

5. Demonstrate application of synthesized concepts related to stress/adoptation, developmental , interactional and systems theories in the pur­ poseful and systematic use of the nursing pro­ cess to facilitate optima l adaptat ion through appropriate use of the prevent ion, conser votion and restoration modes within the three interactionol systems. 6. Identify and utilize knowl edge of the relevont cultural, economic, political and social facto rs and the interactions between themthot attect the practice of nursing and the del ive ry of heal th care services. 7. Demonstrate personal and professional develop­ ment consistent with thegoals of Biola Uni versi­ ty and ba ccalaureate nursing educat ion. Special Note Admi ssion Requirements : Admission into Biolo University does not guorontee admission into clinical nursing. A student moy be admitted to the deportment of boccalou­ reote nursing upon meeting the requirements for universi ­ ty admission, including , SATS, high school chemi sty ond olgebro with ol leost o grode of " ( " ond/or passing on entrance exominotion in these two subjects, ond (l) com· pleting the prescribed pre-nursing curriculum (ovoiloble from the nursing deportment) with omin imum grode of C (2.0) in chemistry, onotomy ond physiology, ond ocumula­ tive G.P.A. of 2.5 or obove; (2) toking the NLN prenursing exom; (3) filing the deportmentol application ond poying the requ ired non -refundable S20 deposit by Jonuory 15; (4) submitting proof of current certification in cardio­ pulmonary resuscitation through the American Red Cross or American Heort Association ; ond (5) meeting opprovol of the faculty of the deportment of nursing. An additional $10.00 lote application fee will be levied on thosereceived alter the deadline. Appliconts whose educational ond professional experiencesqualify them for advanced stand ­ ing are welcome. Those intending to challenge nursi ng courses should makean appointment with the department of nursing as soon os accepted by the university. Requirements for Students Accepted into the Nursing Pro­ gram : Astudent is requued to hove ot hrs own expense o yearly physicol exominotion ond specific loborotory lests ond immunizo lions by June 15. Students will nol be permitted in the clinicol agency without this. Each sludent is assessed for liability insur­ ance lhrough the university when por trcipoting in clinrcol courses. Recordof comporoble liobilrty insuronce coveroge for the IKensed RNstudents must be on file with lhe deportment of nursing The university ond cooperoting agencies assume no responsibility for illness or accidents occuring durrng the school progrom. Astudent must orronge for his own tronsportotion to clinicol agencies os the university does not provide tronsportotion. The senior nursing student incommunity heol thnursing must hove ovalid Colilornio driver's license ond access too cor. \bird CPR certifrcotion must be morntorned throughout the clinicol nursing progrom. Theory ond clinicol must be token concurrenriy in courses wrth o clinicol component. A student must eorn o minimum grode of 2.0 in microbiology, statistics ond in each nursing course, ond mointorn o cumula tive GPA of 2.0 in order to progress in nursing. Courses moy be repea ted one trme only. Students wrthdrowing ot ofoiling level wrll bepermitted torepeat the course one time only Students ore permi tted to wi thdrow from courses ot o foiling level two times only during the totol clinrcol nursing program. Unsafe clinrcol nursing proctice, regordless of GPA, is grounds for dismissal from the nursing progrom. Students who wrthdrow from nursing for ony reason connot be guoronteed a space when they pion to return. Tronsfer-chollenge studentshove equal access for open spaces in nursing courses.

It is recommended that microbrology :BIO 221) be token prror to Nursing of the family I and II. Students must hove ocumulotrve GPA of 3.0 to toke microbiology concurrent wr th Nursing of the family I. Students wrll not be advanced to level II wrthout microbiology. Mandatory comprehensive NlN achievement exams will be token ot the completion of the nursing progam Deportment Major: Biologrcol Science 221, 271, 272; Chemistry 101, 102 :totaling 17 science units); Nursing 301, 302, 310, 400, 410, 420, 430, 441, 442, 450. Supporting courses: Three units of each of the following: interculturol studies, sooology, Psychology 200 and statistics. The generol educotron requirement for oforeign language for nursing majors is two yeors of the some high school language or lour unrts of o college language. Nursing majors ore exempt from general educotion requirements of literoture (3) ond history \4 of 8 units required). The annual Commitment Service is financed by ossessrng each pre-nursing ond clinrcol nursing student fifty cents each semester. 300 PROfESSIONAl NURSING SEMINAR : l 3' A tronsrtron seminor designed to focrlrtote socrolizotion into boccoloureote professional nursing. Designed for tronsfer-chol­ lenge students. 301 NURSING Of THE fAMllY I - THEORY '5) Implementation of the nursing process to locilitote odoptrve equilibrium in the client. Includes normal growth ond development of the young adult to the oged adult. :c; 301 NURSING Of THEfAMllY I - CllNICAl 5) ClrnKol opplicotion of the nursing process ~ith adult clients in acute medicol-surgrcol, convalescent ond community settmgs. C' J fee: S100.00. 302 NURSING Of THE fAMllY II - THEORY (5) Continuation of 301. lmplementotron of the nursing process to locrlitote adoptive equilibrium in the clrent Includes normal growth and development of the inlont through adolescence. Prereqursrte 301. ((", 302 NURSING Of THE fAMllY II - CllNICAl \4; Clinicol opplicotron of the nursing process with clients in acute medicol-suryrcol ond community se ttings wrth emphasis on the surgrcol client. Includes Denver Developmental Assessment of o well chrld. (C"' fee S100.00. 305 PHARMACOlOGY (23) Astudy of the chorocterrstics of drug families, drug octrorrs ond metabolism, therapeutic uses, un toword responses, precoutions and controindicotions. Principles for making sound nursing 1udg ments in lhe odministrotron of medicot rons. 310 BEHAVIORAl CONCEPTS FOR NURSING PRACTICE 2' Concepts affecting the role of the professional nurse in promoting adoptive equilibrium. One ond one half hours lecture, one and one-half hour discussion. (C') 320 DIRECTED INDIVIDUAl STUDIES il-3) Permi ts students to pursue special interests related to the profession of nursing. Open to clinrcol nursing majors only with written consen t of instructor. Moy be repeated with different content. Moxinrum of six units may be token for credi t 321 CllNICAl ENRICHMENT 1-4 I Opportunity for additional applico tron of the nursing process in selected heolth core settings. Offered interterm and summer school. Open to clinrcol nursing majors only Prerequisite: NUR 301 fee SI 00.00. 400 MENTAl HEAlTH NURSING - THEORY 1 2 Concepts related to nursing of adults wrth problems of odopto­ tion resulting in psychopathology. focus is on the opplicotion of the nursing process to problems of psychopathology. Prerequisite 302. (C'l

