

Doctor of Ministry Program

7. Apersonal interview with the Graduate Committee moy be required. Fulfillment of the above basic requirements does not necessorrly guarantee admission into the program becouse individual coses and circumstances, such as available openings in the program, may dictate other factors to be considered. In general, ohigh stondord of overall periormonce, especially rn practice of ministry, will be the governing criterion. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A. Resident Study: Six courses of study (six units each) comprise the basic residency requirement. At least four of the courses must be token in the field of concentration. Each course wrll require srgrnfrcont preliminary reading in preparation and o follow-up project ot the conclusion of the clossroom experrence. O.Mrn. course desmptrons ore listed below Aminimum grade of "B - " must be maintained in each course acceptable toward completion of the program. Aminimum of o "B" overage rs required for graduation. B. A Dissertation Action Project: Action reseorch, os distin­ guished from library reseorch, will be conducted by the condidote in the ma101 field of concentration. Ordinorily, the minimum length will be I 00 pages and the maximum length 150 pages. However, the quolrty of the project wrll be considered of more importance than the length. The subject must be approved by the condidote's advisor. The dissertation action project must be submitted to the student's advisor according to dotes prescribed by the Graduate Committee. The orrginol and four copies of the dissertation, completed in prescribed seminary form, must be in the dean's office six weeks before graduation. A schedule of classes is available upon request. For more information, please contact: Or. Gory McIntosh, Director of the O.Min. Program, lolbot School of Theology, lo Mirada, California 90639. DOCTOR OF MINISTRY COURSES: COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Courses rn this section ore conducted ot the postgraduate level, wrth enrollment restricted to those who hove been granted admission to the D.Min. program ot Tolbot. MIN 801 PASTOR'S SYMPOSIUM" An in-depth study of the varied tasks of the contemporary pastor, wrth portrculor consrderotion of hrs roles os expositor, discipler, evangelist, counselor and leader of worship. Pastors who hove distinguished themselves os thoughtful practitioners of the ort serve os resource leaders. MIN 803 PRE-MARITAL AND MARITAL COUNSELING+ Acourse designed to equip the pastor in the principles of pre­ moritol counseling. Emphasis given to the practical aspects of structuring ond conducting o complete pre-montol preporotron program within the loco! church. Specific techniques foi moritol counseling to be presented, discussed and demonstrated through­ out the duration of thrs course. Prerequisite: training in the use of the loylor-Johnson Temperament Anolysrs. (Concurrent wrth thrs course, trmning in the use of the loylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis rs ottered ot additional chorge.)

