
COURSE DESCRIPTIONS In addition to the oHicml tmnsrnpts sent to the office of odm1ss1ons and records, separote 0Hic1ol tronsrnpts 'includ­ ing high school, school of nursing and ony other college or Bible school' must be sent directly to: Biolo University, Department of Nursing, 138DO B1olo Avenue. lo M1rodo, CA 90639-0001 Tronscnpts sent to the ott1Ce of odm1ssions ond records are not forwarded to the nursing deparrment lo be considered for occeptonce into the nursing progmm, oil oppliconts must hove o minimum cumulative grode point ovemge of 2.5

202 INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY !3) The problems, methods, concepts, outtook and divisions of philosophy. Either semester. 205 LOGIC 13 Deductive ond inductrve inference ond the onolysrs of lon­ guoge.

Option I: Thirty Unit Curriculum l This option permits the LV.N to toke nursing and related soence courses In oider lo qualify for the Colifornio regis­ tered nurse licensing exominot1on. Transfer info the degree program rs possible. The opplicont's porriolio will be e111luoted on on indiv1duol bosrs. Academ1C uedil earned in reg1onolly omedited ins1tutions of higher education for comparable prelicensure courses will be accepted for transfer. The following courses must be completed prior to toking the R.N. licensure exominoflon "BIO 272 Physiology 4 unrts 'BIO 221 Microbiology 4 unrts NUR 320 Directed Individual Studies :Genotncs) 3 unrts NUR 400 Mental Health Nursing 4 units NUR 420 Ad111nced Medical-Surgical Nursing 5 unrts NUR 450 leodersh1p1Monogement In Nursing 7 unrts 27 unrts

301 GREEK ANO ROMAN PHILOSOPHY 131 The history of philosophy through Neo-Plotonism.

5. Tronsfer-chollenge students who hove met prerequisites comporoble to the generic students will hove equal access far open spaces in all nursing courses 6. The department of nursing health farm required of all nursing moIors must be submitted prmr to clinical chollenge and odmissmn to clinical nursing courses. Evidence of current (.P.R. certif,cot1on Is olso required The opplicont must complete the required non-nursing pre­ requIsItes as outlined in the standard cumculum chart for the nursing mojor before ente11ng clinrcal nursing courses (except 30 umt option I Transfer credit for non-nursing courses will be granted by the office of odm1ss1ons and records as 1ndicoted in the university cololog. If ogiven nursing course from o 1eg1onolly omedited nursing program rs comparable in content and level to o given course offered by the deportment of baccalaureate nursing, transfer credit will be gronted 8 All tronsfer-chollenge students must successfully challenge or complete NUR 310 Behov1orol Concepts for Nursing Practice Comporoble courses will be e111luoted for transfer credit 9. Challenge students may need to toke 12 units In addition to the challenge courses to qualify for finoncrol ossIslonce. 10 following notrficot1on of acceptance into the deportment of nursing, the candidate moy begin the challenge process: This process consists of on exominot1on with theory and clinicol components. NLN Profile II and teacher-mode exams ore utilized. Moth exoms are also included. Adetoiled outline of the challenge process may be obtained by contacting the Deportment of Nursing directly. 11 Cond1dotes for the challenge process hove the option of scheduling the exom1nolions in such o way that if unsuc­ cessful, subsequent enrollment in the course Is possible 12. The challenge fee Is 550.00 per exom. Candidates must register for the challenge exom(sl to be accomplished each semester. 13. Course credit will be granted upon successful completion of the challenge exam. Courses may be challenged one time only 14 Specific policies related to R.N.'s, LVN.'s 01 LPN.'s follow Tronsfer challenge students from other nursing programs or other health professmn backgrounds will be e111luoted rndi­ v1duolly. 15. Transfer students choosing to lake the basic generic nursing program should apply as any other student for the program, meeting all prerequIsItes as outlined In the university cololog and standard cu111culum chart for the nursing moI01. (C denotes that odoss con be challenged for the units listed. In addition to the generol policies, the following policies apply to the registered nurse: 1 The applicant must hold current reg1stroflon In the United Stoles. Graduates of regionally omediled nursing progroms in the process of obtoining licensure will be odmrtted on prov1sronol status. All RN's will portIopote In o tronsItion seminar course rNUR 3001 designed to foohtote sooolizotmn into boccaloureote professmnol nursing. All level Ill courses must be token. Admission into level Ill classes Is contingent on successful completion of all level I ond II challenges. The following courses moy be challenged: 301, 302, 400, 410, 420. In addition to the generol policies, the following policies apply to the licensed vocotionol nurse: 1. The opplicont must hold current regIstrotIon in the Unrted States. Groduotes of reg1onolly omed1ted nursing programs in the process of obtoinrng licensure will be odmitted on prov1s1onol stolus. The applicant moy toke the 30 unrt cumculum or the tronsfer-chollenge cumculum.

