
At Biola, we realize that cc liege is much more than books, classes and exams . That's\\ hy you C«n ta.lor your schedule and c.our-;ework to allow time to get involved in drama productions, stu­ dent government, \ ocal a11d instrumental perfor­ mance, a nationallv­ ranked forensics program, student radio, the campus newspaper, overseas studies and a work-study program in the nation's capita!. In additiori, men's intercollegiate sports com­ petition includes nationally-ranked basket­ ball, baseball, cross­ country, soccer, track and f·eld. Wome'1. can com­ pete m nationally-ranked basketball, tennis, vollevball, track and field. Or \ ~u tan join in ex­ citing men's and Activities highlighting past years include 50s parties, a1rb,md concerts featuring groups pitted in lip-s\ nc competition, girl­ ask-guy week, formal banquets, \\ estern barbe­ ques, "Get-Your­ Roo~mate A Date" night, and concerts featuring top mus1oans \\ omen's intramural sports competition' like Leo'l Patillo, Michelle Pillar and Bryan Duncan There's also plenty of informal activities such as beach cookouts, talent night, pizza parties, ice ~ream socials, movie night, dorm floor com­ petitions and much more! And with \,orld famous entertainment attractions and Southern California beaches and mountains c ose by the oppor­ tunities for fun and activi­ ty are unlimited!

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