


Department of Physical Education and Athletics Roger G. Soule, Ph.D., Choir Faculty Professor: Soule Associate Professors: frembling, Henry, Holmquist, Lyon, B. Norman, C. Sarver, Chas. Sarver Assistant Professors: Masterson, Orr Objectives: The objectives of the physical edu­ cation program ore: (1) to teach the fundamental sports skills for present and future years; (2) to teach the necessity for and the techniques of o lifetime of physical fitness; (3) to provide whole­ some recreational activities and intramural sports; (4) to conduct oprogram of intercolleg1ote athletics; (5) to provide Christion perspectives on physical fitness, recreation and athletics; and (6) to provide o mo1or with emphases in teaching and sports physiol­ ogy and o minor in physical education or o minor with o coaching emphasis. Each student is required to complete four semes­ ters of physical education if under twenty-one ot the time of entrance (students turning 21 during their first semester of enrollment ore exempt). No activity may be token more than once for general education purposes, however, on intermediate or advanced doss may be token in the some skill. Students may select one unit of recreation and comping program skills to meet the general education requirement. Credit for varsity sports may be substituted for two regularly scheduled physical education classes. In addition to the four semesters of physical education oct1vit1es required for general education, the student may complete four more semesters for credit (o maximum of eight) for graduation Students studying for the multiple subject teach­ ing credential but not selecting physical education as aminor oreo of concentration, should select P.E 201 and three other physical education activity classes to fulfill the general education requirement.

Department Major: Teaching Emphasis: 42-43 units, 29-31 of whrch must be upper division, including skills octrvrly courses. Acondidole for the physrcol educotron mo1or must demonstrate acceptable physrcol qualifications and obilitres. Included in the 42-43 units require­ ment wirl be erght units of skrlls octivily for men and seven unrts for women. These units wrll be in odditron to the four semester general educotron requrrement. In odditron, the following courses must be compleled 205,301,302, 307, 308 or 309,400, 404, 408, 420, Recreotron and Comp Adminrstrotron 180. Men wrll toke and select any three from 310,311 , 312, 313,314,317 Women will toke four. 320, 321 and lwo from 323, 324, 325 or 326 Brology 271 ond 272 ore required as supporting courses for all physical education mo1ors Brologrcal science 300 rs requrred for those seeking a Colifornro teaching credentrol. Sports Physiology Emphasis: 45 units, 31 upper division. !hrs rs a course of study emphasrzrng the human sciences and preparing students for continued study rn physrcol therapy, athletic lrrnning, induslrrol physrcol fitness and srmilor programs. Requrred courses ore: Psychology 200. which moy be used to fulfrll the general education behoviorol science requrrement, physical educo­ tron 205, 301, 302, one 300 level onolysrs course, 400, 404, 408, 420, 480, biologrcol science 271 and 272, mothernolrcol scrence 10 I and nine uni ls of upper division electives to be selected as opproprrote. psychology 322, brologrcol science 120 Nutrrtion), 311 or 300 level course and stotrstics or computer science or PED 307. Requrred as supporl courses: chemrslry 105 and 106 and physrcol scrence 111, 112, 113 and 114 whrch may be used to fulfill general education science requrrement. Department Mrnor: Physical Educolron Minor: 205,301, or 302, 307, 400, 408 and any lwo courses 310-317 for men1or 320-326 (for women ). Coochrng Mrnor. Prrmarrly for those who wrsh to cooch in o formal school setting. Requrres 205, 301 or 302, 309 and lwo of 310-317 ' for men) or 320-326 ' for women ,. Additronol octrvrly closses ore suggested for minors as schedules permrl Both mrnors require atotal of 18 units, of whrch 12 unrts must be upper division courses 110 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES ;I Fundomenlol techniques of rndrvrduol skills, bosrc strolegy ond rules. Archery and badminton, bowling, condrtronrng, golf, bosket· boll, lennis, tumbling and gymnostrcs, volleyball. Moy be repeat­ ed. lob fees. SB, '.except for bowling, golf ond rocquetboll. lob lee. S20. 117 JUNIOR VARSITY AND FRESHMAN ATHLETICS 1 l For rntercollegrote athletic teams al iunror varsrly and freshman level Enrollment durrng regrstrotron perrod necessary lob fee: SB 118 VARSITY ATHLETICS '. I) Reserved for intercollegiate athletic teoms. Enrollment durrng the regrstrot1on period necessory lob fee, SB. 120 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES (Women! ' I) Fundamental techniques of indrvrduol skrrls, bos1c stmtegy ond rules. Freid hockey, soccer, sohball and frock, slrmnoslrcs, freld sports. Moy be repeated. lob lee: S8. 130 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES Men ' I fundamental techniques of indivrduol skrlls, basic slrolegy and rules. Flog football, soccer, sohball, track and field, wrestling, body building Moy be repeoted lob fee S8. 132 ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1) lndividuol program of octrvitres to meet the physical develop· ment needs of o student. 133 GAMES AND RHYTHMIC ACTIVITIES I Gomes of low to high orgonizotron for grades Kthrough 12 Bosrc rhythmrcol and dance princrples emphosrs on development of bosic motor skills. lob fee SB.

