
TALBOT SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY requirements of that emphosis during the progrom. Three empho­ ses ore currently offered: pos lorol, missions ond Christion educo­ lion. The courses required in eoch ore listed below.

Master ofArts Programs in Biblical and Theological Studies PHILOSOPHY OF BIBLICAL AND THEOLOGICAL STUDIES PROGRAMS The Master of Arts degree in Bibl ical Stud ies and the Master of Arts deg ree inTheological Studies are intensive and highly specialized programs designed for those whose calling to Christian service is not in the area of professional ministry. It is ant icipated that candidates for these prog rams will have pur­ poses that coincide with the fo ll owing l. The training of college graduates who desire a more thorough grasp of the Bible in order to engage in Christian ministries at levels other than those that are usually performed by the ordained clergy. This would include medical doc­ tors on the mission field, missionary pilots, church administrators, counselors, lay leaders in the local churchandothers. 2 The furnishing of a biblical background for those who are preparing for teaching in non-theologi­ cal fields. 3. The furnishing of an academic background for those whofind the Master of Ar ts degree ample for a teaching posi tion either at home or in a foreign country. 4. Providing o shorter program of study fo r mis­ sionaries who have only their furlough time in which to further their formal training in the Scriptures. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Appliconts, lo be accepted, must possess o boccoloureote degree. Each should be o groduote from o recognized ond/or reg1onolly accredited college with aminimum grode point overoge of 30 1 on a4.0 scole). The Moster of Aris with emphasis in Bible exposition is designed primorily for those who desire to toke groduote biblicol studies later in life. Therefore, those who opply for the progrom with this particulor emphasis should be oge 35 or older All oppliconts must submit owritten statement outlining their vacotion □ I objectives ond how the degree might relate lo those objectives.

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A. Sotisfoctorily complete 62-66 semester units us outtined in the appropriate curriculum. B. Submit on occeptable thesis, chosen in consultation with the major advisor, or ot the apllon of the majorodvisor ond in lieu of the thesis, complete four additional units of electives. Students who write a thesis will have a total requirement of 62 units ond those who toke four odditionol units in lieu of o thesis will hove a total requirement of 66 units. Three unbound copies of the thesis ore to be submitted to the librorion. C. At least 24 units must be token ol this seminary. D Obtorn a 3.0 overoge with no grode below a "C - " 1n all courses to be credited loword groduotion. E. Complete the enlire progrom in no more than five yeors. Students ore placed on ocodemic probation if their grode point overage for ony semester fulls below 3.0 ond will remain on probation os long us the single semesteror cumulolive grode point overoge remains below 3.0. The probo tion students ore gronted one semester in which lo brrng their ocodemic vvork up to the required level (3.0) for continuance in the seminary. Astudent connot groduote while on probation MAJOR REQUIREMENTS The Program Structure The ocodemic progroms leading lo the degrees Master of Arts in Biblicol Studies ond Master of Arts in Theolagicol Studies ore comprised of 62-66 urnls struelured in common lo include l) biblicol ond theologicol foundations in the first yeor, 2) ocodernic specrolizotion in one of four theologicol disciplines in the second year ond 3) odditionol elective courses determined by the advisor in consultation with the student. The Program Reduction Bosed on Prior Acodemic Study Applicants who hove taken undergroduote courses in b1blicol or theologicol studies moy request a program reduction bused on their collegrote vvork. An evaluation will be mode by the di rector of records following established guidelines in order lo determine competency within the following perimeters: l) undergroduote b1blicol studies which ore porollel in content with required courses ond 2) undergroduole biblicol studies which moy justify o reduc­ tion 1n elective units. On this bos1s the 62-66 unit progrom moy be reduced by us much as 30 units, so that certorn qualified oppliconls moy eorn the Mosler of Arts witho minimum 32-36 unit program.

The following chort presents the curriculum sequence for students who will be "full-lime" in the progrom. Students who will be enrolled on a "half-lime" basis should plan la complete eight units each semester, normally laking courses indicoled as "first yeor" before those in the "second year" group.


lst Semester

. 4 . 2


603 New Testament Survey

HTM 555 Introduction lo World Missions

2 8


5 IO Evangelism .

Emphasis or electives


2nd Semes ter


518 Old Testament Survey

4 4 8

502 Theology I .

Emphasis or electives .


SECONDYEAR l st Semester TH

603 Theology II .

. • 4 . . 3

601 Educot1onol Ministry m the Church . . . .


703 Ch llf~ nd Society

. 2

Emphasis or electives . .

. . 7 16

2nd Semester

TH . 4 CH 506 Reformation, Modern Church History . . . . . . . . 3 Emphosis or electives . .. 9 16 604 Theology Ill

MINISTRY EMPHASES PASTORAL BE 505 Hermeneutics, Genesis . .

. 4 . 4 . 4


506 Matthew, Romans 724 Darnel, Revelation . 705 Postorol Counseling . 609 Sermon Preporotion 6 IO Sermon Preporolion 602 Poslorol Ministry . .


MASTER OF ARTS IN BIBLICAL STUDIES CURRICULUM FIRSTYEAR l st Semester BE 603 New Teslomenl Survey TH 605 Bibliology, Theology Proper, Anthropology

. 3


. 4 .2


673 Biblicol foundation of fomily




4 4


. 2 B1blicol or Theologicol electives· . . ....... 4 14

NT 501 Beginning Greek .

615 Educolion Adminislrolion



517 Hermeneutics, Bible Study Methods 500 Introduction to Mirustry .. 603 Counseling Minrslry in the Church Biblicol or Theologicol electives .

. 4


. 4

.. 4

2nd Semester

Christion Educolion electives


518 Old Testament Survey

... 4


Electives . . . ..

606 Soteriology, Ecclesiology, Eschatology

. 4 . 2

. 6 32

NT 502 Beginning Greek .

Biblicol or Theologicol electives·


16 ·students enrolled in the Old Testament Emphasis moy toke OT 603 ond OT 604 in the first yeor in order to allow greater flex1- bilily with elecllves in the second yeor


505 Hermeneutics, Genesis

.. 4

STM 560 Urban Reseorch ond Ministries . HTM 546 History of the Expansion of Chrislionily .3 HTM 640 Culturol Anthropology for Miss1onories .. . .... 3 STM 661 Introduction lo Church Growth 3 HTM 751 Theology of Mission 3 Biblicol or Theologicol electives . .4 ICS, HTM, STM electives 5 Electives 4 32 . 3


517 Hermeneutics, Bible Study Methods Elective in Old Testament Prophets

.... 4


Biblicol or Theologicol electives .

. .. 6

Elee11ves .



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