of representative literature ond wrrling of short style pieces. Prerequisite: 212. 3I2MUSIC THEORY WRIIIEN EMPHASIS /2\ Twentieth century compositional techniques ond analysis of Impressionism to recent developments. Prereqursrte 31 l 31 SMUSIC THEORY AURAL EMPHASIS (I) Sight-singing of melodies containing leaps and melodies which ore chromatic and/or modulate. D1Ctation of harmonic passages that ore chromatic and/or contain 9th and 13th chords. Prerequi· site 216. 320 MUSIC EDUCATION (I) A. Bross; B. Percussion; C. Sllings; D. Woodwinds; E. Music Drama; f. fretted Instruments. Workshops rn preporotion for teaching instrumental musrc and muslC drama in elementary ond secondary schools. 323 BASIC CONDUCTING :3) Basrc conducting skills; the psychology of conducting; observa­ tion of choral and orchestral reheorsols. 324 ADVANCED STUDIES IN CONDUCTING 1 2) One or more sections offered penodically rn the oreas of choral and rnstrumental conducting. Continuatron of the objectives of Music 323 related specifically to the technicol and rnterprelotrve skrlls of either choral or instrumental conducting. Prerequisite: 323.

370 JUNIOR RECITAL, 30 minutes (0) Preporatron for junior level applied motor 30-minute recrtol.

380 PERFORMANCE SEMINAR I t Group performance, discussion of performance proctice and performance evoluotron. Moy be repeated for up to four unrts credit. Possible sectrons in voice, piano, organ and vorrous wrnd and orchestral rnstruments. 390 OPERA WORKSHOP (l-31 The study and performance of chamber operas, one-act operas, scenes from ma1or operas and selected Broadway musi­ cols. Open to all students by audrtron. 4IO MUSIC CULTURES Of THE WORLD 131 An rntroductory study of the rnterrelatronshrps between music and culture through the examinatron of the music of varying cultures. Basic elements of music as they ore found in Wllrld cultures will be studied with specrfic opplicotion to the Wllrk of the church. 420 SPECIAL STUDIES IN MUSIC LITERATURE :2 An in-depth study of music literature as it relates to specific instruments, ensembles, penods of history, geogrophicol locotions, rndividuol composers or ethnic groups. One or more sections offered every year rn oreas such as prono lrteroture, choral literature, organ literature, rnstrumental literoture (strings, wood­ winds, bross, percussron instruments), Amencon music, the sym­ phony, the strrng quortet, the concerto, the sonata. 430 PEDAGOGY 2: far the pnvote teacher. Procticol procedures rn trornrng o student rn generol musicionshrp, memorrzotron, proper proctrce habrts, sight-reading and other areas peculiar to specific rnstru­ ments Survey of graded literature and methods. Sections will be offered rn oreas such as· prono, orgon, vo1Ce, wrnd and orchestral instruments 440 CHURCH MUSIC (2) The brblicol foundotron for church music; its hrstoncol develop­ ment; current trends; the development of achurch mus1C progrom. 450 MUSIC PRACTICUM (l-3) fieldwork experrence rn music under the supervision of the musrc faculty and professionals rn the freld. Open IQ 1unror and senior music majors with the consent of the music faculty.

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