
u:11111 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Department of Political Science

310 STUDENT GOVERNMENT PRACTICUM (1) The organization and function of student government of the university level; parliamentary procedure, comm1ttee llllrk and similarity to stole and national legislative government. May be repeated for amaximum of four units. (l imited to Biola Associated Students Council members. Students 1Wrkmg for A.S. for on hourly wage may not enroll.'. 320 THE AMERICAN PRESIDENCY (3) Hisloncol development of the office of the presidency; formal and informal powers of the president mexecutive, leg1slaflve, jud1ciol, military, diplomatic and political areas. 391 PUBLIC FINANCE (3\ Traditional pnnciples of public finance, government spending and fiscal impacts, development of the public sector, budgets, taxation, procurement, pollution ond energy incentives, state and local expenditure patterns, properly taxes and revenue shoring. Prerequisites: 301, Business 201, 202, 212. 400 POLITICAL PARTIES (3) Analysis of the history, philosophy, organization and funct ion­ ing of Amenca's political parties 405 PROBLEMS IN AMERICAN DIPLOMACY (3) Growth ond development of American foreign relations from the Revolution to the present. Analysis of the conduct of foreign relations, its objectives ond lin11tolions. 406 LEGISLATION :3) The mechanical rules, procedures ond customs mthe making of lows in Amencon government Offered alternate years. 407 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION (3 The history, objectives, structure, functions ond politics in­ volved mthe United Nations. Offered alternate years. 4 70 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION RESEARCH AND WRITING '.3 Research and wnting for public administration majors Special studies in public administration for mo1ors utilizing the techniques of problem-solving, research and effecllve communication and writing. Prerequ1s1te 301 480 STUDIES IN POLITICALSCIENCE (1-8) Specialized study in political soence msuch oreos as Amencan government, legislation, state and local government, foreign affmrs, international relot1ons, political theory, comporotive gov­ ernments, the Amencan presidency, the citizen ond the law, political par ties, law ond public administration. May be repeated with different secllon title for a maximum of eight units. . function of law in protecting the public's interest 1n preserving the environment. Environmental lows, adm1nistrotive action, free­ dam of informallon, air and waler quality, naise pallut1on, solid waste, pesticides, land use, zoning, energy and agency decision making. Prerequisite: Business 361 Junior or senior standing. 485 PUBLIC LAW (3' 486 PERSONNEL AND HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (3) Government personnel systems, merit concepts, classification, compensation, trmnmg, examinations, organizations, labar rela­ tions ond collective bargaining. Prerequisites: 200, 301, 485. 488 INTERNSHIP AND RESEARCH PROJECT (8) Provides an opportunity ta complete an internship ond a research pro1ect mapublic agency. Project consists al identifica­ tion and analysis, with guidance, of a chosen orea 1n public organization. 490 INTERNSHIP IN POLITICAL SCIENCE (1-8) In-service trmrnng and internship experience in vonous gov­ ernment and non-government agencies and orgonizotions. May be repeated with different section llfle for amaximum al eight units.

American Studies Program : Bmla University coaperoles wi th the Amencon Studies Program 1n 11\Jshrnglan, D.C. This program provides llllrk/study opportunities for students each semester in oil of the disciplines offered of Biolo but espeoolly poli tical science. Based on the prim1ple of rntegroling fai th, learning ond living, students ore 1nv11ed lo spend lime in the nation's capi tol serving os interns, porlic1poting in on academic seminar program and living in a unique community of Christian students from different geographical regions ond denominalmnal backgrounds. The American Studies Program 1s designed for 1uniors ond seniors with a wide range of academic majors and vocalianal interests. Students are involved rn the Amencan Studies Program for penods of three or lour months. The internship/ seminar opportunity 1s avoilable September through early May, with twa special concenlroled study periods during the summer. Prerequisite: Survey of American Government 200. Interested students should see the chairman of the deportment al political science and public adminislral10n, who also serves os director af the Biala/Woshinglan D.C. Amencan Studies Program lo make appl1colian to the program. Publ icSector Employment Preparation : Students rnler­ es led in public service at the munic1pol, county, slate or federal level ore advised lo major in Social Science with oconcentration in political science. The 15 unit concentrolian should include POL 200 and 301. In addition, 5 units al POL 490, Internship ,n Polil1col Science, should be token in the public sector. California Teaching Credential : lo qualify for o secondary leaching credential in Government, the program must be tailored lo meet the guidelines for teacher educalmn. See the political soence department for specifics. 200 SURVEY Of AMERICAN GOVERNMENT { 4) The history, orgonizol1on ond luncllon of the legislative, 1udic10I and executive branches of the Amencan government. Includes one hour pe1 week involving students in a local govern­ ment civic service or life expenence act1v1fy. Satisfies the stale requirement minstitutions in American history. Meets the require­ ment for United States Constitution for California teacher certifica­ tion. May be token to satisfy oportion of the eight unit history general education requirement. 301 FUNDAMENTALS Of PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 3) fundamentals of public adminislrolion; overview of the con­ cepts, nature ond scope of the field. Role of government in modern society and the nature of public business. 303 GREAT POLITICAL THINKERS (3) Selective readings in major poliflcal thinkers from classical to modern times; onolysis of recurring themes mcludmg justice, natural low, human nature, social class, order, consent, community, properly, consfllulionolism, social change, revolution, and war. Offered alternate years 304 ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY AND BEHAVIOR (3) Key concepts central lo organizing and chongmg public agen­ cies lo meet public socml needs. Review of theones and monoge­ riol approaches and methodologies 1n public odminislrolors. 305 COMPARATIVE GOVERNMENT (3) The government systems of England, Fronce, West Germany and Russia compared to the American system of government. Offered alternate years. 306 PUBLIC POLICY '.3) An onolys1s of public policy process and the political context of its formot1on. Systemal1c review of the diverse fmoncial systems in making ond 1mplementmg public policy 307 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (3\ Asurvey of national-state system; forces affecting inlerno­ lional relollons; sources of conflict m1Wrld politics, ond their solullon by power politics ond mternotionol cooperot1on.

C. David Peters, Ph.D., Choir Faculty Professor: Peters

Objectives: The deportment of political science seeks to equip students to understand the funda­ mental socio-polit ical institutionsof society, and their effect on contemporary life; to part icipate in and contribute to the political process; to assess the propriety of political issues and government policies; and to recognize and help meet the needs of the local , stole, notional and international community; all in o manner consistent wi th biblical Christianity. The deportment of political science otters 15 unitsos one of the areasof concentration for social science majors. See p. 51 for information on the social science major.

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