140 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES - AQUATICS 11 Fundamental ond advanced techniques of ind1viduol skrlls. life sovrng, swrmming, woter solely instructron. Prereqursrte for WSI: Volid ARC senior life Sov1ng Certifrcote or equivalent Moy be repeated lob fee: 58. 150 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES (I) Advanced skills, 1ndiv1duol and team strategy ond rules rn gymnostrcs, golf, tennis, soccer, basketball, volleyball. May be repeated. lab fee: 58. :Excepl for golf bowling, racquetball; lob fee S20., 201 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ACTIVITIES 1 1 1 Gomes, basrc rhythmic skills and physrcol actrvrtres designed for the elementary chi1d; preparotron for the upper drvrsran professional methods course rn the teaching of physical educotron. Education mo1ors only. 205 HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION (31 Ahrstorrcol revrew of physical education and sports, ob1ectrves of physrcol educotron; development of a bosrc philosophy and background for professronol educotron. Ottered olternote years. 301 KINESIOLOGY 3: Human movement wrth emphasis on lhe slructure ond function of the skeletal, muscular and nervous systems, wrth srmple mechanrcol prrncrples involved in movement skills. Prereqursrte Biology 271, 272 (see prerequ1srtes). Ottered alternate years. 302 PHYSIOLOGY OF EXERCISE 3) lmmediale ond long-range effects of muscular octrvrly on the human orgonrsms. Prerequ1sile Brology 271, 272 (see prerequr· srtes l Ottered alternate years 306 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION (2) Elementary school physical educolron procedures including postural ond rhythmic exeroses, fundamentals of games, tech­ niques covering the simplest prrmory skrlls through lhe more drtticult seosonol sports, such os baseball, basketball, football and volleyball; development of aprogram of physical educolron on the elementary school level. Ottered alternate years. 307 TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION 3) lecture, laboratory ond field experience in the development, evaluotron and opplrcotion of tests in health and physical educo­ lron; use and interpretotron of elementary stotistrcs. Ottered oliernote years. 308 SPORTS OFFICIATING (Men} (2) Rules, scorrng ond mechonrcs of oHrcrotrng othletrc events; selected octrvrties and practrce in actual oHrcratrng requrred Ottered allernote years 309 SPORTS OFFICIATING 'Women ] '. 2) Rules, scorrng and mechonrcs of otticroting othletrc events; selected octivrt1es and proclrce in actual otticioling requrred. Ottered allernote years 310 ANALYSIS OF SOCCER ,Men) '. 2 Emphosrs on the onolysrs of rndrvrduol skills and team ploy, varrous lechnrques of offensive and defensive toctrcs and strategy. Prereqursrte 110. Ottered alternate years. 311 ANALYSIS OF BASKETBALL {Men) '2) History, rules, elementary mastery of rndrvrduol and team play, and methods al teaching basketball. Prereqursrte: 110 or 150. Ottered alternate years 312 ANALYSIS OF TRACK AND FIELD /Men '2) Rules governing rndrvidual events and the conduct of meets, elemental mastery of form; mechanical prrncrples rnvalved; meth­ ods of coaching the varrous events P,ereqursrte 130 Ottered alternate years

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