E. Concurrent Enrollment Option: Senior Tolbot M.Oiv. students who hove completed 80 or more units and ore accepted in the Th.M. program ore permitted to toke omaximum of four units per semester of Th.M. courses (with faculty permission), for opplicotion to Th.M. program requirements. Such course work must meet oil normal Th.M. stondords and connot be credited toword M.Oiv. program requirements. This option allows students who accelerate their M.Oiv. studies by toking courses in interterm and summer session to obtain both the M.Div ond Th.M. degrees in four yeors or less. F. Admission to Candidacy: Student completing 16 hours of course work may be granted status as o degree condidate by written opplicotion to the program director. Applicotions for condidocy must be supported by (l) evidence of sotisfoctory completion of oil prerequisite and normal course work ta that point; (2) o recommendation for admission to condidocy by the department chmrman in the student's major field; (3) approval by the major deportinentol chairman of on acceptable thesis toprc. G. Comprehensive Examinations: All condidotes for the Th.M. degree must poss o written comprehensive exominotion over the mojor field of study. At the discretion of the Graduate Committee, on recommendation of the faculty, condidotes moy also be required to toke minor comprehensive examinations in Old Testament, New Testa­ ment and Systematic Theology. These examinations serve os a major means of evaluating the student's ocodemic competen­ cy ond ability to complete the degree requirements. Compre­ hensive examinations may be taken any time ofter completion of 18 units of Th.M. course work. Only two retakes of such on examination ore permitted. H. Thesis: An acceptable thesis evidencing o hrgh degree of scholorly competence in the student's major field must be submitted by oil Th.M. condidotes. Information regording thesis form and submrssron deadlines rs provided in the "Thesis Information" section of the Tolbot graduate student handbook for details. The orrginal ond four copies ore to be presented to the library for binding. The thesrs fee is to be pmd the semester the thesis is presented for exomrnotion. Students ore encouraged and trained to make presentotions ot the meetings of profes­ sional orgonizotions and ta publish their reseorch in appropri­ ate professional journals or as monographs. Advance permis­ sion to publish moteriol submrtted in othesis to Tolbot School of Theology should be requested in writing from the university theologicol faculty Only one yeor following the completion of course work is normally allowed for completion of othesis. Astudent who hos completed his course work must register os o thesrs-non­ resident student for every semester the thesis remmns out­ standing. Astudent may go beyond thrs one yeor period only by advance permission of the Graduate Committee. Such permission is usuolly granted only in extreme circumstances. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Degrees ore â–¡worded to quolified condidotes ot the urnversr­ ty's winter ond spring commencements. Students ore required to be present for graduation unless advanced permission to graduate in absentia hos been secured. To quolify for groduotion, condi­ dotes must present occeptoble theses, hove sotisfoctorily possed their comprehensive exomrnotions ond hove completed oil re­ quired course work with ominimum grade point overoge (GPA; of 3.25. No grade less than oC (2.0) will be credited toword the Th.M. degree units. Students who repeat courses for the purpose of raising their GPA must odhere to the University's general policy for grades, os spelled out on page 14 of the groduote programs cotalog. Condidotes for the Th.M. degree should also manifest promise of usefulness in Christion ministry, exhibit exemplary ond consistent Christian character ond evidence sound theologrcol beliefs in accordance with the university's doctrrnol stotement.

Program Director: Gary McIntosh, D.Min.

The D.Min. degree offered by Talbot School of Theology is the highest professional degree for or­ dained persons in the church or related ministries. It is distinct from the Th.D. or Ph.D. in that its primary emphasis is on the practice of ministry rather than on research and teaching. PURPOSE "The purpose of the professional doctorate is to equip one for a high level of excellence in the practice of ministry" (Association of Theological Schools, Standards for Accrediting). This program builds on the basic theological degree, the M.Div., or its equivalent, and provides an opportunity for the person in ministry to strengthen abilities and correct deficiencies. In order to accomplish these ends, the student will be expected to integrate theological education in the context of ministry by demonstrat­ ing high levels of competence in one of two available fields of concentration; church leadership or marriage and family ministries. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Admission to the Doctor of Ministry program will be gronted on o very selective and individual basis with the following bosrc requirements opplyrng to oll opplicotions: l An M.Oiv. degree or rts equivalent from on omedited seminory wrth o grade-point overage of 3.0 (on o 4.0 scole). 2. Appliconts must hove oknowledge of the orrginol longuoges of Smpture. This may be attested by evidence of prior satisfactory completion of courses in the languages or through eionunotion. 3. Proficiency in ot least one minrsterrol skill os verified by professional ministerrol experrence. Amrrnmum of two yeors of full-trme "in ministry" experrence ofter the student hos received the M.Oiv. degree or its equivalent rs needed to demonstrate this proficiency. 4. Completion of such diagnostic and/or theologicol tests that the Graduate Committee determines necessary. 5. Written recommendotrons from the following: o clergy col­ league, odenomrnotionol oHicrol or other recognized Chrrstion leader, o lay person in the congregation, agency or board served by the opplicont, o former professor in the field of procticol theology and rf morrred o letter of support from the opplicont's spouse. 6. Apersonal statement of opproxrmotely IO typewritten pages '.double-spaced) de toiling minrsterrol experience, strengths, weaknesses, ond the condrdote's personal objectives for the Doctor of Minrstry program.


A proctrcol study of the hrstoric biblrcol foundations, the theology and the "how to" of local church evangelism. Focus on o spectrum of basic approaches to evangelism in order to hove o balanced and comprehensive program of outreach. Specrol atten­ tion given to contemporary evangelistic strategies ooo effective principles of individual and corporate witness.

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