302 MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY 131 The history of philosophy from Augustine to William of Occam w11h specml emphasis upon Augustine and Thomas Aquinas 303 MODERN PHILOSOPHY :3) The hrslory of philosophy from the Renoissonce through the schools of the nineleenlh century 305 ETHICS 13) Principol ethical theories ond thinkers; basic problems ond biblicol teaching. 307 AESTHETICS (3) Principal problems and theories of ort ueotIon, oppreciotron and rnt1Cism. 310 PHILOSOPHY Of RELIGION '.3) A critical examination of the relot1onsh1p of philosophy lo religion, of cruool religious concepts and of problems of religious belief. Alternate yeois. 311 THEORIES Of KNOWLEDGE (3; Ah1stoncol and rnflcal exominolron of the nature, 1111idity and scope of human thought and knowledge. Alternate yeors 313 THEORIES Of REALITY '.3) Ahistoricol and rnflcal exominotron of selected metaphysical systems and topics. Alternate years. 402 PHILOSOPHY Of SCIENCE '.3) Ahistorrcal 011d rntlcal exominotion of the methodology, theory and limits of science and its relationship lo other fields. Alternate years. 404 CONTEMPORARY PHILOSOPHY 3 Recent Amerrcan philosophy and the onolytic and speculative trodrlions. 440 PHILOSOPHICAL TOPICS (2-3) Special studies in the history, or problems, of phrlosophy. Prerequisite 202 or consent Ottered on suH1crent demand. 458 PHILOSOPHY Of WORLD RELIGIONS (3) The philosophies and beliefs of the world's leading religrons. 480 DIRECTED RESEARCH 1-2' Guided reading and reseorch 111 philosophers or philosophical topics. Prereqursile consent

'Transfer credit w1il be granted.

Opt ion II : Tronsfer-Chollenge 1 Nursing 301 and 302 must be challenged in sequence. level II courses may be challenged based on individual porriolio e111luotion. All level Ill courses must be token. All LVN's or LPN's will porflc1pote In a trons,tIon seminor course (NUR 300; designed to foc11itote sociolizot1on into buccaloureote nursing.

Department ofPhilosophy

Virginia Doland, Ph.D , Choir Faculty Professor: Hanson Assistant Professor: Ciocch,

Objective: The objec tive of this department is to acquaint the student with the principal problems ond issues of philosophy; historical and cantempo­ rmy. The courses of philosophy are designed to contribute to the general education of the student, to aid him in reflective thinking, to contribute to an understanding of the persistent problems of our cul ture and to campare, contrast ond integrate philo­ sophical answers with those of the Christian philo­ sophical orientati on. Deportment Minor: 18 units. of which 12 must be upper div1s1on. The student must select 301 ond two courses from 302, 303 or 404. Humanities Major: Philosophy Concentration. Philosophy may be used as the oreo of concentrotIon for the humonrfles major page 36 i. This concentration Is basically aminor in philosophy, but more flex1b1lrty Is possible through deportment advisement

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