400 MENTAl HEAlTH NURSING - CllNICAl (2) Clinicol opplicotron of the nursing process wrth cl ien tsin rnen tol health setting. ;(") 410 NURSING Of THE CHl lDBEARI NG/CHILDREARING FAMILY - THEORY (6) Implementation of the nursing process utilizing o fomily­ centered approach to childbearing, moternol-child health promo­ tion and core of the ill child. Prerequisites 302, Biology 221. (C" 410 NURSING Of THE CHl lDBEARING/CH ILDREARING FAMILY- CllNICAl 161 Clinrcol opplrcolron of the nursing process in providing family centered maternal-child health core in acute and community settings. i(' fee SI 00.00. 415 NURSING IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 2: Implementation of the nursing process rn developing countries where there is limited O((ess toophysicron. Open to Registered Nurses ond licensed \\Jcotronol Nurses and all clinicol nursing majors. Offered interterm and/or summer session only. 420 ADVANCED MEDICAl/SURGICAL NURSING - THEORY ;2; Implementation of the nursing process wr th adult clients experiencing complex disturbances in adoptive equilrbrrum. Primary focus is on po thophysiology in the physical subsystem. (C) 420 ADVANCED MEDICAL/SURGICAl NURSING - CLIN ICAL (3; Clinicol opplicotron of the nursing process wrth multiculturol clients rn the ocu te medicol-surgrcol setting. {C' ) fee: SI 00.00. 430 NURSING IN THE COMMUNITY - THEORY (3; Combines nursing theory wi th concepts of community health and community mental health. Prerequisites: 400, 410, 420. 430 NURSING IN THE COMMUNITY - Cll NICAl (Sr Clinicol opplicotion of lhe nursing process wr th indrvrduols, fomilres and communities to promote ond morntorn adoptive equilibuum. fee S100.00. 441 INTRODUCTION TO NURSING RESEARCH ,2) The reseorch process applied to nursing includes problem definitions and boSI( reseorch design Each student works on developing o b □ SI( reseorch proposal. Prereqursr les: 400, 410, 420, Stotrs tics (may be token concurrently wr th consent of instructor;. 442 APPLIED NURSING RESEARCH (l ' Opportumty to rntrque literoture, continue work on research proposal or por trcrpote in a reseorch project Prerequisi te, 441 450 lEADERSHIP/MANAGEMENT INNURSING- THEORY (2 Combines theory of leodershrp ond nursing core delivery systems with rssues and trends in nursing. Prerequisi tes: 400, 410, 420. 450 LEADERSHIP/MANAGEMENT IN NURSING CllNICAl '. 5) Climcol opplicotron of leadership theory in grvrng and drrecting core for o group of clients. Students may elect experience from severol clinical settings. fee: SI 0000. 465 RURAl CUNI CAL NU RSE PLACEMENT PROJECT ,3 4 Aclinicol emichinent experience forCommunity Heal thNursing. An educotionol opportunity rn rurol nursing in northern Colifornro in settings such as home nursing service, public health deportments, Indian heolth proiects, rural physician's offices and acute ond convalescen t hosprtols Prerequisite: 430. Offered ln terterm only Transfer-Challenge Policy: For transfer nursing students, registered nurses, li ­ censed vocational nurses and other applicants with health profession backgrounds. General Policies: I Applicants planning to challenge nursing courses mus t frrst be accepted by ond fulfill all motr rculotion requiremen tsof Biolo University The Depor tment of Nursing should be contacted at the time of applicotron to the University 2. Seporote applicotron must be made to the deportment of nursing. A S20.00 nonrefundable opplicotron fee mode pay­ able to Biol □ Unrversrty, deportment of nursing must occoinpo­ ny the opplico tron. It rs recommended lhot this be done concurrently with applK □ tron to the Unrversrly. Final accep­ tance into nursing will not be mode until officrol occeptonce to the University is granted.

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