
TALBOT SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY THE REDUCED PROGRAM Vocations or positions for which the program prepores the student ore·

Master of Arts Program in Marriage andFamily Ministries PHILOSOPHY The Masters of Arts in Marriage and Family Ministries is designed to equip those in the local church for a specific ministry to families. This pro­ gram is designed to give on equivalent background and preparation in both the areas of Bible/theology as well os counseling/teaching It is the design of this master's program ta equip students in the area of preparation ministries (premarital preparation and family life education through teaching and seminars) and in short-term counseling techniques including individual, marital and family counseling. Adefinite emphasis is placed upon recognition of disorders which would require greater specialization and train­ ing so ministerial staff con be better equipped to make referrals. The purpose is to provide the local church with specialists in the field of Marriage and Family Ministries who hove built both their counsel­ ing ond teaching skills upon a solid biblical/ theological base. This program is under the supervi­ sion of the department of Christion education, since family ministries is one part of the total Christion educational ministry. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Application must be completed by November I for spring odmission and April I for foll admission. Appliconts must hold the Bachelor of Arts degree or its academic equivalent They must hove ominimum odirnssion grade point overage of 3.0 to be gronted admission without provisions. Groduotes from opproved unomedited colleges, if occepted, will be granted provisionol occeptonce, though exceptions may be mode when the grade point overage is 3.0 or higher. Graduates from approved unomedited colleges may be required to toke certain additional libero! orts course work (not applicable toward the groduote degree), if their undergraduate progr~m did not include these courses. All oppliconts must submit owritten statement outlining the11 vocot1onol □ biectives ond how the degree might relate to those obiectives. Appliconts must submit completed profiles of the Toylor­ Johnson Temperament Analysis :HT.A.) ond the Minnesota Multi­ phosic Personality Inventory (M.M.PJ 1 token within the lost 12 months. Alimited number of students ore admitted into the program eoch year. Preference will be given to students with experience in ministry. Appliconts must hove 12 semester units of psychology which include educotional psychology, obnormol psychology, and group process plus eight units of Bible ond/or doctrine courses prior to completion of 36 units toword the degree.

Minister of Christion Education Oirector of Children's Ministries Minister of Youth Minister of Adults Oirector of Single Adult Ministries Church Business Administrator Counseling and Family Ministries Christion Comp Administration

Graduation requirements may be satisfied in 48 semester units (or 46 units if o theSIS is written) if the student hos on undergraduate degree in Christion Education with o 3.0 grade point overage in courses token in the m□ i □ r and o 2.6 overall grade point overage. The undergraduate studies must include o minimum of 30 hours in Christion education and 30 hours in Bible/theology. Following is olist of concentrations for those quolifying for the reduced program: Bible/Theology (including OT 506, NT 606, TH 717, TH 718) . 12 units Christion education including CE 557,601,603,605,615,622, 633-634, 693-694; PT 602) . 30 units Thesis/Thesis proiect or electives . 4-6 units TOTAL 46-48 units THE PROGRAM REDUCTION BASED ON PRIOR ACADEMIC STUDY Students coming from o Bible college with 30 units of Bible/Theology, or with o mo1or in Christion educotron, but not quolifying for the Reduced Progrom, will base their program on the 68 units curriculum. Evoluotions for reduction ore considered for undergroduote courses with sotisfoctory porollel content, provided thot the collegiate courses ore opproximotely double the unit volue of the corresponding seminary courses. To qualify for such reduc­ tions the student must hove earned ot least o"B" grode in the specific course(s) ond be able to demonstrate competency in the subiect matter. TEACHING CREDENTIAL SPECIALIZATION Students con combine work on their Moster of Arts in Christion Education while obtaining o California state credential. To make this program feosrble, some units in Christron Education core ore substituted for credential requirements. Students interested rn this option should see on advisor in the Christion education deport­ ment and in the education deportment. CURRICULUM OUTLINE FOR MASTER OF ARTS IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION The following schedule presumes odequote pre-seminary training: I. Core Curriculum - 60 Units A. FOUNOATIONS OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION - 35 units Biblical; BE 517, BE 518, BE 603, OT 506 ond NT 606 16 units Theological: TH 502, TH 603 ond TH 604 12 units Psychological: CE 521 3 units Historical and Philosophical: CE 621, 622 4 units B. PRACTICAL SKILLS IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION - 25 units CE SI I, 550, 560, 601, 603, 61 S, 633-634, 691-692; PT 602. II. Vocational Specializotion - 2 to 4 Units With counsel from the deportment, the student designs the bolonce of the program in light of personol strengths, previous experience ond vocotionol goals. The moior oreos of speciolizotion ore presented below along with the maior vocotionol positions to which they relate. In addition to the prescribed courses from the specialization, the electives ore then chosen to complement strengths or to overcome weaknesses rn light of the porticulor vocational goal. Therefore, the structure of ostudent's program is genuinely toilor­ mode and may be noticeably different from another's program having the some specialization or vocotronol goal.

Porochurch Ministries - progrom designs matching various positions within Christion agencies such os Christion schools, publishing houses, youth ogenoes, group homes and others. Specializations of the department are: Administration Counseling and Family Ministries Educational Psychology and Age-level Speciolizotrons Principles of Education ond Methodology Single Adult Ministries Teoching Credentiol Ill. Electives - 4 Units Additional courses, including thesis (four units) or electives in lieu of thesis to totol 66-68 units respectively. MASTER OF ARTS IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CURRICULUM JUNIOR YEAR l st Semester BE S 17 Hermeneutics, Bible Study Methods . . 4 CE 511 Foundations of leodershrp . 2 CE 521 Psychological Foundations of Ministry .. 3 CE 601 Educational Ministry in the Church . . . 3 CE 603 Counseling Ministry in the Church ..... 4 CE 633 Principles of Research ................ I 17

2nd Semester

S 18 Old Testament Survey . .



. 4

502 Theology I .

4 3

602 Postorol Ministry

550 life Spon Oevelopment in Ministry 560 Personal & Interpersonal Oevelopment .


634 Principles of Reseorch

-- . I 18

SECOND YEAR l st Semester BE

603 New Testament Survey .


603 Theology II


615 Educotron Administrotion

.. 3 .. 2

621 Philosophical Foundations of Ministry

691 Educotionol Internship .


Thesis First Oroft or Electives • . . . .



2nd Semester


S06 Old Testament Introduction

....... 2

604 Theology Ill

... 4

606 New Testament Introduction

.. 2

622 Philosoph1col Issues in Ministry ........... 2

692 Educotionol lnternsh1p .



.. 2

Vocot1onol Specrolizotron or Thesis Fino! Drott

2-4 15-17

"Thesis olternotives ore: I four units in thesis courses os indicated in the cumculum chart; or 2) six units of electives in lieu of the thesis. ThesisFirst Draft will be token ot the comple­ tion of 31 units and The~s Fino! Droft ot the completion of 49 units. Neither of the two is opplicoble toward groduotion unless both hove been completed.

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