

313 ANALYSIS Of BASEBALL Men' 2 History, rules, nomenclature, core of freld, elemental mastery of eoch positron, including base running, slrdrng and base co□ ch­ rng, offensive and defensrve play, strategy and methods of coaching softball. Offered alternate years. 314 ANALYSIS Of WRESTLING Men) '2 Essentrol techniques of wrestling, development of a team; condit1onrng and conduct of pr □ ctrce sessions; mech □ nicol prrn­ ples which govern periorm □ nce Prerequisrte 130. Offered alter­ nate years. 316 ANALYSIS Of TEACHING INDIVIDUAL AND TEAM SPORTS :2, Atheory and laboratory course designed to acquaint students wrth teachrng progression, practice techniques, selection and core of equipment for selected sports act1v1lles. Prerequrs1 te: Comple­ tion of all required I00 level courses. Offered alternote years. 317 ANALYSIS Of FOOTBALL '.Men 2 Analysis of te □ chrng rndivrdu □ I skills and team play; 11Jnous techniques of offensrve and defensive tactrcs and strategy. Offered alternate years 320 ANALYSIS Of INDIVIDUAL AND DUAL SPORTS I 'Women 1 '2 The orgonrzot1on ond conduct of tennrs, badminton and archery competrtion; progressron drills, and practice technrques; coaching, selection and core of equrpment Prerequisite: 110. Offered alternate years. 321 ANALYSIS Of INDIVIDUAL AND DUAL SPORTS 11 (Women 12 The orgonizotron and conduct of golf. gymnastics, balance and posture. Prereqursite· 110, 120, 140. Offered alternate years 323 ANALYSISOf VOLLEYBALL /Women) (2' A theory and laboratory cl □ s desrgned to acquaint students with progression, practice techniques, selection ond core of equip­ ment, and the teochrng and coaching of 11Jlleyb □ IL Prerequisites: 110, 150. Offered alternate years. 324 ANALYSIS Of RHYTHMICAL ACTIVITIES 'Women) ,2' l nslruct1on □ I maleriols and methods suitable for all ore □ s of rhythm1col octrvities. Prerequisites 110, 201 Offered alternate years. 325 ANALYSIS Of SOFTBALL Women' (2) Atheory and laboratory class desrgned to ocqumnt students with progression, practice techniques, selectron and core of equip­ ment and the teaching and coaching of softball. Prerequisites: 110, 150. Offered alternate years. 326 ANALYSIS Of BASKETBALL Women Atheory and loborotory course designed to acquarnt students wrth progressron, pr □ ctrce techniques, selection and core of equrp­ menl ond the teaching ond coaching of basketball. Prereqursiles: 110, 150. Offered alternate years. 330 PSYCHOLOGY Of COACHING 2' Analysis of factors rn coochrng in oreos of motr11Jtion, ottrtude formation and behovror, leadership ond techniques of co □ chrng. 400 ADMINISTRATION AND PRINCIPLES Of PHYSICAL EDUCATION 3 Implementing the □ ct 1 v1ty program through proper orgonizo­ t1on; use of lesls ond measurements; purchase ond core of equipment; public relations at all levels; oux11iory oct1v1ty programs offered by orgonrzot1ons outside the school, the place of the intramural and inter-school program; development of principles which serve as abasis of the profession lecture/demonstr □ t1ons team-fought w1lh cooperating deportments. Offered alternate years. 404 CARE AND PREVENTION Of ATHLETIC INJURIES 3) Theory and practice of plinc1ples and techniques pertmning to athletic cond1t10ning; core of athletic in1u11es. Offered alternate years.

405 ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION 3 Analysis of the pnnc1ples undeilying the physicol educot1on program for the hand1copped; survey of specific disabilities and the 1mplicotion of eoch for phys1col educot1on. Offe1ed alternate years. 408 MOTOR LEARNING 31 Overview of significant factors which rnfluence and dete1m1ne the leornrng of motor skills. Basic prinoples of learning theory, transfer, cues, coding, practice, reminiscence, perception, molllll­ lion, 1einforcement, extrnction ond s1mil □ 1 concepts applied to motor periormonce 420 PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL ASPECTS Of SPORT 1 3 The socio-psycholog1col nature of games, sport and physical activity; the psychology of ploy and compelltron; symbolism rn spo1ts 480 RESEARCH IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1-31 Independent study, readings and/or research 1n the fields. Sem□ r standing wrth consent and consultat1on. Maximum of srx unrts. Recreation and Comp Administration Courses 220 PROGRAM SKILLS I field taught, backpacking, canoerng, crass country skiing, skin d1vrng, outdoor survr11JI, r □ ckcl1mbrng. Theory and practice of skill; purchase and mmntenonce of equipment; biblical truths illustr □ led by the act1v1ty fee: S30.00, sprrng S35 00). 280 DIRECTED STUDY 1-3 Directed study, reading and/or research rn the field of RCA. Maximum of three unrls. 340 SKILLS ANALYSIS I) Analysis of teaching methodologies; application of f11st md and b1blicol lruths lo skill oreo; practical experience and skill develop­ ment. fee S30.00. (spring S35.00'i 341 METHODOLOGY Of INTERPERSONAL INSTRUCTION 1 3' This course 1s designed to further prepare qualified leaders in lllnous skills needed for effective leochrng and interpersonal communication. Appl1cot1on of psycholog1col principles to the educative process; role of the teacher ond learner; the teaching ond leorning process; teochrng methodologres: rnstructional mdes; ond classroom environment. Components of rnterpersonol commu­ nication; 1nitiot1ves for personal and group development, modes of communrcot1on; development and mmnten □ nce of lrust; problem solving rn inte1personol conflicts and methods of self-expression. 342 CURRENT LEGISLATION AND STANDARDS IN LEISURE SERVICE AGENCIES 2 Analysis of current leg1slot1on ond stondmds related to the delivery of leisure services; leg1slo11ve techniques; legal terms, health and safety proct1ces; CCI foundations of Excellence pro­ gram; ACA Standards; OSHA regulations and Health, Educotion and Welfare guidelines. 350 PRACTICUM SKILLS IN INSTRUCTION Practical opplico t1on of teaching methodology related to recreational or wilderness octrvrties. Prerequisite: 341 !may be token concurrently) . 401 ADMINISTRATION Of LEISURE SERVICE AGENCIES (3-5) Admrn1strot1on ond odm1nrstrat1ve patterns of leisure service agencies, superv1s1on and management techniques, basic busi­ ness procllces, personnel management, planning, orgonizrng, staffing, directing and controlling the agency. Philosophy of recreation, leisure ond comping, research and e11Jluot1on tech­ niques ond terms ond definrllons related to public, p1111Jle, commercial ond lllluntory recreolion agencies. 450 PREflELD WORK 2' Preparation for field v.urk placement. Resume preparation, iob interviews and general preparation for i □b placement ofter gradu­ ation. Prerequ1s1tes: 304 and 307

460 FIELD WORK 4 Administrative experience demonstr □ trng the student's ability in integrating principles ond skills from all areas of study. field experience under faculty and comp staff supervision and e11Jluo­ llon. Prerequ1s1te: 450. 480 RESEARCH IN RECREATION AND CAMP ADMINISTRATION '.l-31 Independent study, readings and/or research in the fields. Senior standing with consent and consultation. Maximum of six units.

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