
APPLICATION - Please return Form to: Director of Admissions


Biola University 13800 Biola Avenue

School D

Employer D

(Check Appropriate Square)

La Mirada, California 90639

TO THE APPLICANT: Print your name and address on the two lines below and give to your high school counselor, principal or some other school administrator who is qualified to give a reference for you. Transfers should submit form to ateacher or administrator in the college who knows the applicant. Those who hove been out of school for at least one year and have been working should submit this form to their employer. Applicant should provide a stamped envelope addressed to the director of admissions for the person filing the reference. I willingly waive my right of access ta see this recommendation knowing that this waiver is NOT required as a condition for admission. Signature Name of Applicant ------------------------------------ LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME Applicant's Address------------------------------------ STREET CITY STATE ZIP

1. GENERAL EVALUATION In some coses write in brief comments, in others, circle the best response.

l . How long have you known the applicant?----------------------------­ In what relationship?---------------------------------- 2. How well do you know the applicant? Very well well casually 3. What is your opinion regarding the aptitude of the applicant for further academic work? Negative hesitant moderate strong highly enthusiastic no knowledge 4. Your opinion of the applicant's level of social readiness for college: Negative hesitant moderate strong highly enthusiastic no knowledge 5. Do you feel the applicant has leadership ability? Describe briefly. _______________________ 6. What goals does the applicant have? ------------------------------ 7. Applicant's relationships with peer group: Applicant is: sought out admired but not sought out tolerated avoided rejected 8. Does the applicant have a good self image? Describe. __________________________

9. How successful has the applicant been in school or work? _________________________

10. Describe briefly the applicant's health and physical vitality: _________________________

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