

Master of Arts Program in Ministry PHILOSOPHY OF THE MINISTRY PROGRAM The Master of Arts in Ministry is designed for individuals who have been in ministry for a signifi­ cant number of years and have not had the opportu­ nity to earn a baccalaureate degree. Quality gradu­ ate level training is provided in several essential aspects of professional ministry in order to enhance significantly the effectiveness of participating minis­ ters. In establishing th is program, the seminary is endeavoring to address speci fic needs of the Church as it functions in the major ethnic communities within the Southern California area. The two primary foci of the program are biblical and practical studies. The biblical emphasis provides an increased breadth in knowledge of the content of the Word of God, including its background and sound principles of literary interpretation. Practical studies concentrate on the enhancement of ministry and communication skills. The goal of both emphases is improved expertise in a ministry of the Word as it relates to the daily livesof people and their eternal destiny Several courses each semes ter are offered in an extension center located at 7225 South Main Street, Los Angeles This provides opportunity for those in ministry in the inner city to attend. Necessary library resources are being mode available ot the extension center. Aminimum of 24 units must be taken on the main campus to provide the advantages inherent in a broad community of learning. To make the program accessible to the many ministers and other Christian leaders whose daily schedule is already full, the program has been structured at apace of about eight units per s'emes­ ter. Each course meets one evening a week and different classes are available two to three evenings aweek, one or more at the La Mirada campus and others at an extension location. The rate of progress through the program may be increased by the fol­ lowing alternatives: studies during summer school or interterm and additional classes at the La Mirada campus in the morning or evening during the semester.

COURSES IN SPANISH Courses which apply ta lhe M.A. in Minislry degree ore olso laugh! in Spanish. These courses ore offered on the moin campus ond ore generally scheduled weeknighl evenings. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A. PERSONAl OUAllFICATIONS 1 Complelion of five years mmm1stry ond presen lly on o church staff mon officrol capacity. 2. Por11c1potion 1n the Mosler of Arts program in M1nrstry presumes a signrficont level of minislry experrenced and personal maturity For this reason, oppliconts musl be al least 30 years of age, and the degree 1s rarely granted to persons less lhon 35 years of oge. 3. Applicants usually will not hove lhe B.A. or equ1111len1 degree. Talbot offers other programs for appliconls who hove lhe boccoloure □ te degree. Three references ore required: church or denom1notianol endorsement; personal friend; ond minislry colleague (or employer if currently employed outside the church) B. ACADEMIC QUAllFICATIONS 1 Equi111lency of l½ll years of collegio le level sludies. 2. Proficiency in English longuoge. C. ADMISSION PROCEDURES 1 The opplicont's polenliol to compete successfully in o groduote program will be determined by the Mosler of Aris Guidance Committee, which will ml weach opplicont ond e111luote all credenl r □ ls. 2. Each approved appliconl will be enrolled tenlatively rn lhe Moster of Aris in M1nislry program until 32 unrts have been compleled, of which 24 must be in core courses as described below. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS FOR THE MASTERS OF ARTS IN MINISTRY A. Solisfoclorily complete 64 semesler unrls 01 outlined in the currrculum. B. Ouolify for condidocy 1101u1 at the conclusion of 32 unils. At lhe completion of 32 unils, an e111luolion will be made regarding adrmssion to candidacy s t □lus in lhe Master of Arts in Ministry progrom. Students with ograde poinl average of ot least 2.SO will receive candidacy stolus. Students wilh agrade poinl average between 2.00 and 2.50 will be allowed to complete an additional 8 units :far a lotal of 40\ to be credited toward a certificote in mrnislry C. Complete al leosl 24 units at lhe la M1rod □ campus and no more than 40 units at extensron locations D. Obtain a 2.50 grade poinl average with no grade below "C - " in all courses lo be credited loword groduot1on. Complete lhe enlire program mno more than six years. Prior 10 candidacy slatus, studenls wrth agrade point average below 2.0 ore placed on probation and remain an probation as long as the single semester or cumulalive grade paint average remorns below 2.0. After condidacy sl□ tu s rs granled, the minimum grode paint average is □ diusled upward lo 2.50, wilh probalion colculoted accordingly. Students on probo11on ore granled one semesler ,n which lo bring 1he1r academic VIDrk up to lhe required level for continuance rn the seminary Astudent connol groduole while on probation MASTER OF ARTS IN MINISTRY CURRICULUM The Moster of Arts 1n Minrslry curriculum includes courses in lhree colegorres. I core currrculum, 32 units; 2) minislry empha­ sis, 14-28 unils, and 3) electives, 4-18 unrls. The lot□ I require· menl is 64 units. The courses specifrcolly 1den11fied by deportment ond number rn the chart below ore required rn lhe core currrculum. In addition, eoch sludenl musl selecl omrnislry emphasis ond complele lhe



l st Semester


603 Elements of Hebrew . SOS Hermeneutics, Genesis

. . 4


505 Early, Medie111I Church History

.... 3

HTM 555 Introduction to World Missions

... 2


510 E111ngelism .


. . l 16

591 Introduction to Field Education .

2nd Semester


604 Ad111nced Hebrew . 518 Old Testament Survey .

. ... 4

502 Theology I

4 3 0

506 Reformotron, Modern Church History .

592 Field Education



l st Semester


501 Begrnnrng Greek or Elective . .

. . 2 . . 4

603 Theology II .


705 Postorol Counseling 609 Sermon Preporotion .

. .. 3

601 Educational Ministry 1n the Church


691 Field Education

... 0 16

2nd Semester

... 2


502 Beginning Greek or Elective .

506 Matthew, Romans .

. 4

604 Theology Ill

4 3 4 0

610 Sermon Preporotion . 602 Postorol Ministry .

692 Field Education



l st Semester


SOS Grommor, Introductory Exegesis .


701 History of Doctrine . 703 Church ond Socrety

. 2

2 3

615 Education Admmistrotron 791 field Education Internship

. 2

Thesis first Drott or Elective·

.. 2-4 15-17

2nd Semester


506 Exegesis Selected Epistles


716 Old Testomenl Texl, Canon, Introduction . 716 New Tesloment Texl, Conan, Introduction . .

. 2

2 2 2

PHR 602 Apologetics


792 Field Educol1on lnlernship


. 3

Thesis final Drott or Elective .


17 ·s1udenls who do nol wrile o lhesis ore required lo toke CE 621 ond CE 622 toward their Chrislion Education electives MODERN CHURCH HISTORY: Those lronsferrrng CH 506 from another semmory musl toke CH 710 to ohlorn denomina­ tional dislinctives unless lhis requirement hos olreody been met. THESIS COURSE SEQUENCE: Thesis First Drott will be token ot the completion of 64 units and Thesis Final Drott al the completion of 80 units. Neither is applicable toward groduot1on unless bolh hove been completed. Some preliminary steps must be completed by lhe end of lhe semester prror to taking Thesis First Drott. See the Talbot groduote student handbook for details. BIBLE EXPOSITION ALTERNATIVE: For one of the lhree required Bible Exposition courses (excluding BE SOS) lhe sludent moy substitute four units of Greek or Hebrew exegesis elecl1ves.

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